Chapter 20 Coming Back

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Pei Qing prepared bathing supplies and carefully tested the water temperature.

But when everything was ready, she discovered that Xiao Yuan was not in the palace. Just now she heard some conversation outside, she guessed he must have gone to deal with important matters. The cold wind was howling outside, Zhi Lan was accompanying Ji'er in Xuyang Palace, and she was the only one left in Hanning Palace.

Pei Qing closed the door, walked behind the screen and unbuttoned her clothes.

The hot water warmed her body. She closed her eyes and thought about what he had just said during the dinner. He said that there is no choice between birth, old age, illness and death. The only choices are how to die and who to die for.

Her sister suffered a haemorrhage due to dystocia. The nun in the palace who knew about it said that she closed her eyes with a smile. So, everyone said that she died for His Majesty and the royal bloodline. Her brother-in-law has become seriously ill due to overwork. If one day... he will die for the country, country and country.

But... Pei Qing opened her eyes. Although the rebels forced by King Yu and King Yun had been wiped out, they were still watching eagerly from inside and outside the city. The Nanchuan Army kept changing its defences day and night, and Chu Li was always in a hurry when reporting military information. She then understood that things were far from as simple as she thought.

It is easy to come to the rescue unexpectedly, but it is difficult to escape unscathed.

For some reason, she felt a little sour in her heart. Now that she thinks about it, that letter for help was probably a reminder to drag people into the abyss of death.

After bathing, she put on her underwear and wiped her long hair.

It is said that King Nanchuan has a violent temper, kills people at every turn, and tramples on the king's laws and regulations. At first, someone impeached him for a few words in court, but his head was beheaded on the way home. From then on, no one dared to speak about Nanchuan in court.

Now it seems that this is not necessarily the case. It is always warm like spring in the south, but now it is freezing cold, there are bloody battles and day and night patrols, but there is not a single complaint or lament from the Nanchuan generals in the palace. How could it be so if the army had not made it clear?

When she first learned about those things, she was afraid. Later, she learned that the name of King Nanchuan was Xiao Yuan, and he was still young and handsome, she was even more afraid. Pei Qing knew clearly that she had betrayed him, and how hurtful the words she said to him before entering the palace were.

Even now, she is still afraid. Pei Qing walked to the bed and lifted the quilt.

She was afraid... that he wouldn't be able to go back.

Just as she was about to blow out the candle, there was a creaking sound from outside. Then a cold wind blew in, and the palace door was heard to slam shut. Xiao Yuan's body was still covered with snow, and the warmth and fragrance that hit his face in the hall instantly eliminated some of the uncomfortable coldness.

When he walked in and saw a woman beside the couch who seemed to want to sleep, he frowned: "You want to sleep before I come back?"

Pei Qing quickly stood up, "I, I thought you weren't coming back."

"Where will I go if I don't come back?" He took out something from his body and thrust it into her hand angrily, "This thing will fall off easily."

Pei Qing lowered her head and in her hand was the peace charm she gave away last night. The outside of the red kit bag was wet, as if it had been stained with snow.

"Then let me sew a strap on it, so you can tie it to your belt, and it won't fall off." She said as she went to get the sewing box.

"It's really troublesome." The man behind him took off his clothes.

Pei Qing came back with a sewing box, "Why is this coat so wet?"

However, Xiao Yuan ignored her and went to take a bath behind the screen. 

Naturally, the dignified King Nanchuan would not say that it was because the broken peace charm fell out on the way to the East Palace and was blown away by the heavy snowstorm tonight. Two tall figures in the imperial city chased it for a while. When they arrived at the East Palace, Chu Li was still laughing and panting. He was out of breath and was kicked before he shut up.

But at this moment, the news should have spread throughout the entire Nanchuan Army.

When Pei Qing saw that he didn't respond, she thought he was angry again. After seeing him go to the screen, it suddenly occurred to her that she had not prepared anything for him to take a bath when he came back.

She hurriedly put down the things in her hands and followed: "It'll be ready to use it soon -"

The man's naked and muscular body suddenly came into view. Pei Qing screamed and turned away with a blush, forgetting what she wanted to say for a moment.

Xiao Yuan looked at her, even her back looked shy. Looking at her, the material of the clothes was soft, and it just outlined her graceful figure. Her long hair was hanging down, and the tips of her hair were swept away, and it was swept on the tip of the man's heart.

"What you prepared for bathing is cold water?" he asked.

Pei Qing didn't expect that he would come back, let alone that he would take off his clothes so quickly. She pointed to the side: "There is still some clean hot water, but it is not as hot as before. If you add it, it should be enough."

Xiao Yuan glanced sideways at where she was pointing, then looked back at her and snorted coldly.

Those white and tender hands, which only know how to play the piano and grind ink, may not be able to lift the full amount of hot water.

The sound of rushing water came from behind her, and Pei Qing breathed a sigh of relief. Since he had already untied his clothes, he probably didn't need anything else from her, so she said, "Then you take a shower first, and I'll go sew the belt."

Looking at the figure who couldn't wait to leave, Xiao Yuan said dissatisfiedly: "Bring it over and sew here."

"What?" Pei Qing still turned her back to him.

"If the sewing is not satisfactory to me, Xiao Ji'an will not be allowed to come here to eat in the future."

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