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I left the groceries in the kitchen and headed to my room, where I pulled off my shirt. I couldn't stop thinking about what Luna had said about Kyle as I showered. I hated the idea of him coming to the party, but I was also curious to see what he looked like.

After I got dressed, I lay on my bed and saw that I had a message from our group chat on my phone. It was from Chris, and it included me, Chris, and Jeff. We hadn't used the chat in a while, so I opened the chat, curious about what Chris had to say.

"What's up, guys?" Chris had written. "Anybody down for some PS5 games at my place?"

I was about to reply when an idea came to me. "Hey guys, how about we have a sleepover at my place tonight? Who's in?" I typed.

A few seconds later, Jeff replied, "Count me in! What time should I come over?"

"Let's say 8 PM. Sound good?" I responded.

"Sounds perfect! See you then" Chris sent. "But I need you guys to do something for me," I sent.

"Anything for you, Travis!" Jeff replied.

"Can you guys dare Luna to kiss me if the bottle lands on her during truth or dare?" I asked, feeling nervous about their response.

"Dude, are you falling for her?" Chris sent a voice note, chuckling at the end. It made me feel a little irritated.

"You don't have to answer that, we'll do it" Jeff replied before I could even start recording a voice message of my own.

"Thanks, Jeff. You're the best!" I sent.

"And what about me?" Chris asked, using a crying emoji. I laughed and set my phone down on the bed.

When I got to the kitchen, I found Luna unpacking the groceries. She was humming to herself as she organized everything.

"Can I invite Chris and Jeff?" I ask as I approach her. "Of course,the more the merrier" She smiles.

"And Tiffany?" I smirk and she shrugs weirdly.

"Well,she's your girlfriend,so she has every right to be here" She replied,but I could tell she's annoyed. Exactly what I want. I want a payback for being all lovey dovey with the so called Kyle.

I came closer and took one of the cucumber out of the ones we gots.

"Are you jealous of her?" I ask, a smirk playing on my lips.

"Me? Jealous of Tiffany? Don't be ridiculous" She scoffs.

"You sure about that? Because you seem a little...off" I took another step closer to her. She swallow hard. "I'm fine. Really." She says.

I study her face for a moment and laugh.

"You're obviously jealous,I mean who wouldn't be jealous of Tiffany? She has the perfect flawless skin, body, fat ass, extra large boobs, tall figure you lack, except the skinny body you shared. You are extra slim" My eyes got caught with her boobs for a second and I could tell she's not wearing a bra.

Her nipple was poking out so hard that my hand start to felt itchy, I might as well grab her with force and squeeze the hell outta that breast.

"Asswipe" Her cuss made me look at her face.

"And your boobs are too small, I'll keep reminding you... Let's not talk about that flat ass" I said but I knew I didn't mean it. I just spurt that out cos I don't want her to know I'm drooling over those small boobs of hers.

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