New Face

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"Miss. D how are you feeling to win 3 times in a row The World International Modelling Competition. Your company has become one of the most popular company for modelling and fashion designing, can you share your secret that how did you become so successful in this small time period." One of the reporter asked me a question and I am just laughing inside that how they can only see my success but not the hardwork bloody manipulative reporters. "Well it's just that i like to do my things in my own way and I don't give a fuck who comes in my way, i will crush them." I answered the question that reporter asked but i can sense everyone was shocked from my answer so Jason side eyed me to say something more so i added "It's just like you need to feel whatever you are doing is not good, but the best. Lots of people will say that it's good, you are amazing and blah blah.. but you just need to focus on your goal you need to satisfy yourself by your work not others if you are satisfied by your work than this is it, no more need to ask to others for there openion."

It's been a long day everyone is celebrating our 3 victory in a row of winning The World International Modelling Competition and i know that this time also i am gonna win because other participants are not as serious as me they were just busy in boot licking the judges but I don't need it and they forget that it is a live show and the people gona vote and there votes makes the Winner not those judges. Well i am so tired and need a long sleep but as soon as i tried to sleep someone knock the door "Miss. D there is something you need to know" Jason said and i tell him to come in my bedroom because i know Jason will never distrub me if it is not important. My bedroom is the combination of black and grey colour i don't like too much luxurious things so i set my room as a basic classy room.

"What's wrong Jason?" I asked Jason who is my assistant and also my bodyguard. "Mam Rohan wants to quit the modelling and he is afraid to tell you." Uhh this Rohan can't be such a pussy but what can i say my every employee afraid of me *sigh* what can i do now I can't stop him and i know the reason why he wants to quit. "Tell him to meet me tomorrow we will talk about this in the office and Jason now go and let me sleep and don't you dare to wake me up or i will kill you and you know i am not kidding." As i said that Jason nod and leave the room by closing the lights and door for me and i take a nape. *sigh* I needed this so much my lovely sleep.

*Next day In the office*

Rohan is sitting in front of me and Jason is standing by my left side as i asked Rohan "Do you want to say something?" and Rohan was just startled by my voice as he was not expecting me to talk to him in a calm tone. "Miss. D, umm.. actually the thing is.. umm.. i want to say.." i stoped him by my sudden change of voice as i say in anger "if you are not able to say what you want than how are you gonna survive Mr. Kukreja" Jason patted my shoulder to calm me down. "Mr. Kukreja you have worked for my company for 3 years and you are the one of the best model of my company and i want wherever you go just be youself and don't forget to express yourself, words have more power than the fist, understand" Rohan is looking at me with moisture in his eyes like he is just on a verge to cry but he held himself. "Thank you Miss. D because of you i am here and i feel so guilty that i am not able to be with you till the end but i need to do this and i hope you understand me."

"Miss. D, Rohan was the one of the best model as you say but you let him go as he wish I don't understand that why he wants to leave but if you approved him than i can understand that, this is the best for him." As Jason said that i spin on my chair and said to Jason that "We need to find new face for our company Jason."


Well the first chapter ends here. I know it maybe little long but i want to tell you every thing about our Miss. D it maybe not that much excited but it is a slow paced story i hope you support me.

Thoughts on Miss. D 😁

Jason is so understanding what do you think🤔

Why does Rohan wants to leave?

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