Chapter 15 Swallow

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Xiao Yuan kept his word and resisted the urge to hold her head down several times.

Let her move jerkily, the heat and itching intertwined, adding a bit of torture to the ultimate pleasure.

Xiao Yuan thought that he should cover her seductive eyes, or simply dig them out. It saved her from having to blink twice and shed a few tears and look very upset.

After a while, Pei Qing felt that her jaw began to stiffen, and her lips and tongue had no strength. She looked at Xiao Yuan pleadingly.

Xiao Yuan's eyes were frighteningly dark. She looked at him pitifully. He looked away, "If you can't take it out, just use your hands. Do you need me to teach you?"

Pei Qing understood immediately and held her white hand. Her tongue was like what he had taught her, and if she sucked it slightly sometimes, she could hear his heavier breathing, and the bulging veins on her arms made Pei Qing even more frightened.

Her palms were a little sweaty and not as cold as before. Tightening them even slightly would be too much for him.

"Be gentle," he said.

Pei Qing hurriedly relaxed some, and with this loosening, the tight wrapping feeling loosened again. The man was not satisfied, so he reached out and held her whole hand and led her. The other hand unconsciously touched her head.

Pei Qing was immediately afraid. However, the numbing and empty pleasure that swept over him made Xiao Yuan unable to accommodate her nervousness and fear. When he reached the peak, he pulled Pei Qing's wrist away and gave it away hard.

Pei Qing couldn't make a sound and felt extremely uncomfortable.

Only then did Xiao Yuan discover that there were some cracks on her lower lip and the corners of her lips, with traces of blood.

Pei Qing couldn't help but want to spit it out. But she didn't expect that Xiao Yuan pinched her face first, preventing her from opening her mouth.

"Swallow it." He rubbed the corner of her lips, and there was blood on his thumb. "Otherwise, I will have to do it again, my dearest lady."

When Pei Qing heard this, she found that he had changed again.

Her face was full of reluctance, so she could only force herself with a frown. Xiao Yuan looked at her fair and attractive neck without saying a word, feeling from the outside how she was swallowing it bit by bit.

Xiao Yuan finally let go of his hand. Seeing that he didn't stop her, Pei Qing went behind the screen to clean up and wash up.

But the night was still very long, and the man's lust had not subsided. He stared closely at the screen, imagining how she would take off her clothes little by little, take off the appropriately sheer gauze lining, and then pull off the woman's clothes. The belt of the small coat. Her waist is very thin, and he could feel it just now, pinching her soft and thin must be a special feeling.

He has never been a gentleman, let alone a good minister. In his eyes, the principles of human ethics are often no match for the soul-crushing taste of warm fragrant nephrite, not to mention that she should be his, Xiao Yuan's.

She could agree to anything she said in the letter, so why should he be polite?

Pei Qing didn't want to, she just wanted to save face for the sick man, so she asked him to wait.

Xiao Yuan stood up, why should he wait? In order to save her weak and powerless emperor, he gave up the comfortable life of Nanchuan and came here to be attacked from both sides. Even a little wild person dared to look at him.

The more he thinks about it, the stronger his anger becomes. He just wanted her to cry for mercy, the louder the better. It would be best to have her cry for mercy to the Yangju Hall so that the dying man could listen to it.

Just when he came to the screen, Xiao Yuan stopped at his feet. There was no sound of water, not even a hint of moisture. The only sounds that came from inside were extremely low sobbing and crying. If you don't look carefully, you won't see a small figure reflected on the screen.

Even without walking in, he knew how she huddled behind the screen, covering her mouth and crying secretly.

Just like when they first met, the aggrieved girl who ran away from home was huddled in the corner and crying alone. Just then she met the young man who fell from the sky and was seriously injured. The young man even covered his injury and vomited blood and asked her what was wrong, for fear that she would cry like this.

The fists were clenched tightly and then unclenched.

The candlelight in the hall was a little dim and could not reflect the expression on his face at this time.

Pei Qing didn't know that someone outside the screen was approaching and leaving. She didn't know what she had to cry about, and she couldn't cry too long for fear that he would become impatient with waiting. She simply cleaned herself, changed her clothes, and walked out quietly.

She didn't come close, she just stood by the screen and looked timidly at the man lying on her bed. Tonight is not over yet; she wonders what else he will ask her to do.

But after waiting for a long time, his instructions did not come. Pei Qing felt that he must be fast asleep. She looked around and her eyes fell on a small couch where Zhilan usually slept.

She walked over very lightly, looked at the man again, and saw that he made no movement, then she lay down on the small couch and immediately felt much warmer after covering herself with a quilt.

Soon, the sound of even breathing came from the small couch. Xiao Yuan opened his eyes and saw the bulging ball on the couch, as well as the exposed round head and long flowing hair.

Crying when you want to cry, sleeping when you want to sleep, it's very annoying.

The next moment, the candlelight in the hall was extinguished, and the night became completely silent.

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