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The next morning, I woke up to see my phone ringing. I grab it and swipe green at once.

"What's up, Ash" I said with a smile.

"Missing you here baby bitch, wanna meet up at the town library for catch up and have fun" Ashley asked.

"Sure" I smile.

"Don't be late, or I'll rip off your tiny tongue. Just kidding! Can't wait to see you" Ashley laughed and hang up. I smiled as I drop my phone, It's feels great to hear from them after weeks of breaks.

They just made my day with thier request, I was too bored to stay in this house all day anyway.

Travis left so early in the morning and probably to hang out with one of his sluts, again!

I got dressed wearing one my favorite jeans and a pink tank top rocking it with our friendship and shoes I got with Ashley and Molly last christmas. I wanted to look nice but not too fancy. I grabbed my bag and headed out the door.

When I arrived at the library,I saw Ashley and Molly sitting at a table,reading a book together.  They looked up when they saw me and smiled.

"Hey there!" Ashley said, standing up to give me a cute tight hug.

"We're so glad you could make it!" Molly give me a quick peck on the cheek.

"Thanks for inviting me" I said, smiling back at them. "It's nice to get out of that house for a while"

"Are you trying to say you're not enjoying Travis company?" Ashley grinned.

"Not at all, he's a pain in the butt" I said and sat down. They both gave me a knowing look.

"He's kind I know, but I still miss my parents more, he's not always around and only return home late. We barely talk like before and I must say, I can't wait for our summer break to be over" I sighed.

"I can wait, even if it's took the whole year,after resuming you know what's next for us" Molly pouted.

"Fucking exams period!" They both chorus and I laughs.

"Girls, you're really funny. Don't you want us to get all this over done with soon, and get accepted into out dream college, Ronnie & Dons, for me I can't wait!" I said dreamingly.

"Is Travis perhaps planning to attend the same college R&D? I mean Ronnie and Dons?" Ashley ask with expectations in her eyes.

I nodded.

"Yh. I think I'm stuck with him for good" I added. I knew she had this big crush on Travis, ever since Nineth grade. Only I and Molly knew about it. Ashley patted my shoulder and smiled. She got up.

"I'll get us some more books" She walk away smiling. "She still has a crush on him?" I asked Molly to be sure.

"You snapped quickly, she's obviously crazy over that playboy friend of yours. Don't let her convinced you into setting her up with him, Travis doesn't even know she existed" Molly said with an eye roll.

I went mute and turn to see Ashley coming with some books, can I really say no to her?

"Here, I got this famous one for you and this one is for you since you won't finish it anyway" Ashley gave a kid story book to Molly who grinned.

"I've read Pride and Prejudice" I said returning the book to Ashley. "Last summer, remember" I added.

"Right, sorry I'll get you another one" Ashley stood but I quickly grab her hand. "It's okay, I love to read again" I smiled putting it in my bag.

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