Chapter 11 Remember

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The sky is getting darker, and the cold wind outside is getting more and more biting.

It was very warm in Hanning Palace, not only warm, but even a little hot, so hot that it made people sweat.

Pei Qing stood beside the steamy bathtub, feeling a little uneasy. She had never served Xiao Jing like this before. When she came to the palace, she only played chess with him, talked, and served him wine and food during meals.

He has always had a gentle temper. Although he has the majesty of an emperor and holds the world in his hands, he would never overstep his bounds towards her in private.

But the man in front of her was different. He was mocking, disdainful, and even more impatient.

"How long are you going to stand like this, not knowing how to undress my clothes?"

He frowned and urged, and then Pei Qing took action. A slender hand touched Xiao Yuan's waist, and his eyes suddenly darkened. But Pei Qing still lowered her head and didn't notice.

The belt was easy to untie, but the buttons from the collar to the chest were a bit difficult for her to do. It looked like there was no difference, but she couldn't untie it after untying it left and right. Pei Qing couldn't help but get closer and take a closer look, trying to understand what was so strange about the clothes.

The woman's fragrance suddenly came closer, and Xiao Yuan could even hear her gentle breathing. The edge of her long sleeves touched his fingertips, causing it to itch all the way to his heart.

The next moment, Xiao Yuan held Pei Qing's hand.

Her hands were still so small and always cold. He had to use his hands to warm them up.

Pei Qing was stunned and looked up at him.

The moment their eyes met, Xiao Yuan was stunned for a moment, but he reacted immediately. The disgust in his eyes could not be concealed, and he held Pei Qing's hand until it hurt, and taught her roughly to undress.

"Have you learned this?"

When he let go, there were several finger marks on the back of the woman's originally white hand. Pei Qing nodded lightly and continued to take off his clothes silently. Xiao Yuan stopped talking and the palace was extremely quiet.

It wasn't until the man's clothes were unbuttoned and his pants were taken off, and Pei Qing blushed so hard that she could bleed, that King Nanchuan spoke again.

"My queen is really good at pretending."

It must be this soft and shy look that made Xiao Jing stop going to other concubines' palaces after marrying her. The eldest son is given to her to raise, and she can choose from thousands of rewards. If it were to grow out of the wild again, that sick young man would surely sacrifice the whole world.

The man soaked in the warm water, closed his eyes and said nothing, but Pei Qing inexplicably felt that there was anger around him.

She thought for a while, maybe she was not serving him well? After deciding, she slowly approached and stretched out her hand tentatively.

Xiao Yuan opened his eyes at this moment. But he didn't move, didn't show anything strange, just turned his back to her.

The cold hands fell on his shoulders. They were not very strong, but they squeezed them again and again.

A soft voice came from behind, "I heard that today, the prince came out of the palace and strangled the remnants of King Yu's faction. You swung the sword many times, I think you will be a little tired."

She slowly moved her hands to his strong arms and massaged them carefully: "I remember... taking a bath with hot water, and then using finger massage to relieve the pain the next day of soreness.”

This method was told to her by the boy who used to jump up and down every day. It's just that at that time, Pei Qing didn't know that he was also of royal blood and had a noble status. He had gained it by struggling in the military camp since he was a child.

So, she said those words as she massaged him.

"He is the emperor, the most noble man in the world. If I marry him, I will be the queen, and I will have all the treasures in the world. But with you, I only have simple food and food, which is not as good as my life at home. You are a common man with no power, why do you ask me to suffer with you?"

Pei Qing still remembers his disbelief at that time.

Just like when she accidentally learned later that the King of Nanchuan who dominated the Southern Territory was not an old man at all, but a handsome young man named Xiao Yuan, she was just as unbelievable.

There was endless silence again.

Was her words of ‘I remember’ intentional or unintentional... was she trying to exchange old love for his pity?

Xiao Yuan raised the corners of his lips arrogantly and pushed her hand away. Pei Qing looked at him puzzled.

Under the candlelight, his profile was so beautiful that people couldn't take their eyes away, and his voice was as seductive as a charm: "Go and ask Chu Li to bring in the wine."

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Have Soft Spot for Her / A Tale of Love and Loyalty / Shou Ta Yi Bing Where stories live. Discover now