Unforgettable Night

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*This chapter is going to be little long because it's going to be a streaming smuty chapter. Read it on your own risk.*

When she comes out she was looking totaly broken

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When she comes out she was looking totaly broken. "Let's go home." Is all i was able to say at that time. Our drive back to home was utterly silent and i also didn't asked anything to her. When we reached home she said that she is going to fresh up. But it's almost half an hour and she didn't comes out from her room. I am so worried about her and lost my all patience and went to her room to bring her down for the dinner when I knock the door there is no answer, I tried again but still nothing. It reminds me that time when she was not receiving my calls and she was in danger. I immediately tried to open the door but it was locked from inside. My blood turn cold and panic runs into my body, I immediately went for the master key which is always kept in my drawer for any emergency situation.

I opened the door of her room but she is not there. After that I checked in her bathroom but I didn't find her there either. I saw her entering in her room but she is not here, where did she go, because i did'nt saw her coming downstairs, then the question is where is she?. As I am about to close the door of the bathroom I saw bubbles forming in the bathtub. I immediately ran towards the bathtub and saw that Diksha was inside the water and was gasping for breathe. I immediately took her out of the water and helped her to breathe by giving her CPR. I shook her hard and asked "have you gone mad?  What were you doing" and she immediately started crying in my arms and said "It's all my fault, whatever happened is my fault but why did this happens to me, I never did anything bad to Neha I considered her as my best friend, my sister, I loved her so much, then why did she did this to me. What harm did my mother do to her, why" she said while catching her breathe "Why, why did she did this to me" I was not able to understand her words completely but I knew that she is struggling so much right now and she needs my help to hold her.

I wrapped her in a towel and lifted her in my arms and made her sit on the bed. I took out clothes from the cupboard and gave them to her and asked her to change her clothes. When she was changing clothes, I turned my face away because I can't even touch her without her permission, and let alone watching her like that. She came and held my hand and I hugged her. We both lay down on the bed together and I kept caressing her hair slowly. Then she told me everything that her mother has not died in an accident but it was a murder in which Neha has helped the murderer. Hearing all this, the humanity inside me was slowly turning into madness. I want to take revenge for every single tears of Diksha but I know that she still ha sympathy for Neha in her heart, that is why I am restraining myself, otherwise I would have made her condition so worse that she would have cried and begged for death, but still I don't give it to her.

"Ethan please help me to forget everything" she said in a very low voice. I have never seen her so weak and shattered. She is always a strong woman, a powerful personality and a queen who ruled over all. She held the King of the Italian Mafia in her fingers. Today she is like a scared and shattered girl in front of me. I can't see her in this condition. Somewhere in my heart I am feeling a pricking sensation as if someone is hammering nails into my heart. But to lighten the atmosphere I said jokingly "As if you has forgotten that night". Then she asked with her eyebrows furrowed "Which night?" I said "Have you really forgotten?" She said "Yes, maybe, but who knows if you remind me, I might remember". From her way of speaking I understood that whatever was going on in my mind was going in her mind too.  So I immediately got on top of her and held her tight and said "today I will make sure that you never forget this night."

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