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By the time we hit the dance floor, it was already packed with people dancing the night away with their partners. I stared at the people dancing, mostly our classmates from Sean Maine High School.

I wasn't surprised to see them there, but my nerdy self was surprised by how they seemed to know the dance perfectly, as if they'd practiced before. I shouldn't be surprised, though - half our students love parties.

Am I social? No.

"Shall we?" Kyle offered me his hand, and I nodded, taking it. We started dancing, and I occasionally glanced at the couple beside us to follow their lead, especially the girl.

Good thing Kyle didn't notice, or it would've been embarrassing. But of course, he did.

"Is this your first time doing this dance?" I bit my lower lip hard, then looked at him.

"You can tell?" I asked.

"Of course, but it's okay. Just follow my lead, and I won't let you fall." He winked, and I felt my cheeks heat up, recalling his winks at the sleepover when he was dancing.

He's not the type who winks all the time like bad boys do, but I found him more tempting whenever he does. I guess he only does it when he dances.

I smiled and looked back at the couple dancing, noticing the guy was holding the girl's waist, not just them - all the paired dancers were doing the same.

Why wasn't he doing the same, then? I remembered he did at our last dance at the sleepover.

"Why are you resisting holding my waist?" I asked, and he seemed taken aback by the question.

"Can I?" He didn't just ask that, did he?

"You're one funny guy, Kyle." I took his hand and placed it around my waist myself.

"So tiny," he said with a small chuckle. I didn't want to believe he was talking about my waist - this is normal among teenagers, except if you're an extra. Now, don't tell me I'm the first girl he's ever held around the waist.

"But cute. I feel like the luckiest guy here to be the prettiest girl tonight's escort." And here he is again, completing me. Such a standard.

"You're not so bad yourself." I replied with a smile.

"So, mind telling me why you left earlier?" He was about to reply when we were interrupted by the change in music, and now the dance had changed.

Damn! This looks even harder. Kyle pulled me closer and whispered in my ear.

"Are you sure your best friend is happy with me being here?" I looked around and my eyes met fucking Travis and Tiffany, dancing super close to us. What was that about?

I really can't help Travis being so unreasonable every time I'm with Kyle. I ask for just one night, and he just had to keep ruining it for me.

"Just ignore him." I moved closer to Kyle, and our faces almost touched. I didn't do it on purpose because of Travis - that's what was required for the next dance.

Kyle was now holding my waist with his hands, and I could feel Travis's anger even from where we were, without looking at him. I could tell what his face looked like now. Such a weirdo.

"I left to get you those shoes, but when I got out, I saw some brat kids had already messed with my car's window." Kyle said.

"They broke them?" I gasped.

"Yeah. But I was more worried about Nova - good thing the tiny pieces didn't get to her. I had to head back home and change the car and also drop Nova off." He explained.

So that was what happened, and the jerk was cursing him for leaving me all alone when he's the one who deserves a medal for not always being there for me.

"Luna?" Kyle called my name, and I was taken aback. Why had he called my name? I raised my head, and a frown settled on my face when I saw Tiffany beside him. What was she doing here?

"You can't even do a dance properly - what exactly are you good at, Luna?" Tiffany started to laugh, and I wondered why. I needed someone to explain what was going on.

My eyes caught the couple I'd been watching since we got here, and I discovered the guy had already changed partners! Shit! So that was it? I'd always known about this dance since I watched it on TV, but I didn't know I'd be putting it into practice one day.

"Stop delaying everyone else, teenage baby." Tiffany pushed me aside and took Kyle's hand.

"Are you okay?" Kyle broke the dance and asked me. Tiffany rolled her eyes.

I rolled my eyes and turned to Travis, who seemed to already be waiting for me to come to him.

Not now - I was ready to stay mad at him all night, but this stupid dance had to ruin it. I got to him, and he didn't waste time in taking my waist and pulling me close. See the difference now? A gentleman is different from a playboy. I'm guessing I'm the eighth girl he's had hold their waist just tonight.

"I'm sorry for what happened earlier." He stated, and I only nodded without a word, doing my best to avoid his eyes.

"The heels look pretty on you, too bad you've taken them off." He said, staring down at my sneakers. It's actually weird and embarrassing that only I was wearing sneakers to dance, but Kyle didn't mind, and that was enough.

"We can switch partners if you're worried people will laugh at you for dancing with a nerdy girl." I told him.

"You got it all wrong. I wasn't just complementing the shoes. The dress looks stunning on you, and I mean it." He said, his voice low and actually sincere.

"Whatever." I rolled my eyes but actually felt a flutter in my chest, which I didn't show.

"So, we good now?"

"I guess." I replied. It's time for the twirling around for me to go back to Kyle, and other dancers were already changing their partners.

But as Travis twirled me around, he suddenly stopped as if he was staring at something on me.

Tiffany was already getting to us, ready to take him back, but he refused to let me go.

"Babe?" Tiffany snaps, already getting annoyed.

"Travis?" I also called, but what he did next shocked me. He turned my back against him and hugged me from behind, taking both Kyle and Tiffany by surprise.

"Don't turn around, your worst nightmare is here." He whispered in my ear.

My nightmare? Goodness gracious, he didn't just mean my period is here, and I'm fucking stained.

"Yes, you are." He added, as if he actually read my mind.

Oh no!


Guys, what do you will happen next??

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