Chapter 25 Affection

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Pei Qing was awakened by the noise outside. It's dark in here and it's hard to see around.

Still feeling dizzy, she struggled to sit up, followed the only glimmer of light, and reached out to touch the crack of the door. The faint smell of medicine entered her nose, Pei Qing knew that she was still in the nursing palace.

Having been here several times, she had never known that there was such a claustrophobic and narrow secret room in the Yangju Palace.

At this moment, there was mournful music outside, her heart trembled, and she hurriedly pushed open the door of the secret room. Suddenly, light came in, and it stung Pei Qing so much that she couldn't open her eyes.

But she couldn't care about this, the sad music came into her ears one after another, mixed with the sound of swords clashing and rude shouts...

Could it be that the rebels really invaded the palace?

Then he...

Just thinking about this brings tears to her eyes. Pei Qing stumbled and ran outside. The snow water soaked her shoes and socks, and the coldness spread from the soles of her feet to her heart, but she couldn't feel it.

The closer to the Mingwu Hall, the weaker Pei Qingbian's legs became. Looking from afar, the ground was a bloody mess, with dirty snow and water mixed with blood. As soon as she stepped into this place, she felt sick and unbearable. There were scattered heads and stumps on the ground, and outside the palace were generals wearing red gold armour.

There is no Forbidden Army with silver helmets and no Nanchuan Army with black armour.

The biting cold wind blew Pei Qing's hair into a mess, like a beautiful but dying flower falling into the bloody ground.

All the generals outside the palace looked over, and their voices of exclamation drowned out the chaos and noise. They watched the woman wearing the queen's crown walking over with a pale face. She seemed to have seen something and was stunned in place.

Looking along her line of sight, there was a coffin placed in the middle of the hall, with the huge character Xiao on it, majestic and sad.

Pei Qing recognized the man next to the coffin. Chu Li's face was covered in blood, and he was crying hoarsely. In an instant, Pei Qing's eyes went white, and she almost couldn't stand still.

The wind dried the tears on her face, but she stopped running. For a moment, the Queen returned to her usual calm and elegant appearance, but her eyes were empty.

Every step she took towards the coffin was safe and steady, but if you look carefully, you can see that her whole body is shaking.

"Niangniang..." Chu Li cried until his voice became hoarse.

Pei Qing knew that there was no reason for a queen to kneel to her subjects in front of everyone, but she still knelt in front of the coffin, her voice was lifeless, indifferent, and soft: "I'm sorry, this time... I was the one who caused you trouble.”

The coffin was dark and tightly closed, and she could not see the person inside.

But that handsome face appeared clearly in front of her.

Pei Qing sobbed lightly: "You must feel that this is not the only time I'm sorry for you."

She smiled beautifully, but she was also very sad.

"I betrayed you and lied to you." Tears fell down one by one. "I married into the palace so that I could take care of my sister's children. My sister treated me like a mother, and her child was also my child. So, at that time I can’t choose you.”

"Ever since I found out that you are the King of Nanchuan, I have been both scared and relieved. I heard that you are living a comfortable life in Nanchuan, and no one dares to hunt you down or plot against you anymore, so I feel relieved."

Pei Qing paused for a moment, "Actually... I'm not completely relieved. The words of impeachment in the Imperial city are hard to hear. Since ancient times, people who have made great contributions to the lord have always had a bad end. I wrote the letter, but I don't know how to end it. What name I should write. If I write Queen, you will think that I am giving orders to you from above, right?"

"Writing Pei Qing... Since I am the queen, how can I write to you using my maiden name and make you think too much?"

She smiled slightly, "If nothing was left, I'm afraid you wouldn't even read it, right? In the end, the letter was never sent. But fortunately, my brother-in-law was a wise man. He said that several battles in the south were extremely dangerous. Punishing meritorious ministers who have repeatedly suppressed chaos with just a few words of impeachment will chill the hearts of people all over the world."

"Look, I'm not the only one who understands your kindness, your aspirations and ambitions. You can live a good life without me..."

"But in the end, I was the one who got you involved." Pei Qing wiped her tears lightly, "You know, His Majesty asked me a question today."

"He asked, Pei Qing, how much do you admire him?"

Pei Qing tilted her head and looked at the coffin with a beautiful smile, "Why do you never ask me this? You always ask, Pei Qing, do you know how much I like you?"

"At that time, I was always embarrassed to tell you these things, so I never answered."

Pei Qing lowered her head and took out something from her sleeve.

"Of course I know, I've always known it. I didn't answer Your Majesty's question today because I think these words should be spoken to you first."

The sharp dagger tip scratched her slender white fingers, leaving mottled blood marks.

"How much I admire you is probably...Xiao Yuan, even if you don't want to in the next life, I will forcefully marry you."

Pei Qing closed her eyes, smiled and pierced her abdomen with the dagger without hesitation.

"Niangniang!" Only then did Chu Li see what Pei Qing was holding in her hand, but he was not close enough. He jumped over but couldn't even touch Pei Qing's sleeves.

At this moment, there was a sudden clang, and the dagger that was about to pierce into the body fell to the ground.

A voice came from the direction of the side hall: "Who are you going to bury, Her Majesty?"

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