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"Huh?" I blinked as our eyes met. He dropped me.

"Be careful, you don't want your beautiful skin to go ugly." He smile charmingly.

"Right." I reply awkwardly.

For minutes, we only stared at each other like some lost lovers. The thud sound of the book I returned brought us back. The book I just returned just dropped, after I almost fell cos of it.

He picked the book up and I almost covered my eyes in embarrassment when he read the title. "Cum For Me?" He read and I bit my lips.

"It's not what you think." I grabbed the book from him and hide it behind my back.

"What I think? I'm not thinking anything, I've just finished the book too, I'm glad we've the same taste in books." He smiled and took it back from me. He returned it back to the shelves and my brows raised as I stared at his tallness.

Why have I done to deserve this short stature? I sighed. I grabbed by bag and swipe my hair backward.

"Sorry for the late introduction, my name is Kyle Larson. You can call me K." He said with a wink. "Luna Scotts." I replied simply.

I started leaving and he followed me, a long silence dragging between us. "Do you come here often?" He broke the silence.

"Not really, I prefer reading at home." I reply.

"Me too, I think me coming here today is a blessing in disguise, I mean I would have missed my chance to met an angel like yourself." He said. I gulped.

What is this guy deal? Is his talent flirting or what? "Oh." I mouthed and pressed my lips together, making up my mind not to speak till we leave the library.

"You can start coming here often, I'll keep your company if your friends are busy" Kyle said and I turned to him, surprised.

"My friends?"

"Yh, I clearly heard one telling you I was staring at you earlier"

What? He's the guy from earlier? I wouldn't have known, I didn't spare him a glance.

"She wasn't leing, your beauty is beyond my imagination. You're really cute, especially your height" He smiled as he stared down at me.

Seriously? Is this guy making fun of my short figure or what? I frowned and started leaving. He caught up with me and grab my hand.

"I'm serious okay? I love girls with this height..."

"What?" I raised my brows.

"I mean I don't occasionally show interest in short girls but you're exceptionally adorable, you just changed my mind. You won me over little doll" He said.

"Are you asking me out right now?" I said without thinking.

"If you put it that way, it will be too forward. I'm not asking you out, I just want us to be friends" He smiled and I couldn't help but notice his cuteness.

He's handsome and the bangs in his hair just make him look more hot. I got lost staring at him.

"Hey! Luna." He call. "I've to go, it's getting late" I blinked.

"I can drop you off if you don't mind. What's your address?"

"I don't have one." I said fast.

"Is that even possible?" He crossed his arms.

"I'm sorry, but I really really need to go, bye" I said and stormed out of his sight, luckily I got a taxi really quick and I released the breath I've been holding while talking to him.

"He's cute" I found myself smiling all the way home. Getting home, It's already dark and when I got in, I just fell on the couch tiredly throwing my bag aside.

The flash of the light made me open my eyes and I gasped when I saw Tiffany standing by the switch, glaring at me hatefully. Why does she have to be here? I'm too stressed out to pick a fight.

She's one of Travis slut, and his so called main girlfriend In the school.

"I can't believe you're still here." Tiffany said with her arm crossed.

I pretended not to hear her and grab my bag to leave but she grab my hand and pull me back.

"Don't you dare walk away when I'm talking" She yelled. "And who are you?" I ask boldly.

"You really got some nerves huh? Don't you know who my families are? You've got a death wish?"

"I'm not asking who your families are? I'm asking who the fuck are you? Who the hell is Tiffany?" I yelled back.

Tiffany jaw dropped obviously, I've never stand up to her anytime she bullies me.

"How dare you?" She raised her hand to slap me but a hand suddenly grab it and threw it off.

I turned to see Travis looking mad.

"I fucking told you to stop trying to hurt her? What was our deal?" He snapped.

"Don't tell me you're really gonna break up with me cos of this damn witch" Tiffany fold her fist.

"Can't you read the air? I don't go back on my words. We're done Tiffany! For good!" He said and my eyes widened with Tiffany's own.


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