Chapter 09 Bad Guys

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The charcoal fire in Yangju Hall is very strong.

Pei Qing personally inspected the decorations everywhere and felt relieved when she learned that the palace people were serving them well. When she turned around, Xiao Ji'an was standing upright in the palace, reciting the ancient book's words word by word.

As the only prince, Xiao Ji'an never slacked off. Even though the rebels invaded the palace and almost killed him, the child could still get up early as usual and come with her to the Yangju Hall to pay her respects.

At this time, Xiao Jing coughed twice, and Pei Qing hurriedly walked over and said, "Your Majesty, the soup is no longer hot. It's better to drink it while it's warm."

With that said, she picked it up and wanted to feed Xiao Jing the medicine with a spoon. Xiao Jian'an on the side snickered, Xiao Jing also smiled and shook his head, and said to Xiao Jian'an: "Ji'er, you memorized the book very well today. You go and wait outside the hall first."

Xiao Ji'an nodded readily and went outside the hall.

"Brother-in-law, do you have something to say?"

Xiao Jing took the bowl of medicine in her hand and took a sip, "It's still so bitter."

As an emperor, he has always kept his emotions and anger in secret. He rarely complains like this. What he complains about is the bitterness of the soup and medicine. Pei smiled softly, "That's why I prepare candied fruits every day, but my brother-in-law didn't even eat one."

The bowl of soup had reached the bottom, but Xiao Jing still didn't eat the candied fruit.
"The candied fruit covers the bitterness in the mouth, but it is useless for the bitterness in the heart. If it were useful, you would also eat it, right?" He put down the medicine bowl.

Pei Qing was stunned by these words.

Xiao Jing looked at her: "King Nanchuan said he wants you."

He still had a gentle expression on his face, but Pei Qing immediately knelt in front of him and opened her mouth, not knowing what to say. It was she who wrote a letter begging Xiao Yuan to come. She promised too much in that letter of help without Xiao Jing's consent. Now Xiao Yuan is just asking for it.

"Your Majesty, please forgive me. It's my fault."

"Why is it your fault?" Xiao Jing stretched out his hand towards her.

Pei Qing looked at that beautiful hand and didn't dare to touch it.

"Is it wrong that you should not have written a letter asking for help to let King Nanchuan repel the rebels, or is it that you have risked your life to protect the child who was not born to you?" Xiao Jing patted the side of the couch, "The ground is cold, so sit here."

Seeing that he was not really angry, Pei Qing stood up and sat beside the couch.

"It was my fault that I directly announced your entry into the palace without asking you how you feel."

Hearing what Xiao Jing said, Pei Qing shook her head: "Brother-in-law is not to blame for this. I was brought up by my sister. My mother died young, and my father doted on the son from his concubine and never took care of us for a day. Until my sister met His Majesty by chance and entered the palace. After she became queen in the palace, my life at home became better. I... I once argued with my father and left home. My sister was pregnant and worried about my safety, and she was depressed... ...It's my fault. When I knew I could take care of my sister's children, I was willing in my heart."

Xiao Jing never knew that Pei Qing thought this way.

When she first entered the palace, he even felt that she was deliberately imitating Pei Wan's words and deeds in order to gain his favour. So, at first when he came to Hanning Palace, he only looked at Ji'er and didn't say anything to her. It was only as time passed that he discovered that Pei Qing's feelings and longing for Pei Wan were no less than him, his husband.

Xiao Jing sighed: "Your sister had a difficult delivery. Ultimately, the doctor said it was because of her poor health. Pei Qing, you can't take all the blame on yourself."

Seeing that she still blamed herself, Xiao Jing stopped mentioning Pei Wan and asked, "Although you entered the palace voluntarily, you abandoned him, right?"

Who he is self-evident.

The tears finally rolled down. Pei Qing wiped them away and said nothing.

Xiao Jing wanted to sleep for a while after taking the medicine. There were more guards from the Nanchuan Army in the palace, so it was obviously much safer.

Pei Qing took Xiao Ji'an for a long walk in the imperial garden for a long time. He didn't eat much for lunch. Pei Qing knew that he had been holding back in the room for a long time, and he didn't care about the cold winter and asked the imperial dining room to arrange the dinner in the pavilion of the Imperial Garden.

As expected, Xiao Ji'an ate more at noon. Pei Qing held his hand and walked back, "When it's peaceful outside, mother will take Ji'er out of the palace to try the delicious food outside the palace, okay?"

Xiao Ji'an held her hand: "When I grow up, Ji'er will take my father and mother to taste all the delicacies in the world!"

Pei Qing's eyes turned red, and she nodded slightly: "Okay."

When she took Xiao Ji'an back to Hanning Palace, it was already dark, and the child was a little tired after walking around for a long time.

But she didn't expect that as soon as she stepped into the palace gate, she would see Zhi Lan waiting nervously at the entrance of the palace. Seeing Pei Qing come back, she called softly: "Niangniang."

Next to Zhi Lan, Chu Li stood guard with a sword.

Pei Qing held Xiao Ji'an's hand tightly. Chu Li had already spoken: "Queen, our prince has been waiting for you for a long time."

This man came without any warning, so Pei Qing had no choice but to take Xiao Ji'an in.

Xiao Yuan was drinking wine from the set of agarwood-carved jade cups that Xiao Jing gave to Pei Qing. Xiao Jian'an saw it as soon as he entered, "How can you use my mother's favourite jade cup!"

Hearing this, the man in the elegant seat glanced over with his red phoenix eyes.

Pei Qing hurriedly took a step forward and stood in front of Xiao Ji'an, "If the prince likes it, use it." She lowered her head and taught: "Ji'er, he is a guest, don't be rude."

Although Xiao Yuan is a minister, he is also an elder. Xiao Ji'an should call him uncle.

Xiao Yuan smiled, then loosened his fingertips, and the expensive jade wine cup banged on the corner of the table. If it hadn't rolled to the ground covered with a soft blanket, it would have been smashed to pieces.

"Oh, am I a guest?" The man stood up, and Xiao Ji'an, who was protected by Pei Qing behind her, realized how tall he was.

He looked very scary, not like his father who was majestic and scary as a king, but as scary as the big devil in the legend who frequently killed people.

Bad guy. These two words appeared in Xiao Ji'an's mind.

Xiao Yuan approached and leaned slightly in front of Pei Qing: "I would like to learn how to treat guests."

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