Chapter 18 Apology

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At dinner time, the aroma of the food in the Yangju Hall covers up the smell of medicine during the day.

"Your Majesty, this is the yam soup that the Queen specially ordered to make. I heard that your mouth has always been bitter recently. The Queen also asked the imperial chef to add some honey to make it sweeter and more appetizing."

The Eunuch laid out the carefully prepared meals one by one. Just the number of dishes and ingredients showed that a lot of thought had gone into them.

"Your Majesty, Her Majesty, has not come to have dinner with you in the past few days. Do you want to summon Her Majesty?" When the eunuch saw Xiao Jing having dinner alone, he asked a lot.

Xiao Jing took a bite of the yam soup. It was indeed slightly sweet and refreshing, which relieved the astringent and bitter taste left by drinking medicine in recent days.

Seeing that Xiao Jing smiled but said nothing, the eunuch couldn't help but said: "Your Majesty, that King of Nanchuan... is really outrageous. Not only did he stay in the palace of the empress openly and freely, but... he also almost... Injured the little prince."

Today's events have been reported to Xiao Jing. He drank the soup one mouthful at a time until the white porcelain bowl reached the bottom.

"Is Ji'er still writing books in Xuyang Palace?"

Seeing that he finally spoke, the eunuch hurriedly bowed and said, "No, the Queen just sent someone to Xuyang Palace and called the young highness to have dinner in Hanning Palace. They should be arriving soon. I'm afraid he won't be allowed to talk too much. Seeing the ill-tempered King Nanchuan, His Highness will be wronged again."

But no one with a discerning eye can't understand the current situation. No matter who you are, you have to tolerate King Nanchuan in every possible way at this moment. As long as his Nanchuan army is there, the people in the palace can live one more day. The eunuch knew that what he said today was beyond the bounds of the rules, but fortunately His Majesty did not blame him, so he quietly stood aside.

Xiao Jing didn't eat much, only a bowl of yam soft mud soup, then he put down the spoon, and his eunuch handed him a brocade handkerchief for him to wipe.

"You come out of the palace on my behalf and invite Mr. Xiang here. Don't let anyone notice you."

"Yes, I will do it right now."

Here in the Hanning Palace, there are also several delicacies on the table. To accompany the delicacies, there is also a pot of strong wine brought over by the Nanchuan Army General. The only difference from the Yangju Palace is that the dishes and wine were arranged by the Queen herself.

Xiao Yuan washed his hands and walked over. He saw the woman's slim figure, putting away the bowls and chopsticks with her back to him.

This is a scene he has dreamed of countless times.

Pei Qing turned around and saw him staring straight at this side, and asked softly: "Are you hungry?"

However, this question makes people feel confused. How can one not be hungry in this situation? There was an obvious change somewhere, and Xiao Yuan couldn't help but look down. He was dissatisfied with the fact that he could ‘get hard’ easily. Did she asked the sick man if he was hungry every day?

Seeing his unkind expression, Pei Qing hesitated for a moment, then said, "I called Ji'er for dinner, please don't lose your temper, okay?"

Xiao Yuan ignored her, walked over and sat down.

Pei Qing approached, "Ji'er dines with me every day. I don't want him to eat alone in Xuyang Palace."

Xiao Yuan sneered after hearing this, "You just like to be someone's stepmother, and you want me to accompany him to dinner. Don't blame me, I can do anything, but I can't be someone's stepfather!"

Pei Qing was stunned for a moment, then her ears turned red, and she retorted in a low voice: "I...I didn't mean that."

She just thought that Ji'er was the junior and Xiao Yuan was the elder. In the final analysis, they were members of the same clan and room. She doesn't know why Xiao Yuan said this. It sounds like... a couple in an ordinary family quarrelling over their stepson.

But the man in the private seat didn't think so much. He poured a glass of wine and drank it in one gulp. At this time, Zhilan's voice came from outside the palace, "Her Majesty."

Pei Qing knew that it was Zhi Lan who came with the child, but because Xiao Yuan was in the palace, Zhi Lan only dared to wait outside the palace with Xiao Ji'an.

After Pei Qing went out, Xiao Yuan was the only one left in the hall. It was so quiet that even the sound of pouring wine was so sudden, it was like returning to those nights in the past.

After she left, he sat, drank, and ate alone like this. No one will blame him for being a picky eater, and no one will put vegetables in his bowl. That beautiful smiling face and those gentle and smart instructions kept him awake at night. Only by getting drunk with the most powerful wine can one or two of the feeling be relieved.

He doesn't like this kind of silence, and even hates it extremely. Just when he was about to lose his temper, that figure appeared in his sight.

He doesn’t know what she said to this little thing outside. In short, when Xiao Ji’an saw Xiao Yuan again, he was no longer as hostile as he was during the day.

Pei Qing held Xiao Ji'an's hand and met Xiao Yuan's gaze, feeling inexplicably nervous. Those watery eyes seemed to say, don't lose your temper.

Xiao Yuan frowned, is he so scary? Could it be that he was some kind of ferocious beast that could swallow her son in one bite?

When she saw his frown, Pei Qing didn't dare to bring her child forward. It's okay for him to lose his temper with her no matter what, but she doesn't want her child to be wronged when it comes to Ji'er.

But she didn't expect Xiao Ji'an to let go of her hand first and walk up to the scary man.

"Ji'er..." Pei Qing called softly.

Xiao Ji'an's small body stood upright. He cupped his fists and saluted and said word by word: "I misunderstood the emperor's uncle today and was rude to him. Ji'an apologized to the emperor's uncle. If the emperor wants to punish him, Ji'an is willing to accept the punishment.”

One big and one small, one sitting and one standing.

Xiao Yuan looked at Xiao Ji'an's black and white eyes, which dared to look directly at him like a small animal, and suddenly smiled evilly.

"In that case, call me ‘Dad’ and come listen."

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