Chapter 07 Humiliation

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He was not like this before.😑

He used to be a carefree young man, handsome but not fashionable. No matter how the leaders of Goulan Court (a name of brothel) teased and flirted with him, he still laughed and avoided those plump women, and added one more sentence: "In this cold weather, sisters, wear more clothes!"

But he also had impulses. Once upon a time, in the dark cave, that handsome face was filled with lust, and there was a thin layer of sweat on his forehead, staring at her directly and forbearingly. But seeing that she was frightened, he had no choice but to try to coax her: "Don't be afraid, I won't touch you."

"Really?" She didn't dare to move.

Seeing that she was so frightened, he couldn't help teasing her: "Not necessarily."

Her tears were heartbreaking, and he said helplessly: "If you want to do anything, we have to wait until we get married and enter the bridal chamber. You don't want me to think about this shabby place."

The man with the pear blossoms and the rain breaks her tears into a smile.

So, when she heard the sound of "taking off", Pei Qing knew that he was no longer the same person as before.

Xiao Yuan turned a blind eye to her tears, but instead enjoyed her frightened and helpless look.

"Take it off yourself, I'll be the only one watching. If I help you take it off, I'll let the group of brothers outside who have just fought a bloody battle to watch. And if, I invited them here, it's not too much to give them a little sweetness, right?"

How could he say such outrageous and humiliating words with such a calm smile.

There is probably no way to escape tonight.

Tears kept falling and dripping on the mattress. Pei Qing closed her eyes and pulled open the belt around her waist with trembling hands.

The robe fell down smoothly, and the fragrance in the room became stronger. Xiao Yuan stood in front of the bed with his clothes open, staring at her unwaveringly.

Just by looking at her actions, he already had a reaction.

Pei Qing lowered her head until her fair shoulders were exposed, leaving only a layer of tulle underwear on her body, which fit perfectly on her graceful figure, outlining her slender but graceful figure.

In fact, such a see-through undergarment can't cover anything at all. It's just that the yarn is soft and no one can see it, which is why she likes it so much.

Now it seems that she thought too little.

Suddenly hearing the man's heavy breathing, she couldn't help but tremble. She raised her head and saw what he was not hiding before he spoke.

Pei Qing was at a loss for a moment and didn't dare to look at him again.

"Why do you pretend to be meeting us for the first time?" Xiao Yuan said in a frivolous tone, "Continue."

Whether it was because she was frightened or because of shame, Pei Qing really refused. Tears wet her face like rain, and her eyelashes were wet. She knelt on the bed, her face turned pale, and her voice was extremely choked: "Please... Xiao Yuan, please."

He was silent, watching her cry with sadness and shame.

"Disappointing." Xiao Yuan said in a deep voice, "Get down."

Pei Qing wanted to put her robe back on as if she was on the verge of amnesty, but as soon as her hands touched it, she felt his sharp eyes. She shook her hands and took them away from her clothes.

Even though she hadn't finished taking off her clothes, she was still wearing such a see-through undergarment, and every move she made was in his eyes, no different from being naked. She got out of bed and stood in front of him with some fear.

Xiao Yuan didn't look at her, just casually sat on the edge of the bed, his legs pressing on the clothes she had just taken off.

"Go play the qin."

Play the qin? Pei Qing was secretly surprised and couldn't help but look around to see if there was really a qin in the palace.

Seeing that she didn't move for a while, Xiao Yuan sneered: "What? Is it better to stay in bed?"

Pei Qing hurriedly walked aside. The palace was really too big. While she was worried that the man beside the bed would suddenly regret it, she was looking for Qin again. Of course she wanted to find it as soon as possible. Playing the qin was much easier than facing him.

But she didn't know that there was a gaze behind her that had been following her closely, accompanying that slender figure with a faint fragrance, from the east to the west, from the middle of the hall to the outside of the hall.

Chu Li, who was guarding outside, suddenly saw a figure walking around in the room, as if he was looking for something, so he shouted outside at the top of his lungs: "Your Majesty, what are you looking for? Send it in, my subordinates!"

When Xiao Yuan saw the tall black figure approaching the door, his eyes flashed: "Get out!"

"Oh." Chu Li touched his nose and stepped back. Immediately, a bunch of soldiers gathered around him. They kept wondering whether the prince had been reprimanded by the queen, or why he would have gotten angry at them? In the final analysis, Nanchuan is better, no one can care about how happy the prince is in eating, drinking and having fun every day.

Chu Li, who was used to being scolded in the military camp, had long been accustomed to his master's moodiness.

But the roar was so loud that Pei Qing's feet went weak. Seeing him looking over, she hurriedly whispered: "Found it, Qin has been found."

Xiao Yuan was impatient, but he didn't yell, "Then why are you standing there waiting for me to bring you the qin?"

The author has something to say:

This chapter has been slightly deleted~

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