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The rain continued to pour heavily as we heard it from outside. Luna had already closed her eyes, obviously trying to sleep, while I couldn't even shut mine, wondering why.

Probably because her body was so close to mine. Why was she suddenly having an effect on me? I mean, she had been here all this while. I shrugged the thought off and closed my eyes, trying to sleep too.

All of a sudden, a loud thunderstorm erupted out of the blue, and the next thing I knew, Luna jerked up with it and quickly hugged me tight. She began shivering, and her teeth started chattering, her eyes broadly wide open.

"Luna, are you okay? Hey! Luna, are you okay?" I tried disengaging the hug, but she clung to me even more, hugging me so tight.

"Hey Luna! Don't be scared, I'm here, okay?" I slowly broke the hug and touched her forehead. She was not burning up but rather hot. I was surprised to see she was feeling hot when it was so cold. She continued to tremble.

"Talk to me, what's wrong? Are you okay?" I asked worriedly, and she just looked straight into my eyes and nodded. But I wasn't convinced. Something was clearly wrong with her.

"You sure?" I asked again. She nodded, and everything fell silent again. That was when I realized I was almost on top of her, and she had her arms around my neck. Our lips were almost touching. We started staring into each other's eyes; she had fear in her eyes, but my stare was different. I was staring at her intensely, most importantly at her lips. I wanted nothing else at that moment but to have a taste of her lips again.

The next thing I knew, I was already leaning in to kiss her. She just stared at me as I locked my lips with hers.

I was expecting her to kiss me back, but she broke it and broke our contact too, grabbing the duvet and laying properly on the bed. She pulled it over her body and blinked twice.

I won't lie, I was disappointed, but I knew she was still mad at me. I lay beside her and gulped. Did I just add to the anger she already had for me?

"I'm sorry." I spoke up nervously.

"That was yet another mistake. Let's just sleep," she said and closed her eyes. I only hummed a sound.

Why does she always refer to our kisses as mistakes when they clearly mean something to me? I took a glance at her and saw she was already fast asleep. How come she looked so cute and fragile even in her sleep? I started to smile without knowing it.

"What am I doing, Travis? She's like a sister to you?" I snapped out of my silly emotions and closed my eyes too, drifting off to sleep really fast.



I set up the table, hoping Luna would come downstairs and talk to me. Last night was a mess, and I knew I had hurt her feelings. I heard her footsteps and looked up, relieved.

"Hey, Luna, come eat with me," I said, trying to sound casual.

She raised an eyebrow, her expression still icy. "I'm not hungry, Travis."

I sighed and put down the plate I was holding. "Come on, Luna, don't be like that. I'm trying to make things right."

She hesitated for a moment, then shrugged and sat down. "Fine, but don't think this means I've forgiven you."

I smiled, feeling a bit hopeful. "I know, I know. I just want to talk to you."

As I served her food, Luna looked at me, her eyes still guarded. "So, what's up?"

"I wanted to explain why I told Tiffany what I did," I said, taking a seat next to her.

"What's the point? You already hurt me," She said, her voice soft but firm.

"I know, and I'm sorry. But I had a bet with Tiffany, and I had to tell the truth, no matter what" I explained. She raised an eyebrow. "A bet? You'd risk our friendship over some silly bet?"

I shook his head. "No, it wasn't like that. I was just stupid, okay?" She sighed, her expression softening slightly. "Fine, fine. I forgive you."

Finally I grinned, feeling relieved. "Thanks, Luna. I promise to make it up to you. As we continue eating silently, I couldn't help notice her dress. "So, why are you all dressed up?" I eventually asked.

"Yeah, I'm going out." She rolled her eyes.

"Can I drop you off on my way?" She hesitated for a moment, then nodded. "Sure, where are you going?"

"Tiffany's, her birthday is in two days, and she needs me there." I replied.

Luna scoffed. "I'm surprised you still talk to her after what she did to me!"

I shrugged. "Luna!" She rolled her eyes. "So, are you attending her party?" I asked.

Luna shook her head. "Do you really have to ask?" Even if I wants to go to her birthday party, she's not going to invite me."

I chuckled. "Don't worry, Luna. You're coming with me as my guest."

"What if I'm not interested?" She replied. "You have to come, if I'm there, you must be there, besides she's your classmates too."

"Yeah whatever. Thanks for staying with me last night." She smiled. My mind went off to the kiss but I decide not to talk about it. Talking about it meant causing another trouble.

"It's nothing but are you sure you're okay?" I asked.

She nodded. "Of course."


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