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"Ah, crap!" I gasped, feeling the cramps hit me like a ton of bricks. I quickly broke away from Travis's hug and covered my butt with my hands, my face burning with embarrassment.

"Oh no!" I gasped again, trying to play it cool. I turned and started walking away, but Travis caught my hand halfway and pulled me back.

"Luna, wait up!" he said, his voice low and urgent. He dragged me to a quiet area, away from prying eyes.

"Let me go, Travis!" I tried to wriggle free, but he pinned me against the wall.

"Where did you plan on going?" he asked, his eyes boring into mine.

"To Kyle?" I replied, trying to sound casual.

"You'd rather tell him about it than have me take care of you, huh?" Travis raised an eyebrow, his gaze piercing.

I felt my face heat up even more, and I turned away, mortified. This wasn't the first time Travis had seen me make a fool of myself, but I was still embarrassed as hell.

I found the courage to raise my head and met his eyes still on me. "Can you take me back to the restroom? I need to clean up." I said, my voice barely above a whisper.

"Do you have it with you? I can get it for you if you want..." Travis started to say, but I cut him off.

"Travis, stop, please!" I rolled my eyes, feeling my face heat up with embarrassment. Honestly, there's nothing to be embarrassed about, but I still feel embarrassed.

He sighed and took off his jacket, wrapping it around my waist and tying it, securely. I stared at him, surprised by his kindness.

"Stay here, I'll be back" he said and tried leaving. I pulled him back.

"Where are you going?"

"To extend my goodbye to Tiffany." he replied, his eyes serious.

"What for?" I asked, my voice laced with disbelief. The Travis I know will laugh at me for anything.

"Stay here and don't go anywhere, I'll be back." he said, before disappearing into the crowd.

I watched him go, my mind racing. What was he doing? Was he really leaving Tiffany's birthday party because of me?

I sighed and bit my lips, staring at the party still going on. It still looked like the party was just starting, and I doubt Tiffany will agree to let Travis leave.

My eyes caught a couple making out hotly from one angle, and I almost purged. I had to leave there. I immediately bumped into Kyle on my way out and bit my lips, thinking of a quick lie to make up.

"Kyle." I said, trying to sound casual.

"Why did you leave like that? I was worried sick about you. Are you okay?" He took my hand and asked, his eyes searching mine.

"I'm fine, I'm just a little dizzy. I had to leave the dance floor." I lied, trying to sound convincing.

"Are you sure?" I saw Travis coming towards us, and I wasn't chanced to reply to Kyle before he snatched my hand from Kyle.

"Let's go." he growled, shoting daggers at Kyle. "Wait for me in the car, I'll join you." I let go of his hand and told him.

"Luna.... "

"Just do as I say, Travis, please." I told him, and he finally left.

"Are you leaving with him?" Kyle asked in surprise.

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