Chapter 04 Offense

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Outside the palace, corpses litter the fields.

Meng Chuang and a group of Forbidden Army soldiers were panting heavily in such a blizzard, and their clothes were soaked. There is blood and sweat. If the Nanchuan army had not arrived in time, they would have been trampled to pieces by the soldiers and horses of King Yu and other clansmen tonight.

Seeing someone coming in front of him, Meng Chuang wiped the sweat from his face and stood up immediately. He wanted to call out "King of Nanchuan", but when he saw the person's appearance clearly did not say it.

He heard that the King of Nanchuan has controlled the Nanchuan camp for many years, and his vicious methods have shocked the southern border for a long time, so that the south only knows the King of Nanchuan but not the emperor. Such a person is also a brother of His Majesty's clan, and he should be nearly forty years old.

There is no way he should be a young man who looks less than twenty-five years old.

Moreover, this person is extremely tall, with a strong and straight figure, long legs and long steps, and he is close to him in three or two steps. Seeing that Meng Chuang was looking at him blankly with the badge of Commander of the Forbidden Army hanging on his body, the man smiled.

Looking closer, Meng Chuang was amazed at this man's appearance. His complexion is fair, his nose is high, his eyes have an evil look, and his thin red lips are always smiling. Stunning little hustler, Meng Chuang was so bold as to call him such a name.

But suddenly, the man's eyes flashed, and his eyes suddenly turned bottomless. Meng Chuang's heart immediately trembled, "I've met the King of Nanchuan."

Unexpectedly, this man tilted his head and smiled at him, and patted him on the shoulder: "The sword skills are good."

Just this casual slap, to Meng Chuang, it felt like being hit by a heavy stone. His shoulder was sore instantly, and even the hand holding the sword began to tremble.

This person... Meng Chuang turned around and looked at the back, secretly retracting the random names he had just given.

He must be the King of Nanchuan. He is by no means a simple figure.

In the hall, Xiao Jing's coughing sound could be heard. The three people kneeling on the ground were tightly tied with hemp ropes as thick as their thumbs, and their hands were forcibly folded behind their backs, causing them to wail out of shape.

"Oh, it's so lively." The figure sounded before he could be seen. The door of the Yangju Hall was pushed open from the outside, and a pair of black python pattern boots came into view first.

"You, you are the King of Nanchuan?" King Yu, who was kneeling on the ground, stared at him. It was this man who ruined all his plans and calculations at the critical moment.

However, the visitor didn't even look at him. Instead, he saluted lazily and casually towards Xiao Jing: "Nanchuan Xiao Yuan, here to save you."

The blood on his sword dripped all the way in, and the smell of blood was strong. This is extremely disrespectful. Xiao Jing was indifferent: "Thank you, King Nanchuan."

Xiao Yuan stared at the man on the bed. Although he was seriously ill, his pale complexion could not hide his handsomeness. Even if the thief came to kill him at the door, he still took it calmly and did not change his expression. Faced with a great hero who saved him from danger, he did not bow down in the slightest.

Is this the state of an emperor?

Xiao Yuan smiled disdainfully, but the anger in his chest grew stronger. He looked sideways at the three people kneeling on the ground, and said quietly: "Prince Yu, Prince Yun, and a bullshit general. Since they force the palace to rebel, how about I kill them all on my cousin's behalf?"

The three people were busy crying and kowtowing to beg for mercy. Everyone knew that Xiao Jing was a wise and benevolent king and would not kill his own clan brothers so cruelly.

But before Xiao Jing could speak, Xiao Yuan had already raised his hand, and several rough soldiers came in immediately, ready to execute three of them with a swing of their sword.

"Tsk." Xiao Yuan pointed at them with the tip of the sword, "Why are you so ungrateful? It doesn't look good to kill people in front of Your Majesty. Go and take them outside."


The next moment they stepped out of the door, the three of them were covered in blood.

The smell of blood was so unpleasant that Xiao Jing couldn't help but cough. Those coughs that fell one after another were sarcasm over and over again in Xiao Yuan's ears.

Just for such a sick man...

He quickly stepped onto the dragon couch and put the sword on Xiao Jing's neck. The blood instantly stained Xiao Jing's white clothes.

The two men were very close and facing each other.

Xiao Jing was still not afraid, not even panicked. Xiao Yuan pressed the blade into the flesh inch by inch, enjoying the fresh smell of blood.

"Since my cousin has an eternity, why did he write a will? I am very curious." Xiao Yuan pretended to be thoughtful, "Are you going to pass it on to the little prince who lost his mother when he was born? Tsk, a baby sitting on this Dragon chair, is it safe to sit on?"

As both men, Xiao Jing felt a strong hostility. This hostility is different from the hostility of those who covet the throne, but the hostility towards him, Xiao Jing.

The blade in his neck moved a little further, and he finally frowned. But what he said was: "Thank you very much."

"Heh." Xiao Yuan took away the sword, "Are you sure I don't care about the throne, right?"

Xiao Jing picked up the handkerchief on the small table next to the couch and wiped the blood from his neck.

"If you want the throne. After they kill me and the prince, wouldn't it be more justifiable to bring things back to order?" Xiao Jing looked at him calmly, "You don't want the throne, Xiao Yuan, what do you want?"

Xiao Yuan stared at him for a long time and suddenly felt that this person was quite interesting. Unfortunately, he doesn't like interesting people.

"I'm just bored. I just went out to kill a few people to practice my skills. But in the end, it can be regarded as a meritorious service." Xiao Yuan threw the sword aside casually, soiling Xiao Jing's bedding, "I have a lot of gold, silver and silk. Cousin, don’t reward me these.”

Xiao Jing said nothing, waiting for his next words.

Xiao Yuan smiled and said, "Why don't you just give me your queen to play with?"

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