Chapter 03 Help

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Pei Qing ran out of the side door of Yangju Hall.

With Meng Chuang and other forbidden troops present in the Yangju Palace, Xiao Jing still has a way to survive. But in Hanning Palace, there were only two people, Zhi Lan and Ji'er. Feeling panicked, Pei Qing lost her footing and almost fell, but not only did she not want to slow down, she lost her usual dignity and elegance and started running along the secluded path.

The cold wind and snow blew on her face and neck, and the sound of fighting on the other side of the palace wall made people extremely frightened.

When she ran back to Hanning Palace, Zhi Lan was closely protecting Xiao Ji'an, and Xiao Ji'an, who was less than five years old, was holding a sword made of wood in his hand. That was what he used for daily martial arts training. Probably because he inherited the talents of her sister and brother-in-law, Xiao Ji'an became enlightened much earlier than ordinary children.

If his mother had not died, if his father had not been ill, Xiao Ji'an would have been a good emperor with their careful teachings.

Pei Qing had thought about this countless times, but she also knew that what she could ask for now was not a prince or a ruler at all, but how to save this child's life.

"Mother!" There were no lights in the palace, so it was a little dim, but Xiao Ji'an still caught a glimpse of Pei Qing, who was running a little embarrassed.

He broke away from Zhi Lan's hand and ran over and threw himself into Pei Qing's arms, "Don't be afraid, mother, your son will guard mother!"

The eyes that had been dried by the cold wind became wet again.

"Empress, we have to escape before the enemy troops come!" Zhi Lan said in an anxious tone.

Pei Qing nodded, but before she could speak, she heard a "whoosh" sound and a sharp arrow shot in from outside the palace, almost grazing Pei Qing's hair and piercing into the ground in one fell swoop.

Zhi Lan screamed in fright, and the next moment, soldiers and horses swarmed outside the palace and surrounded the three of them.

A voice of laughter came from outside the palace: "The child is indeed here! This sword has no eyes. Anyone who hurts the little prince will be punished!"

Pei Qing held Xiao Ji'an tightly in her arms, and even took Zhi Lan's hand to protect her behind her.

The person who walked into the main hall of Hanning Palace with big strides was a close associate of Xiao Yu, the prince of the Xiao clan. His sword was still dripping with blood, and his eyes moved unscrupulously from Xiao Jian'an to Pei Qing's face from bottom to top.

Da Pei and Xiao Pei served as queens twice, both of whom came from poor backgrounds. Why did they become queens? It's not just the face that makes men feel evil when they see it, but also the exquisite figure hidden in the queen's crown.

The hint of nakedness made Pei Qing feel chilled. At this moment, Zhi Lan rushed out from behind her and stood in front of her, "You are so brave! This is the queen who has been personally designated by your majesty. Mother of the Nation! If you dare to act rashly, your family will be confiscated and your clan will be executed, and you will die!"

Xiao Ji'an looked up blankly, never knowing that Sister Zhilan, who usually always laughed and coaxed him, would yell so loudly and sternly.

It’s just that the officers and soldiers are not children, and they will not be scared by a mere palace maid. The leading man shook off the blood on the knife, and then raised it suddenly: "How dare a mere maid dare to talk about this man's business!"

Pei Qing's heart trembled, and she screamed to pull Zhilan away. The men's laughter and the women's cries were intertwined, and the blade fell without hesitation.

Everyone couldn't believe that there could be such a master-servant relationship in the world. This Queen Pei not only protected the prince, but she actually also protected a maid. Seeing that this sword would definitely cut off one of Pei Qing's arms, the sound of sighing gradually began to sound - —

Unexpectedly, there was a sudden "bang" in the hall, and the big sword fell out, and then with a muffled groan, the huge body of the man at the door fell to the ground.

A sharp arrow shot from the back of his head and came out from between his eyebrows. The tip of the sharp arrow was still filled with red blood and white... Her stomach instantly surged, and Pei Qing covered Xiao Jian'an’s eyes.

In the dusk, a blizzard was raging. Outside the main hall of Hanning Palace, the man put down the bow in his hand.

The sky was too dark, and Pei Qing could not see the man's face clearly. She only knew that he was riding on a tall war horse. He was tall and tall, but he also had a murderous aura around him.

​ it him?

The man clearly saw the Queen and the Prince are in Hanning Palace, but as if he hadn't seen them, not only did he not dismount, but he lazily uttered two words: "Take them down."

Pei Qing trembled when she heard the voice, but the fighting suddenly started again, and she couldn't care about it. Prince Yu's people were so proud a quarter of an hour ago, but now they are dead in a different place in Hanning Palace, and they are dead in a miserable state. 

Two women and a child huddled in a corner until the entire hall fell silent.

At this time, a thin man threw aside the knife with scraps of cloth and meat, and then strode over: "The criminals in Hanning Palace have been dealt with, and the queen and the prince don't need to be afraid."

"Many, thank you very much." Zhi Lan helped Pei Qing stand up. Pei Qing even straightened the hem of her skirt and saluted the man with Xiao Ji'an and Zhi Lan.

The man was stunned and quickly took two steps back: "My dear, please don't do this!"

Pei Qing said: "You should be able to bear the grace of saving my life. May I ask you..."

The man wiped the sweat from his face, cupped his hands towards Pei Qing and said, "Your subordinate is Chu Li, the commander of the Nanchuan Camp, and I have come here to protect King Qin on the order of the King of Nanchuan!"

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