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A buzz sound comes from beside me, pulling me out of my slumber. I move my hand around my bed, looking for my phone until my hand finally grabs it.

Looking at the screen, I see a message from Kyle.

Kyle: Will be there in 20 minutes.

OMG! How did I sleep off?

Today was finally the day, Tiffany's birthday! I check my phone clock, and it's already past 6 in the evening.

The party is going to start by 8 and will go on until the next morning. Travis had already left the house since daybreak after I told him Kyle would bring me there.

I told Kyle to pick me up by 7, and it was already 15 minutes to 7. Thank goodness his text woke me up, or I would have delayed him. I had slept off while reading one of the books he gave me.

The past two days leading up to Tiffany's birthday had been pretty smooth. Travis was never home, and I couldn't help but wonder what they were preparing for her birthday. Like she's a queen or something.

Closing the book and getting up, I drop Nova, who had slept in my arms with me, and rush to the bathroom. I come back into the room fast and rush to my closet, grabbing my best floral pink gown and putting it on, along with my not-too-high heels, which I hadn't worn in ages.

I prefer sneakers, and back at our house, you would think I had a brand for them. I check the time again after wearing some light makeup, just a brush of my brows and lip gloss. I restyle my hair into buns. It's now 6:57.

I check myself out in a mirror and smile, seeing how gorgeous I look.

Damn! I'm a killer.

I grab my phone and bag and then Nova, who's already staring at all my moves. Looking outside the window, I see Kyle's car already pulling up at the garage. I walk out of my room but can't rush downstairs because of my heels, which I hardly wear and might cause me to trip and fall.

"Wow!" Kyle blinks twice when I join him outside where he was waiting by his car.

"Yes?" I take another step towards him, sashaying like he always teases me to do. My look actually leaves him breathless, and his mouth hangs open. "Kyle?" I call, and he smiles and roughs his hair.

"The color looks amazing on you, it brings out the beauty in your eyes." He says.

"Thanks, you too." I pout my lips, trying not to make my blush obvious. I hand him Nova, and he puts him in the small cage he bought, keeping the cage at the back seat.

"I'm going to miss her so much." I say, referring to Nova. "Come on, you're free to come play with her at my place anytime."

"Great, I'll surely do that a lot." I smile, and my eyes catch the time on the car's clock. I gasp.

"The party has probably started, right?" Kyle says, probably noticing my reaction. "It's better late than never to attend at all." He chuckles and starts the car. It only takes less than 30 minutes before we reach Tiffany's big mansion.

I already know the address because I've been here once before, when I was paired with her in a project in grade 11. She had arrogantly told me to come over to her house and do the project, sending me her address over text.

What makes it even funnier is that we had never talked before then, she just assumed I knew her since she was the beauty queen of the school.

I literally did all the work, and she bribed me to add her name, but I was so mad that I left without the money. Who does she think she is?

A niece of the Queen of England or something, who could just buy everything off with money? I ended up adding her name, even though I didn't like her, I won't want her to fail the test.

She started hating me since then, surprised that I was the first person who refused her money in school. She became even meaner to me when she became Travis's girlfriend and learned that I was his best friend.

She just found it hard to believe that we were not more than friends, even till now. Well, I don't blame her!

"We're finally here." Kyle says, noticing that I had zoned off and wanting to make me snap out of my thoughts. Honestly, her house was massive, like a castle, but nothing like Kyle's place.

I don't even know what to use to describe Kyle's house.

The party was already in full swing, and even from outside, you would think someone of international fame was the one hosting the lavish party. Anyone can already tell it's going to be a huge celebration.

I looked down at my high heels and wondered why I wore them. They were going to be a challenge to wear all night! I didn't want to risk embarrassing myself.

"Shall we?" Kyle suddenly offered me his hand, he must have seen me worrying about my shoes. He's always so thoughtful!

I smiled, took his hand, and together we entered the grand party.



Next Chapter Teaser💦: Not gonna give any spoiler, but it's something interesting.

Hope you like today's chapter, please vote if you did, it's helps me a lot.







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