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"Who the hell are you?"

The unknown guy got up from the floor and confronted Travis, pushing his chest. "I'm her best friend."He said.

The guy suddenly burst into laughter. "And what's so funny, asshole?" Travis asked, annoyed.

"You're only her freaking best friend and you're acting like you're her boyfriend. You're so stupid, bruh. Who the hell has an angel like her as a best friend without getting her to bed? I might as well help you."

He tried to grab me again, but Travis pushed him to the ground and was about to punch him again. I went between them, trying to suppress my pain.

"Travis, stop, please!" I said in a low voice.

Travis looked at me as I suddenly withdrew my hand and grabbed my tummy in pain. "I need to use the restroom fast. I can't hold it anymore." I whispered to him.

"Restroom?" he repeated, and before I could catch up on what he was gonna do, he swung me into his arms like a newborn baby and started taking me away.

"At least I caught her name. See you in school after summer, Luna." I heard the weird guy say.

Travis took me to the guest room's restroom since all the available ones were occupied. He gently set me down and opened the door for me to get in. I purged all the alcohol I had at once, together with the food I had before coming. The purge was much; you would think I was pregnant or sick.

After feeling better, I washed my face and dried it with a towel I found, letting out a relieved sigh. I stared at the mirror and realized my makeup was gone.

Shit! I worked so hard to get it done.

Too bad Travis didn't see it much, I bet he didn't notice when he rescued me from that pervert earlier. Why was I sad anyway? Why am I concerned with him seeing me dolled up?

Luckily, my lip gloss was still visible since it's waterproof. I pressed my lips together and rearranged my hair before making my way out. My eyes widened as I still met Travis outside the door.

I didn't actually expect him to leave after what happened, right?

But he was always teasing me about still being a virgin at 17. He should be happy I wanted to get deflowered by a total psycho.

Just joking! I'm glad he saved me. If he didn't appear, the weirdo would have had his way because I was too weak to fight back.

He only continued to stare at me as our eyes met, and I must say, his gaze was different from the Travis mocking face right now. He looked totally worried. Wait a minute! Did I get him so worried? Why? This is getting confusing.

Say something, Luna. Open your mouth and utter something, this is super awkward. "Thanks for saving me." I finally found my voice, cutting the gaze and staring down. I was expecting him to start scolding me for dressing like this, wearing a short dress, most of all getting drunk, but that wasn't the case.

I felt his warm hand on my forehead, and I looked up.

"Are you better now?" He asked, still looking worried. I couldn't reply, the concern gaze was too much for me not to feel butterflies. I actually didn't feel butterflies alone. My heart fucking skipped a beat. But why? Why?

"Come with me." He grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the room with him.


A couple of minutes later, I finished the soup Travis gave me as a hangover remedy. After I finished, I turned to Travis, who had been staring at me. "Thanks," I said again, pushing the tray aside.

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