Anonymous Message

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This chapter is going to be Little long but i am sure you are gonna like it and their is a surprise in the end to know why Ethan is here then read the chapter 🤓

I am so confused what just happened, i didn't get any chance to react she just come close to me and say I choose him with straight face and that's it, she left after saying that like their is no need for more conversations like her words are command

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I am so confused what just happened, i didn't get any chance to react she just come close to me and say I choose him with straight face and that's it, she left after saying that like their is no need for more conversations like her words are command. And for a second i also find myself shuddering under her dominating voice. Everyone is congratulating me and for Jackey i feel bad for him. He wants to work with her when i am not even interested in it but i got selected but i can't show any sympathy to him. I can't get attach to anyone here, i am here for a reason and when the time comes i need to leave so it's good that I don't create any relation here even if i wants to make friends they were so good with me but my position don't allows me. I think this is the burden you have to bear when you get crowned.

"Luca, Mr. Jason will come back soon till then get ready and make sure not to create any trouble and be sure that Miss. D never gets angry, now our company's future is in your hands." Chief said with worried tone and hope in his eyes, what do i do I can't say no to him when he is looking at ne so hopefully. "Okay sir, i will do my best." I just said that to assure him. One hour later the guy who was standing by the side of the Miss. D whole time what was his name J-J Johnson or something like that, forget it but he also have good physique, brown eyes, short hair and same height as me and the way he look at Miss. D was something different but why should i care i just go there and tell her that i don't want to work with her and suggest Jackey's name and then i will be free.

"Hello Mr. Bernardi" that guy said forwarding his hand for handshake "Hello Mr. Jho-J" he cuts me off and said "Jason, it's Jason" he said while gritting his teeth "Oh yes, Mr. Jason actually i forgot the name very easily" and give him a handshake. After, all the paper work we left for The Queen's which known as the biggest company in England. When Miss. D left i started searching about her and got to know that she is an Indian women who is only 27 years old and 3 years younger than me. She has first started with small business of fashion designing and after 2 years she started raising like a sun and after 3 years she became the ower of the most famous company. I must admire her hard work and talent Belle will surely know about it and if she get to know that i am working in The Queen's then she will be so happy *sigh* i miss my baby girl so much.

The interior is astonishing it's the work of white marble and the staff looks so elegant and it's totally like it's name The Queen's royal but classy. Jason takes me in private elevator and put his palm on the scanner, tight security huhm nice. It stopped at the 10th floor and when we get off from elevator i can sense everyone's eyes on me. Jason knock the cabin I think it's Miss. D's cabin as he inform her about me we enter in the cabin she was seating on the chair from looking at her face it is clear that she is very tired and it's mid day now but still the fatigue could not diminish her beauty. She is so perfect her brown skin, long black hair, black eyes and a nose ring and a mole beside her nose she is just the definition of perfection. Get your grip Ethan stop gawking her.

I tell her that i don't want to work here but something inside me wants to be with her everytime. She looks at me and said "Mr. Bernardi, everyone calls me here Miss. D no mam no sir and don't speak until i tell you. Am i clear." In her stern voice. Fuck i hate her guts no one has ordered me in my entire life even my father respectes my choice he told me that i don't need to follow the tradition but I can't break the rules and then she dares to order me but she is a innocent girl who don't me The real me. All i could say "Yes, Miss. D" in obedient manner.

As she started talking i am just watching her, her voice is soft but powerful the way her eyes talking to me i am lost in her voice but as she mentioned the 6 months contract thing, i got surprised because no one knows about that beside my family and Hardy who is actually my cousin. But it's a family secret how did she knows about it, i try to read her and looking into her eyes which is dark and beautiful, I can't take my eyes off her but she continues and put forth the 4 months contract which she tells that i just need to work for 4 months because of some upcoming fashion fest and then i will be free. Well it's not a bad offer i can accept it and it will also help me to know how she knows about the family secret.

Jason said breaking our eye contact to sign the contract if i have no problems. I wanted to make myself clear so i came up with two conditions if she agrees with it then there is no problem in working with her. I tell her that i have some conditions for working here. After listening my conditions her brows frowned in amusement with a scrunching smile as she don't believe what she just heard, she started laughing she is so pretty when she laughs and than she said i am funny and i have smart mouth, hold on funny or me, and yes i have a smart mouth. She told me to watch where i am using it well i want to use it somewhere else to taste her.. oh fuck off Ethan control yourself. And then she agreed with my conditions.

When i wanted to professionally handshake with her that cockhead takes my hand and i just reciprocate him in handshake. When i started to leave her voice stoped me and i can feel her coming close to me and talking about the condition not to fall for me then she said what about me what if i fell for her as saying that she come close to my ear and whisper "See you soon, Luca" after listening my name from her mouth i got goosebumps and this feeling is so strange and uncontrollable. As she moves away i found myself breathing again which i unconsciously stopped.

After leaving from their i was seating in cafe waiting for my order and thinking about what Just happened in the cabin and for truth i added that condition because I don't want her to get attach with me. Our life is so different she is the normal girl while i am.. well i think i need to control myself because whenever she is around me i loose my control and i fear that i am the one who will fell.. *ding (incoming messages notification)* "I know who you are Mr. Vinci, order your boys to stop searching." After reading the message i am shocked no one knows my real identity and if this person knows who i am that means i am getting closer to my answer.


This chapter is ended here what do you think about it.

Is there any reason because of which Ethan is here?🤔

What do you think about Jason or Ethan shall i make them friends or let it be as hatelike relation.

Thoughts of Miss. D

Please tell me how you like my story it will really help me😇

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