Special Feeling

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It's been a week since we last talked to each other

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It's been a week since we last talked to each other. The feeling of that time when i saw her in the lobby, I can't help myself from admiring her beauty. She had sach a grace on her face and i just kissed her hand while wishing her good morning, Jason was watching me like i just had committed any crime. We followed her to her cabin she didn't say anything even didn't reply to my morning wishes. I thought she was angry with me because i kissed her without her permission. She summoned someone in the cabin and told her to give me an office tour and give every information about the work and then she talked to me yeah finally, she talked to me. I don't know why but i feel happy and then she told me to gave my opinions and ideas for designs well i have never done this but i will do my best i was just watching her because i thought she is angry with me but she was not. She asked me if want to say anything. Without any second thought i told her that she is looking pretty today and then we left the cabin before she can say anything.

The employees were so cooperative and understanding and no one thinking me as a mannequin on which they can try their work. After being in this industry form 1 and half year i got to know that models are not treated equally amd respectfully but I feel they know how to respect each other. Miss. D has gave good guidance to her employees. We all gathered in the meeting room, evryone was expressing their ideas and opinions and Miss. D was listening carefully to everyone. When Madhvi told her opinion i didn't agree with her fully so i wanted to say something but before that Miss. D started talking and said everything which i wanted to say. How does she knows that much about royalty and Kingdom i think it's because she is an Indian. Indians have royalty in their blood i have read in my school times about the history of India. And then new idea came to my mind and i told everyone about colour changing concept of dress. I can see she is impressed by me but then a massage sound disturbed the meeting and i read the message "Don't you want to know what happened to Sofia, if you want then stop your boys for searching me, otherwise you will loose the last hope of finding her, Ethan"

After reading the message my palm turn into fist in anger but the voice of Miss. D pulled me out from my thoughts and i calmed myself. Everyone has left and she told Madhvi to take my measurements for cloths but i want to tease her so i said cutely that i don't like anyone touching me so can you do it for me. It's forat time i acted cute, well lot's of thing i had done first time because of her, and for some reason i like being acting cute in front of her. She was watching my words and actions then she agreed with me. She started coming closer to me and again my heart started beating so fast, she smells so intoxicating as she was going to touch me the phone rung and i can't read her expressions, she told us to leave the room including Jason now i was worried about her, is she having any problem, Whose call was that?

*Flashback ended*

In the past days i got to know many things about this company and Miss. D, i started noticing her that when she was thinking anything she twirls the pencil in her fingers, When she can't understand something she scratches her head. Whenever she is in stress she likes Strong ginger tea and something Gulab jamun to lite her mood. She is billionaire but no attitude and ego and she even runs an orphanage, she is always polite to everyone and listens them. But how Jason and she meets is still a mystery. He learned Hindi to have better conversations with her, she became comfortable with him which I don't like at all. They eat together, laugh together and even they come and go to work together. I don't like him being around her everytime.

"Everyone pay attention i have seen every designs and come to the conclusion that Oliver's designs is best, so his designs will be used in fashion fest. Congratulations Oliver and thank you for your hard work. You all have worked very hard and we didn't even through a welcome patry for Mr. Bernardi so today's dinner is on me go and enjoy everyone." Miss. D said smilingly, i have never seen her so happy. It make me happy watching her smiling. It's only been 10 days since I meet her but still this feeling is very special to me. Am i allowed to do that, I couldn't save Sophia, so will I be able to protect her? No, I can't let anything happen to her, i still have to find out the traitor and the person who massaged me but he didn't contact me in past days. I know i need to have patience i have come very long way and I can't give up now, I am planning for this for a long time.

I saw Miss. D giving her card to Oliver and leaving with Jason. "Miss. D are you not coming with us?" I asked her. "Miss. D has never joined a group dinner" Noah said Miss. D is watching me and my eyes fixed on her "Then why don't you join us today, well if you are not coming then i am also not going." My eyes still fixed on her as she come close to me and said "Mr. Bernardi you surely likes to run your smart mouth hann, well i don't join group dinners because i want to give my employees their own time, if i join them they can't enjoy properly in my presence." I can feel her anger in her voice but i want her to come with me. "Please Miss D, we will be very happy to have you join us, we thought that you don't like the group dinners so we never asked you." Madhvi said in low tone. Miss. D took a long breath and finally agree to come with us.

We moved to the elevator and Jason, me and Miss. D are in the end. She whisper something in my ear which makes my heart skip a beat and a current flows in my body. I don't know how to react, as she gets off the elevator i notice a smirk on her face. I can't believe what she just said.


Who is Sofia? And what happens with her?🙄

What do you think about Ethan's new feeling?💞

What does Miss whisper to Ethan that he don't know how to react🤔

The double name concept will be little confusing but as you know he can't disclose his real identity so just don't get confused.

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