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I went straight to my room and snuck into my bed immediately I stepped into my room, burying my face in the pillow as I reminisced about what Tiffany said at the restaurant.

How can Travis be so immature? Why did he even have to tell her about it? I mean, it was a mistake, and we should both forget about it and move on. I blamed myself for kissing him back.

I shook the thought off and shut my eyes, hoping to get a nap, but it didn't work. I grabbed "Lost Desires" on the cabinet near me, hoping it would make me sleep in no time, but it didn't work out as well. I sat up and grabbed my phone and checked the time. It's 6 PM. Mum should be available to talk by this time, she ought to be off work by now. I miss talking to her.

Just as I made to dial her number on my phone, my mum, whose name I had scribbled on my fridge as "Mum - Helena" in a moment of sentimentality, beat me to it by calling.

I was surprised and at the same time so happy. "Perfect timing!" I shouted, answering the call.

"I've missed you so damn much, Mum. When are you coming back to get me outta here?"

"Mummy's missed you too, sweetie." Mum said, her voice warm and comforting. "But what's wrong? Your voice is shaking."

"I'm fine, Mum." I lied, wiping away my tears to prevent more from falling. "I need to see your face, Luna. Let's do a video call." Mum said, her tone suspicious.

"Mum, I'm really fine. Don't worry about it." I insisted, successfully convincing her.

"Okay, fine. So, how's school?" Mum asked. "School's been good, Mum. And Dad?"

"He's fine, I guess. He's been working hard to get back on his feet so we can live together again. We'll come back for you as soon as possible, Luna. I promise. We just need to get our lives together first." Mum replied.

"I don't need to be a princess, Mum. I just need you and Dad by my side." All this while I've been lying down.

"We'll be there soon, sweetie. By the way, is it not raining there? It's been raining here for a week now." I quickly got up and drew the curtain of my window aside, and that was when I noticed the change in the weather. It looked like it was going to rain soon.

I checked my phone's weather forecast, and it was true. It was going to rain tonight. "Are you going to be okay, Luna? You know you have a phobia of rain." Mum asked. I only gasped, already feeling scared.

Mum asked if I told Travis about it already, that I can pass the night at his own room like we used to do before, but I said I didn't tell him, and there's no reason for us to share the same room and bed anymore because we're no longer kids.

"How come you're so calm sending your own daughter to a boy's room to spend the night there, Mum?" I asked, surprised. Mum just chuckled and said she trusts both of us.

My mind went to our pool make-out with Travis, and I sighed. "I don't think you'll still trust us anymore if you knew about that." I mumbled silently, but Mum didn't hear.

"You were saying?"

"Nothing mum." I smiled. "And where's Travis? It's been so long I talked to him. Can you put him on the phone?"

"You're talking as if you don't know Travis mum. As usual?"  and I felt Mum smile, as she already understood what "as usual" meant - he's out again.

"Mum, how do you think I can get over my fear of rain?" I asked.

"Well, sweetie, what do you think would help?" Mum replied.

"You used to sing me a song when I was little, whenever it rained. If you sing it to me now, maybe I'll be able to sleep and by the time I wake up, the rain will have passed." I suggested.

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