Chapter 12 Spirits

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As a confidant, Chu Li was accustomed to Xiao Yuan's request to drink late at night, but he also knew that drinking too much liquor would always be harmful to the body.

"Niangniang, our prince cannot sleep without drinking. However, this wine is strong, so you should advise him to drink less." Chu Li lowered his voice as he handed the wine to Pei Qing.

His behaviour made Pei Qing startled. Chu Li smiled and said, "The prince doesn't listen to my advice. If I say a few more words and anger him, there will be no good consequences."

Pei nodded lightly; she could see this. Some people only know when they are angry, but some people's anger is silent and makes people's legs weak.

She closed the door gently, took the wine and returned to the room. The man inside was wearing an undershirt casually, without ties as usual, and the clothes were loose, revealing his tight and beautiful chest underneath.

He was sitting on the soft couch, playing with something in his hands. Just holding a bottle of wine, she could still wait for him. Xiao Yuan looked at her in displeased: "What did he tell you outside?"

Within two days, Pei Qing had become accustomed to his current temper. She walked over with the wine bottle and put it on the small table next to the couch, "Chu Li said this wine is strong, asked me to advise you to drink less."

Xiao Yuan looked at her and said, "Your Majesty is really the most caring mother in the world. A little pawn knows everything she calls her."

Pei Qing didn't understand why he was unhappy again. She knelt down, poured a glass of wine and handed it to him. His eyes fell on the thing in his hand.

It was a red brocade pouch with tassels. It was much smaller than ordinary brocade pouches and was a bit old, but it still had the same fragrance as her body.

Xiao Yuan did not take the glass of wine. Instead, he followed her gaze and looked at the thing in her hand, "Is this thing was given to you by the sick man? It is hidden under the pillow, and you look at it every day."

His tone was full of disdain. But Pei Qing shook her head and said softly: "This... is the peace charm that my sister prayed for me when she was alive. With it by my side, I will always feel more at ease."

Xiao Yuan looked at the peace charm in her hand again, "You rely on this thing to keep safe. Can it block swords or weapons?."

Pei Qing didn't care about his contempt. Seeing that he was still looking at it, she asked tentatively: "Does the prince like it? If so, I will give it to you."

"You want to give this to me?"

Pei Qing nodded lightly, "I'm in the palace every day, so there won't be any danger anyway. But... you and the soldiers of the Nanchuan Army are fighting and killing, maybe I can bring this peace charm to protect you."

She spoke sincerely, as if she really cared about him.

Xiao Yuan smiled, naturally, she wanted something from him now.

"Your Majesty is really good at calculating. She casually changed hands and gave away this piece of shit, and then she wanted to ask me, the Nanchuan Army, to work for you."

Pei Qing lowered her eyes, "That's not what I meant. I... really appreciate you."

Xiao Yuan put the peace charm next to the wine pot. When he got closer, he smelled the fragrance of Pei Qing's hair, and looked at the glass of wine in her hand.

"You've been serving this wine for a long time, what are you waiting for? Since you're grateful, you should also look grateful."

Pei Qing raised her eyes and saw clearly the teasing and mocking in his eyes.

She had no choice but to hold the wine and bring her white hand closer to the man's lips.

The two were so close that Pei Qing could clearly smell his fragrance after bathing, and could even feel the heat of his body and the aggression in his eyes... She did not dare to look at him again.

But what Pei Qing doesn't know is that being alone with a man in the middle of the night is extremely dangerous. Her nervousness and shyness will not only make people pity her but will arouse his desire for roughness and abuse.

Xiao Yuan will not wrong himself.

His hands touched Pei Qing's slender waist at some point, and he wanted to unbuckle her belt unscrupulously.

Pei Qing was startled, the wine cup in her hand fell, and the strong wine spilled on Xiao Yuan's abdomen, splashing wet the surrounding clothes.

"Yes, I'm sorry..." She didn't dare to look at his appearance at this time and took out the brocade handkerchief to wipe it for him in a panic.

The next moment, the man's big hand grasped her wrist, "What, didn't you say you want to thank me, but you refused to touch me?"

"'s not..." Her voice was so low that it was almost inaudible.

Xiao Yuan unceremoniously pinched Pei Qing's face and forced her to look up.

"Then lick it with your tongue."

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