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Luca- "Gab, did you get any information about that massages, and the person who send it, any location"

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Luca- "Gab, did you get any information about that massages, and the person who send it, any location"

Gabriel- "No, that number is private even our best hackers are also not able to find his location."

Luca- "We need to find him anyhow, he is out last hope."

Gabriel- "Do you really believe that person, it can be a trap Ethan, I mean if she is alive then why didn't she contacted us."

Luca- "Gab, i also don't believe that person but as you know this is the last way to get any information about her and if..i-f she is no more then i will kill everyone who is the reason for her death."

Gabriel- "Okay, buddy we will find her, now only few months are left and then you will be back to your real position, at your real place."

Luca- "Yes bro, Take care of yourself and don't tell anything to father"

Gabriel- "Okay, tacke care of yourself too, Bye."

After ending the call i took a sip of whiskey and lay my head on the couch. I am tired so i decided to take a quick shower. I am standing in front of mirror and applying night cream on my face than i noticed a red mark on my neck and busted lip then i remember everything what happened earlier today.


We all are seating on the round table and I must say Jason has picked a nice venue. I am sneaking a glance from Miss. D and trying to act clam after what she said in the elevator and she is acting like nothing has happened. She didn't drink wine it's something new which i got to know about her today. After the Madhavi's suggestion for game Miss. D gives her idea. She likes that kind of lame games, this is really opposite to her personality. We started playing i saw her laughing and giggling, she is enjoying the time, then i understand that there is a bubbly girl hidden inside her cold personality, she likes to laugh, crack jokes so why she always acts like a person which she is not. I think it's because she have responsibilities on her because of her position and always can't act freely. I can understand her very well since i am also in that condition. I have the responsibility of my organisation so we have to act cold and put straight face.

What that fucking Noah likes her, how the fuck he dares to see her in that way. When he confess his feelings for her a sudden rage is erupted in me and at that moment i realised that I will kill everyone who has such thoughts about her. She started laughing and my focus moved to her. She handles that situation smoothly and i started admiring her more because of her advice. I am focusing her every movement, she started rubbing her eyes, she is tired. It's her turn and she chooses dare, Oliver really have balls to dare her to act cute, her being cute i can't imagine but when she acts like cat, cutely I can't control my words and said "What a cute cat" and as she could say something the food has been served. I started eating and avoid meeting my eyes to Miss. D

After finishing the food i left for the washroom, when i was washing my hands i sense someone coming and looking at the person who just come here i got shocked. "What are you doing here, it's a men's room" is all i able to say her "I have told you that your smart mouth can become the reason of your end" she said ignoring my question, so i also act like she have no effect on me and said "And why should i listen to you" i said in taunting tone as she walks towards me and said "you are not allowed to ask questions" and grabbed me by my throat, and said "don't forget to breathe Luca" till now no one has had that much influence on me as this girl has whenever i listen my name from her mouth i losse all my control. She start kissing my neck and i closed my eyes inhaling her intoxicating scent. She moves towards my throat placing wet kisses and I started feeling tickling sensation all over my body. She bites my jaw and our eyes meet and desire for having her is rising l, she lick her lips and bite on my lower lip due to which my lip started bleeding. She remove her hand from my throat and wipe the blood from her lips with her thumb.

She tells me to open my mouth but i am freezed on my place so she grabbed my hair with forse and order me in her dominating voice and I did as she said. She immediately put her thumb into my mouth and said "lick it, now use your smart mouth and show me what you have got" her words is like trigger to my desire as i start licking and sucking her thumb. I can taste the metallic taste of my blood. I am enjoying the every moment and I feel she is also enjoying it because her grip from my hair is now loosing, she started fluttering her fingers on my ear and a strong sensation start rising in me, as i was going to touch her she moved away and I groaned in displeasurement.

She tell me that I can't get whatever i want and this is my lesson which she was talking about in elevator. If i again disobey her then she will torture me like she did now but it will be far from that. Now all I can think about is to make her mine, it's not the first time that any girl has touched me but no one was able to make me feel this kind of pleasure and the desire to make her mine, to make her scream my name in pleasure when I fuck her, and i watch her leaving from the washroom. I try to adjust my cock which is as hard as rock just from that little touching and leave from the washroom. When i came to the hall Miss. D and Jason is not there anymore. Cherry sense it that i am searching them so she tell me that they have already left. My phone started ringing and I saw that it was Gabriel's call, so I also left from there.

*Flashback end*

I am laying on my bed and thinking how my body has reacted against my will under her influence, it never happened that anyone has overpowered me but she is different. Her confidence, her power, her dominance i like everything about her, i like her, i like her more than i thought. And If I like something i will make sure it will be mine, only mine. She has leaved her mark on me and now it will be my turn wait for it Diksha.


Well i have mild fever so don't mind any grammatical mistakes.

What do you think about Luca's pov.

Do you like the dominating side of Miss. D and submissive side of Luca.

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