Chapter 14 Talk

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Pei Qing was shocked to the spot by these fluttering words. She raised her head in disbelief: "W-what?"

Xiao Yuan stared at her soft red lips and said again in a hoarse voice: "Same as before."

The hall was filled with the aroma of wine, and it was so quiet that only the man's heavy breathing and the woman's low sobbing could be heard.

Pei Qing was not from a distinguished background. Even before she got married, she suffered a lot because she was not taken seriously by the Pei family and suffered many bullies. She has experienced all kinds of abuses, unjust accusations, and lynchings.

Her mother died young, her father was partial, and her stepmother was overbearing. Pei Qing never cried. Because she knows that, more or less, there are always one or two people who love and protect her. Her sister Pei Wan is one, and the former Xiao Yuan was also one.

But now her eyes are full of amusement and shame. Hot tears fell one drop after another, but there was no mercy or concession in exchange.

All that was waiting for him was an impatient order: "Chu Li, bring me that bastard from Xuyang Palace!"

Chu Li outside the door thought that he would have nothing to do tonight, but he was suddenly trembled by the roar, and hurriedly responded: "Yes, my lord!"

"No!" A woman's crying voice came from inside. Chu Li paused at his feet. Did the Queen cry?

He put his ear to the door and listened again. Pei Qing said, "Your Majesty is joking, so don't worry about it."

Chu Li waited for a while, but there was no movement from the prince, so there was no need to go to Xuyang Palace anymore. Chu Li held his sword and tilted his head outside the door, thinking that he would have to talk to the prince tomorrow. 

Since ancient times, trouble has always come from the mouth, and it was really inappropriate for him to always call the little prince a bastard.

On the soft side of the hall, Xiao Yuan's slender fingers played with a strand of Pei Qing's long hair. Seeing tears still hanging on her face, she held him with her beautiful hands in every grievance.

"Hiss." The man's abdomen tightened, and when those warm hands covered him, he felt an indescribable comfort.

This temperature also made Pei Qing's heart tremble, and she could clearly feel the veins popping up in her palms... Only then could she hold it with both hands. She closed her eyes and opened her mouth slightly, sticking out the tip of her tongue like before.

Xiao Yuan's throat kept sliding, and the numbness on the back of his spine spread throughout his body bit by bit. Unlike him, Pei Qing frowned, unable to hide her shame and displeasure at such a thing.

She only touched her tongue and left in a hurry, not touching it a second time.

It wasn't until she felt the familiar anger coming back from the man that Pei Qing quickly lowered her head. Xiao Yuan's eyes darkened and he stroked the back of Pei Qing's head with his big hand, without giving her a chance to raise her head.

"Well -" Pei Qing felt a strong push down. She was immediately speechless, shocked and suffocated instantly.

In an instant, Xiao Yuan felt a sense of overwhelming pleasure that annihilated his consciousness. As his nature dictated, he moved unconsciously.

The more terrifying intrusion and suffocation frightened Pei Qing. She supported the man's thigh and struggled back, but her little strength was not only useless to him, but she struggled and shook her head, giving him almost losing his control. Unstoppable fatal pleasure.

Xiao Yuan wanted to go deeper, but suddenly he met Pei Qing's beautiful eyes filled with tears and full of fear. He was stunned for a moment.

Some women are probably born to destroy men. Even though she is so dishevelled and doing the most charming and despicable things in a pitiful manner, her eyes can still be so pure and agile, so tearful that it makes people feel soft.

His hand on the back of her head loosened slightly, and the ‘thing’ moved back a little.

Xiao Yuan rarely had some patience: "Move your tongue, don't bite it. From bottom to top, don't hold it in your mouth all the time."

He completely let go of his hand and helped Pei Qing wipe the tears from the corners of her eyes, "If you can do a good job, I won't come by myself. Madam, this is my last respect."

The author has something to say:

This chapter has also been deleted a lot hahahaha

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