Chapter 23 Life and Death

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The wind is getting stronger, and the snow is getting deeper, making the road to Yangju Hall extremely difficult.

Her hair was messy, the tears in her eyes were blown dry by the wind, and it hurt from the cold. Pei Qing recalled what was strange about him last night and understood why he said such a thing.

Why didn't she hear it at that time? The phrase "Pei Qing, don't marry anyone else" was obviously so familiar.

In the past, they had also encountered such a desperate situation today. He was being hunted, and so was she beside him. When he was at the end of the cliff, Xiao Yuan looked pale but still smiled playfully: "Xiao Qing'er, I'm sorry for causing trouble for you."

She cried pitifully and covered his bleeding wound, shaking her head.

If she hadn't been with him, she would have been bullied by those bullies. Only after she left home did she realize that there were so many unspeakable grievances in the world.

With swords, guns and arrows approaching, he had no choice but to hold her and jump off the cliff. God mercifully allowed a slow stream to flow under the cliff, and Pei Qing dragged him ashore with great effort.

But at that time, the young man was already dying, lying in her arms, and he was still worrying about what would happen next.

"I may not be able to marry you as the general's wife. Don't be angry. This is, ahem... there will be a next life."

"In this life... just find a scholar to marry, don't marry someone in the military. They live with their heads in the air, and you have to be afraid all day long."

Her tears couldn't stop flowing, and she wanted to help him get up, but he couldn't.

"No, no, how can a scholar protect you if he doesn't know martial arts? Forget it, let's find someone who knows some martial arts. Yamen officers are very good. They know martial arts and don't have to go to the battlefield."

“But the salary is very small, Xiao——” The severe pain in his abdomen made him pause for a long time, “Xiao Qing’er, the kind of person who can’t even afford rouge, gouache, and a ruffled skirt cannot marry...”

"Stop talking, I'll take you to a doctor. If there is smoke from the kitchen, someone must be living there!" Her voice was urgent.

But he shook his head and grinned with difficulty, "How about Pei Qing, please don't get married." His breath became weaker and weaker, "Have you ever heard of corpse collectors?"

Pei Qing looked at him in disbelief. Corpse pickers make a living by collecting corpses. The corpses are either sent to rich families to be buried with their relatives, or for doctors to test for poisons and medicines. Most of them will eventually become in pieces and thrown into mass graves to feed animals.

Xiao Yuan said, "When I die, don't bury me. Burial will cost a lot of money. You, you just sell my body to the body pickers. A young and strong person like me can sell it for several taels of silver! I can pay for it for you."

As he spoke, he took out a broken jade pendant from his arms with his blood-covered hands, "Then, take this and go to Nanchuan to find...a man named Chu Li. He is my best friend. Good friends, we grew up together. He will give you all my money, you must keep it, and then... ask him to hire an escort for you that all bandits and gangsters are afraid of and send you back home, okay?"

Pei Qing cried and shook her head, but Xiao Yuan could no longer say anything to coax her from crying.

That was what he told her before he died, fearing that she would be wronged. And when he said those words again last night, he also knew that he had chosen a dead end.

Pei Qing saw the words "Yangju Palace" from a distance. At this time, there was a roar outside the palace, like something exploding, and the sound of fighting swords was clearly approaching. Pei Qing suddenly grabbed her clothes, and regardless of etiquette, she picked up the hem of her clothes and ran.

She won't let him die.

It’s just like that time. Pei Qing didn't know how she did it, or why she had so much strength at that time. She was able to carry a man who was much taller and heavier than her for more than ten miles. In the village of Xingjiabang she found the doctor there.

Xiao Yuan always boasted that he had a good destiny and was the son of destiny, but she didn't believe it. But when she met the miracle doctor and saw Xiao Yuan come back to life with her own eyes, Pei Qing became convinced.

He is a person favoured by God and will not die easily.

There was another roar, and Pei Qing looked over quickly. This was the sound of hitting the palace door. Arrows dipped in kerosene shot in.

When Pei Qing ran into the inner hall of the Yangju Hall, Xiao Jing still looked calm and said, "You are here."

Pei Qing knelt in front of him without hesitation.

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