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Ashely and I enter the living room, smiling. We saw that Tiffany and Travis were still making out in front of everyone, without shame!

"Don't look!" Molly said to Ashely, who was glaring daggers at Tiffany.

"This will help you calm down." I hand her a can of beer that Jeffrey brought. She smile and took a drink, turning her gaze away from the shameless couple.

"Can I have a word with you?" Chris's voice sound behind us. He was obviously talking to Molly.

"No!" Molly roll her eyes and cross her arms, clearly uninterested in what Chris had to say.

"Please." Chris insisted.

"It'll be quick, I promise." He took Molly's arm and led her away from the group.

They returned after a few minutes, and Molly was laughing about something really funny.

Chris was frowning and scowling at her, but she didn't stop until they got back to us. I wondered what was so funny. When I asked her, she said she'd tell me about it later.

"Why is it so boring here? I thought we were supposed to be having fun," Chris said, and then he turned to Siri and adds "Siri, play 'Popular' by The Weeknd, Madonna ft. Playboi Carti.

Siri turned on the music,and the house erupted with the loud sound of "Popular" Chris turn to Ashely and say. "May I have this dance?"

"No!" Ashely scowl at him.

Chris look like he was about to cry, but he took it like a man and left, looking sad.

Molly elbowed me and laughed as if she had just witnessed the funniest thing ever. I couldn't help but laugh along with her, but I stop when I saw Chris turn to look at us.

Now i understand why she starts laughing in the first place. Chris had always make it obvious he likes Ashely. 

Only that I thought he gave up a long time ago. But I was wrong, poor thing, Ashely only had one eyes on a guy and it had to be that iconic player.

How I wish she give Chris a chance.

All of a sudden, I heard a knock at the door. I went to answer and saw Kyle standing there. I had almost forgotten I had invited him over.

"Kyle I'm glad you could make it." I smile.

"Me too." He says.

"I'm always up for a party." He looked around the room, his eyes landing on Tiffany and Travis.

"Seems like the party's already in full swing, huh?"

"You could say that." I say feeling a little embarrassed by the awkward situation.

"Aren't you going to invite me in?" Kyle place the bouquet of flowers he brought in my hand, and I smile and inhale their sweet scent.

How did he know I love roses? He wasn't only handsome, he was thoughtful too.

"Nice place." Travis says as we walk into the living room and sit.

"Thanks." I reply, smiling, and soon pull him over to Molly and Ashley.

"Kyle, meet Ashley and Molly. Girls, meet Kyle - my... friend." I said, leaving a pause before the word.

"We've heard a lot about you!" Molly grins and my brows raise.

"Ignore them" I say to Kyle as my friends leave us alone.

Kyle put his arm around my shoulder. I could feel the heat from his skin through his shirt, and my heart starts to pound. What was happening? I thought to myself

Travis' jaw tensed, and he glared at Kyle. Was he jealous? But why? He was still my best friend, he had no right to be jealous of anyone!

Molly and Ashley joins Jeffery and Chris on the dance floor.

Ashley was going all out with her crazy dance moves, twerking her big butt and grinding against Travis face.

But he didn't seem intimidated at all. In fact, he wasn't even looking at her. He was looking at me - not me, but in my direction, shooting daggers at Kyle.

What was his problem? Why couldn't he accept that there might be someone more handsome than him, or that I could have another male friend besides him? Was it that hard to accept?

Chris was doing his best to get Ashley to dance with him, but she kept refusing and turning him down.

She even climbed on top of the table, taking off her big polo shirt and leaving only her tight shorts and sports bra on.

She kept dancing seductively, but there was no reaction from Travis. Didn't she get tired?

Is he jealous? I thought to myself. I shook my head, trying to clear my thoughts. This was all getting way too confusing.

"Our friend might go crazy over Travis at this rate." Molly whispers to me, and I sigh.

"She must really like him." Kyle laughs.

"Who?" I face him.

"Ashely! She's dying for that dude attention, I don't blame her though, he's quite handsome." Kyle says and I and Molly gasps.

"Why?" Kyle look confused.

"Don't do that here, or someone might actually think you're gay." Molly whispers.

"I'm no gay! I'm 100% straight! Let me prove that." Kyle said. He grabs my hand and pull me onto the dance floor.

"Siri, play 'So Pretty' by Reyanna Maria." Kyle said. Everyone turned to look at us as he took my waist and started dancing energetically. I was shock at how good he was.

I was so shocked by his moves, I couldn't even keep up with his pace - he was super fast. At some point, he let go of me and started dancing on his own.

He took off his tux, leaving only his singlet - his toned abs were on full display. Oh my goodness, he's so sexy. I've never drooled over a guy like this before. He's just too good!

He was winking at me as he danced, like some kind of professional dancer. I couldn't help but blush.

Everyone was clapping and cheering for him, except for Travis. Even Tiffany joined in the dancing, and soon Ashley and Chris did too.

I wonder why Travis wasn't dancing until I saw him walking away to the poolside in anger. What was his problem?


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