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Before he could even bit it the second time, I snap out of it and push him off inside the pool. I ran back to the house not ready to stop untill I gets to my room but a hand pulled me to the kitchen and shut the door.

I gasps as I saw Molly raising her to gesture me to keep mute, her other hand covering my mouth.

"Luna, wait!" We both heard Travis calling my name from the living room, and soon he stopped. Maybe he gave up and went to his room.

Molly released me shortly and drank the soda she was holding, then smiled at me. "What?" I asked, trying hard to pretend nothing happened.

"You were almost close to getting your first sex in there. Why did you break the make-out, huh?" She grinned, and I immediately knew she saw Travis and me.

"It's not what you think, Molly. I can explain." I bit my lip embarrassingly.

"Except these hickeys on your gorgeous neck are thinking what I'm thinking? Do you like Travis?" She screamed, and I quickly covered her mouth.

"Keep your voice down, Molly, and for the first and last time tonight, Molly, I don't like Travis." I rolled my eyes and grabbed the drink from her. I drank it all at once, squeezing the can as I couldn't get the stupid make-out session out of my head.

"I've always known you guys like each other. You'd make a great couple."

"We don't like each other, Molly. We just hooked up, which was a very big mistake I'll never make again. Forget what you just saw and please keep it a secret. Don't tell Ashley."

"You have my word, bitch. So tell me, how was it?" She asked, smiling.

"How was what?" I groaned, hoping she'd just stop.

"You know? I saw you guys kissing and making out-

"Remember what you just promised." I cut her off, swiping my hair back while sweating.

"Fine, fine! I'm just too happy to get it out of my head." She squealed.

"Molly?" I glared at her and fell silent as we left the kitchen, but she didn't stop smiling and bombarding me with dirty questions until morning.


The next morning, I woke up really late and when I opened my eyes, Molly and Ashley were already gone. My mind raced, wondering why they’d left without telling me. I couldn’t think of any reason except that Molly might have told Ashley about what happened the night before.

Just then, my phone buzzed. It was a text from Molly: "Ashley’s mom texted her to come home for an important meeting, and I have an early date with Lance"

I breathed a sigh of relief and got up. I tiptoed out of my room to avoid Travis, but as I stepped into the living room, I was met with someone I’d rather not see so early in the morning,Tiffany.

"Why are you still here?" she asked, her voice dripping with arrogance. I ignored her and made my way to the kitchen, hoping to grab a drink from the fridge. But before I could reach it, Tiffany snatched the bottle from my hand.

That was the last straw.

"What the heck is your problem?" I snapped, finally losing my patience.

Tiffany let out a mocking laugh. "You’re my problem, Luna.* Tiffany seethed. "Do you honestly think I can sleep peacefully knowing you’re staying in the same fucking house as my boyfriend?" She rolled her eyes. "What if you’ve been throwing yourself at Travis behind my back, huh?"

I stared at her, trying to forget the make out at the pool last night.

"I don’t want to pick a fight with you." I said, grabbing my soda and starting to walk away.

But Tiffany wasn’t done. She grabbed me by the hair and yanked me back. "Let me go!" I yelled, but she only pulled my hair even more.

"Why couldn’t you give a straight answer at the game? If you have nothing to hide, why did you skip the question?" Tiffany snarled, pulling my hair with all her might.

I couldn’t take it anymore. With a roar, I grabbed her hair and we started a full-blown cat fight. Fists were thrown and we were yelling at each other.

Suddenly, a strong hand grabbed me and pulled me off Tiffany. I turned to see a furious Travis standing over us, his face contorted with rage. "What the hell is going on? Are you okay?" He seemed more concerned about my wellbeing than his girlfriend’s, which made me wonder why.

Tiffany scrambled to her feet. "She started it" She cried, tears streaming down her face. Travis turned to me with an accusing look.

"What? I was just minding my own business when she suddenly grabbed my hair and pulled it!” I defended myself, rearranging my disheveled hair.

"Is that true?" Travis asked Tiffany.

"What do you mean? I’m not lying! I didn’t do anything wrong. She’s the one who started beating me. You can see she was on top of me when you got here, right? Why can't you see she's trying to steal you away from me! Why take her side and not mine" She shouted, pointing an accusing finger at me.

Travis moved closer to her and embraced her. "Stop crying, okay? I wasn’t taking anyone’s side, I just wanted to know who started it. Please stop. I hate it when you cry." he said, kissing her forehead. I cringed as I watched their intimate moment.

I tried to walk out of the kitchen, not wanting to be a part of their lovey-dovey scene. But as I reached the stairs, I overheard Tiffany’s words: “You’ve always been more caring towards her than me. I'm beginning to think you've feelings for her"

I stopped in my tracks. She was right. I couldn’t understand why Travis was always so attentive towards me, almost like he cared more for me than he did for his own girlfriend. But her words only made me feel sick to my stomach.

I heard his reply. “Of course I like her, but as a very close friend. More like a sister to me. My mom wants me to look after her and that’s what I’m doing. Don’t overthink it, okay?”

Seriously? A sister?

My blood boiled as I thought about how Travis had squeezed my breasts, kissed me, and almost had sex with me in the pool last night. Sister? What kind of sick joke was this?

It was pointless to waste my time worrying about a stupid make out session that was nothing but a mistake in my past. I took one last look at them and stormed back to my room, slamming the door with all my might.


Hey guys, who miss me? I know it has been a long time but trust me, I was really busy with school works but I'm free now.

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