мой щенок

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"Miss. D your team is in the back stage and the show is going to start in 10 minutes." Staff informed me and i went to meet my teammates. "Are you guys ready? There is no need to be nervous and if you are nervous just thought this is a rehearsal in the company." I try to assure and clam everyone. It doesn't matter how many times or how many compitition you have participated an won, you always get nervous like your first time. Ethan is looking at me like he wants to say something, so i asked him if he is having any kind of problem and he said "Jaan am i looking good?" I look into hin eyes and drag him to the makeup room, kissed on his lips and taking his hand in my hand i said "Puppy, you are looking most amazing person in this whole world right now. And if you are getting nervous just keep your eyes on me, i will be there for you."

"Now the next presentation is from the most famous company The Queen's." Everyone is entering in stage and i am proud of my boys. It's Ethan's turn and when he enters on the stage, it's like he is dominating everyone with his royal aura. Well there is no doubt that it is in his blood. He is a King, but for now he is only my Puppy.

( Imagine Ethan in this clothes )

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( Imagine Ethan in this clothes )

The host asked Ethan to explain the idea behind his clothes and he explains it with gracefully and for this i am going to reward him. When the show ends the host informed us that the results will be declare after 1 hours, till then there is refreshments and drinks to enjoy the environment. "Nice to meet you Miss. D" Mr. Evans said and bring his hand in front for handshake but i ignored him and said "I don't think you're even worthy of touching me. And here you are trying to shake hands with me." He looks at me in a complete horror and immediately started justifying his act. "Miss. D i just wanted to show you my gratitude for sparing my life." I laughed and said "No need, just do as i say. I didn't spare your life because I want you to show me your gratitude I want your loyalty" and he looked at me and said "I'm totally loyal for you."

"Miss. D, i have already suggested you to kill that bastard." I looks that Jason and smiles mischievously "Jason he will die, but I am going to use his body for a good purpose. I still need him, he have personal connection with human traffickers and drug dealers. I don't only want to find the murderer of my mother but I also want to end that every person who try to ruin anyone innocence and get happiness in ruining someone's life." Jason look that me with the understanding eyes and ask me if I want to eat anything. But before giving the answers Ethan comes and asked me how he does on the stage. I looked at him proudly and said "Just like my man" his eyes shining brightly like a star, like he got the most precious thing of his life.

*At Ethan's apartment*

"Why didn't we stay there for the announcement of the winner. I want to see you holding the trophy." I hugged Ethan from behind when he is pouring the juice in glass and said "Because I just want to spend my time with you. You were looking so handsome and it takes my everything to stop myself for not jumping on you." His stopped doing his work and turned around and said "Jaan please don't say like that. I am badly holding myself for devouring every inch of yours because I want to have you when you are totally willing to give me yourself. When there is not a single doubt and misunderstanding between us and till then I can wait for you." I looked into his eyes and kissed him on his lips. "I have something for you but you have to cose your eyes."

He looked at me in a shock and open his eyes more widely then i said "I told you close your eyes not to open it." He huffs and closes his eyes. I put bracelet in his left hand and said now you can open it. He looked at the bracelet and try to read the words engraved on it "мой щенок (my puppy)." He looked at me and said "Are you labelling me as your puppy?" I put my hands over his shoulder and said "No i am labelling you as mine that only i am allowed to call you puppy and only i am allowed to see you like that and only i am allowed to hug you. Why you don't like it?" I asked him raising a brow and he smiled and said "Yes Jaan i am all yours and thanks for this wonderful gift." Moving to the island i took the glass of juice and said "I am sleepy, can we sleep." He immediately carry me in a bridal style and took me to his room.

*3 days later*

"Yeah we are going to Las Vegas. It will be so fun but if Miss. D is also coming with us than it will be more fun." Noah said excitedly "Do you really think that?" I said from behind and then everyone's eyes on me, like they are watching a ghost. "See, i have told you that they will not feel comfortable with me." I said Ethan who was convincing me for coming to the compay tour from last 3 days. And in the end i gave him what he wanted and i am standing at the airport. "Are you really Miss. D?" Noah asked me. "No she is her twin, you idiot she is Miss. D" Jason said bringing my luggage and everyone laughs. Madhvi launched her arms on me and said "I am so happy Miss. D that you are coming with us." I hugged her back and smiling like a child. "Let's go, otherwise the flight will fly in the sky and leave you on the ground." Oliver said mockingly and we all brust in laughter.

"This is our first trip together." He said and grabbed my hand. "I think you need to eat almonds to sharp your memory. Our first trip together was India." I said while trying to take my hand back from his grip. "Jaan you are forgetting the facts. In the trip to India, i was the model of your company for you and you were my boss and we didn't know each other's identity. But in this trip you know me, i know you and We are couples. So this is our first trip as a couples." He brings my hand to his lips and kissed on it. I immediately take my hand back and slap him on his shoulder. "Have you forgotten that our relationship is not official yet and other members don't know anything about us. Are you planning to give them a heart attack?" He smirk and said "I would like to see their reaction when they get to know that i am their boss's Man. I want to show everyone that i am your's. I love you Diksha.

Sorry, i am late for updating new chapter. But i want to analyse the story and wants to give you some smut, but i thought how the story will go because our FL is hurted badly in the past. So i want that when so open up properly for the ML she is in love with him, no amy doubt or any problem. Typical thoughts of Indian you can say that. But in upcoming chapter you are going to see the intimacy between them.

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