My Queen

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Everyone is congratulating me for my coronation and my eyes are just searching for her

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Everyone is congratulating me for my coronation and my eyes are just searching for her. I have asked her to stay with me but she said she would stay with Stella and Birdy. So, I asked Jason and Gab to be with her so that they can take care of her. "Congratulations Son, finally you will also become a King like your father and wear the crown." "Thank you uncle." I said and we hugged each other Uncle Dex is the big brother of my father. "Ladies and gentlemen, let's start what we all have gathered for. For the coronation ceremony, I would like to invite our King Mr. Rex Vinci on the stage." Father looks at me and both brothers exchange the hug and then he moved to the stage. "Today as a King and as a father is the proudest day of my life. As a King the new King who is going to come after me will take our Kingdom even further and protect all of us and as a father I am handing over my responsibilities to my son. No one would be happier than me at this moment." He looked at me and motion me to come over there "Come here Son"  *Clapping in the background* I hugged him and said "Whatever I am today is only because of you and mom. If you guys had not taught me and explained me then maybe I would not have been here today So thank you Mom and Dad."

My eyes met Diksha's and I saw the same pride in her eyes that I am seeing in my parents' eyes right now. She is also as happy for me as my parents and then the ceremony started. After taking all the vows, it was now my turn to be crowned. Everyone's eyes are on me and mine is on her. As soon as I am crowned, everyone got down on their knees and started congratulating me. “All hail to the King”. Everyone on their knees except my family members and Diksha. The royal bloodline never got on their knees for anyone they just bow their head as the respect. Diksha is standing there and many people are looking at her sideways thinking who is she who didn't bow down in respect of their King. Because of their eyes weight, as soon as Diksha was about to bow her head, I got down from the stage, held her hand and brought her on the stage with me and said that "Today along with the happiness of becoming a King, I want to share another happiness with you people and that is that today you people are going to get your Queen along with your King."

Everyone immediately looked at Diksha and some people have questions in their eyes and some have respect. I signalled everyone to stand up. Then one person said, "We are ready to obey to whatever you say because you are our King, but how can we believe that a girl about whom we don't know is worthy of becoming our Queen". After hearing his question, I couldn't control my anger and said "By saying this, you have not only questioned your would-be Queen but also your King. Do you think that the one whom I will accept as my Queen will not be worthy of becoming your Queen?" He immediately got down on his knees "I didn't mean that, my King". Then my uncle also said, "This is not about the worth, the point is whether she can handle the burden of a Queen or not. We don't even know the name of this girl and from where she has come and who she is and you suddenly called her your Queen at your coronation ceremony. Will she be able to handle the burden of being a Queen?" Me and Diksha looked at each other and then I said to uncle "There is no one better than her who can shoulder the burden of being my Queen and who can handle this Kingdom with me."

"The question of whether she is worthy of becoming a Queen or not does not arise at all, because whether you people accept her as my Queen or not, she is already a Queen, not of mine but of her own Kingdom. She is The Queen of the Russian Mafia empire Diksha Sharma. And I don't need your consent to make her my Queen. The one whom I love will be my Queen, not the one whom you people will choose and she is the first and last love of my life, even a single word against her, I will consider it as against me." Everyone started whispering and looking at each other. I went on my knees in front of everyone for Diksha and said, "I have accepted you as my Queen but still, I would like to ask you that would you like to become my Queen." Diksha extended her hand and I put the ring on her finger and then everyone immediately went on their knees and started congratulating Diksha. "All hail to the Queen"

The ceremony is over and now it is the turn for food. Diksha told me that she is very hungry. Of course she would be hungry because she had didn't eaten anything since morning. I don't understand that if I haven't eaten food then why she also haven't. I will never understand these typical Indian girls. So I myself went and brought food for us. I had specially got Indian food for her. And taking the food, I sat down on the dining table with my family.  Mom, Dad, Uncle, Birdy, Gab, Stella and Jason are all sitting at the table and always the King eats first and then everyone starts eating, so everyone was waiting for me but this time I fed the first morsel to Diksha. Everybody is looking at me in a shocking way, then I said "What, she is hungry and I can't stand her being hungry at all. I will always fed her first before me." Everyone starts laughing after seeing me like this Mom and Dad said "Our son has gone from our hands, he is deep inside in the sea of love."

I felt little embarrassed of what dad said and tried to hide my face. After having dinner, we all went to our respective rooms. I have prepared a separate room for Diksha. I wanted her to rest properly because today was a very long and tiring day, so I told her to rest. Actually, I wanted to hold her but I know that she has seen a lot of things today, so she needs rest badly. So I just saw her going to her room and then I came to my room and went to take a bath. When I came out of the bathroom I saw Diksha on my bed and asked "What happened My Jaan? Are you not able to sleep or do you want to talk about something?" Diksha got up and came to me and hugged me and said, I have come here to take care of my King. You accepted me in front of everyone as your Queen, left your ego and went on your knees for me and stand for my respect. So, I can also do a little things make you happy and forget your tiring day. So, are you ready for the ride to the heaven?" I saw the smirk on her face and realise that this night is going to so long.


Finally our Ethan has become the King and Diksha his official Queen. But I hate those mean words of that person but it necessary to show the real value of the Diksha but what is the problem of that uncle I don't understand that. Do you guys know something about him then tell me.

The next chapter is going to be the blast, bold and streamy. Must read the next chapter, see you soon.

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