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We headed into the living room and I swiped my phone to accept the call. Travis sat down next to me as the video call connected. Travis's parents' faces appeared on the screen, and they were both in bed.

"Hey, sweethearts!" Kayla, Travis's mom, wave at us. We both smiles and waves back.

"Hi, Kayla!" I say.

"Hey, Mom!" Travis chime in.

"We're sorry we haven't called since we left. We've been super busy with your grandma and grandpa estate planning stuff. It's complicated, and we're not sure when we'll be back yet" Julius, Travis's dad, explains.

"It's okay,Dad. You can take as long as you need. Everything is under control here." Travis assures him.

"Well, we appreciate that, son. And it's good to see your smiling face!" Julius says  with a chuckle.

"How are you both doing?" I ask.

"Great darling, hope Travis is treating you right?" Kayla ask me.

I look at Travis and just smile. She would literally scold the hell outta us if she knows about what we just did.

"What do you take me for mum?" He frowns.

"Are you sure about that, Travis?" Kayla asks, turning her attention to her son.

"I hope you're not bullying my girl as always."

"Trust me. Mom!" Travis replies, playfully ruffling my hair.

"He barely have my time like before Kayla" I pout like a child.

"Is that true?" Kayla frown.

"It's not entirely his fault, Mom, Luna here has been busy with her new found love and I give her space to be with him" Travis says.

"Shut up!" I shouts at him.

"Wow, my first girl has a lover? For the first time darling, I'm so happy for you" Kayla eyes lighten up.

"Tell me all about him hon!"

"I'm still getting to know him,I'll tell you more about him later Kayla"

"Well,we've got to go" Kayla adds.

"Take care of her, Travis. She's like a sister to you and you need to look out for her"

Travis and I exchange glances. It felt a little weird to hear her say that for the first time. Maybe after what we did, we can't be the same anymore?

"Alright bye mum, talk to you later" Travis quickly hang up and get up.

"Let's get starting, it's almost 6" I stood up and followed him.

"So, about this Kyle guy" Travis said suddenly as we started making burgers.

"Is he handsome?"

I pretend not to hear him and continue making the burgers. If only he stop talking about Kyle!

"Is he taller than me?" he pressed on. "Who's the hotter one? And who's the better kisser?"

"Travis, You know you're the crazy one here cause I haven't kissed either of you, so stop!" I hissed, starting to get annoyed.

"But who's the better dresser?" he adds, seeming proud of himself.

"I bet that's me, I could pass as a Dior ambassador."

I rolled my eyes. I was starting to get really tired of his questions about Kyle. It was like he was trying to compete with him, and it was getting on my nerves.

"Travis, I'm getting sick of you asking all these questions about Kyle, If you're that interested in him,then wait for him to come and gets your answers. Can we please just focus on making the burgers?" I sigh.

"Fine!" He pouts and actually fell silent.



Ashely and Molly arrived first,followed shortly by Chris. Jeff showed up next, carrying a bag full of beer and liquor.

"How did you get all that?" Travis ask him. "I thought it was illegal to sell alcohol to minors?"

"I have my ways" Jeff reply, grinning. Everyone cheered him for his efforts.

Ashely couldn't stop stealing glances at Travis, who was doing his best to ignore her.

"Why don't you just talk to him if you're so interested?" I ask her.

"Do you really think he'll respond?" She ask nervously. "What if he ignores me?"

"You've got to have more confidence in yourself." Molly said and give her a pat on her shoulder.

"Remember, nothing ventured, nothing gained!" I add.

Just then, the doorbell rang again and it was fucking Tiffany. She immediately starts flirting with Travis, lavishing him with kisses all over his body and of course, he responds to her every goddamn moves.

"I've missed you" We hear Tiffany says and Travis nods, meaning him too and they starts to make out as if they're the only ones there.

I clenched my fists as Ashley ran out of the living room to the poolside. Molly starts to follow her, but I stop her.

"Let me" I say.

I find Ashley,face red and blotchy,obviously trying to hold back tears. I could tell she was struggling not to cry.

"Do you like him that much?" I ask her gently.

"I've liked him forever, Luna" she says in a shaky voice.

"I don't know why, but I still love him, even though he's never looked at me differently than as just your friend. I even put on this uncomfortable dress in hopes he'd finally notice me, but I was wrong." She mumbles sadly.

"He's just too blind to see the person who truly loves him and only sees that stupid Tiffany" I reply.

"But don't worry. I'll help you in any way I can tonight."

Her face brighten. "You're kiddin' right?"

"Of course!" I said with a smile.

"I'm your friend, and I want to see you happy." She let out a breath and smile back at me.

"You brought your bikini, right?" I asked her. "Wait until pool time, and I'll get him to talk to you. I promise."

Ashley immediately threw her arms around me. "Thank you so much, Luna" she says,her voice choke with emotion. "This means the world to me."

"You're welcome." I say and hug her back. "I want you to be happy."

We broke the embrace and Ashley's face lit up with a smile. "This is going to be an amazing night, most especially for me" She giggles.

"Sure" I nod and smile.


Hope you like today's chapter, I wrote this in Luna's POV because the narration of the story naturally belongs to her at first, I just wanted to try Travis pov for a change and I ask about who's pov you all like more, The votes for Luna and Travis pov was a tie so I picked Luna's Instead and writing Travis pov will be like rewriting the whole chapter all over again,are you guys okay with it or we should just move on??

Or I can just split the chapters pov between the two. Less I forget, don't forget to vote and comment on this chapter if you love it.

Will try and update another chapter today.

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