Her ex

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I was waiting for her ever since i got home

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I was waiting for her ever since i got home. Neha told me to take rest and go to sleep, and told that Jason is with her so she will be fine, but i can't focus on anything besides her. She is the all i can think about. I am worried that, what happened that she left immediately, what was the phone call about? When i reached here i called Gab to know if anything is wrong with her work but he told me that everything is fine. Now i am so anxious to know what happen, she is fine or not, now i realise that how much i love her, when i saw her bleeding i am ready to kill anyone who is the cause of that.

It's past 2 AM and she still not come back. I message her but there is no reply. Then i hear door opening, she and Jason has finally came home. I stopped myself to running over to her and notice that something is wrong about her, she is gloomy but still try to compose herself. Our eyes meet and i rushed towards her and hugged her. "Jaan you are at home now, I don't know what happen but i am with you." She hugged me back and start getting comfortable in my arms. Jason patted my shoulder and moved towards his room. "I want to rest" she said and i carry her in bridal style and move towards her room "I want you  to hold me today" she said and i looked at her, kissed her forehead and said "My pleasure Jaan."

We are in my room and she is taking shower while i am preparing milk for her. I read that turmeric milk is really good for sleep. "Luca can you give you your clothes, mine is in my room" i listen her calling me. I gave her my t-shirt and shorts. When she came out i was stunned by her beauty. She is truly a natural beauty and my clothes looks better on her than on me. "Come here drink this milk it will help you to sleep." I said setting her on the bed. "I don't like milk, i hate it's smell and it's taste." In this situation she is totally like a  spoiled child who is making excuses. "Jaan it will help you and i have made it with so love." She looked at me and then took the glass from me after taking a long breath she drink the milk in one shot. I eat chocolate and when she is going to say something, i kissed her and pass the chocolate. "This is the reward for being a good girl." I hug her and she said "This is first and last time i am drinking milk okay." I nodded and we both lay on bed, i am ruffling her hair and she said "One of my plaything died today, i was observing him from 5 months and didn't even got the time to play with him. And he died" I am not understanding her words properly but i know that she is fighting from her anger. I hugged her tightly and we fell asleep.

It's morning and she is still sleeping in my arm but from the next time I will have to remember one thing that whenever we sleep together, she should get adequate space as she sleeps very spread out. "Jaan it's morning wake up" I try to wake her up. I don't want to distrub her but uncle ji can call us anytime for breakfast. "Jaan of you don't wake up now then i can't control myself anymore" i said in her ears and she immediately sit and  get up from bed. "Baccha, you need cold shower, it's really hard." I didn't understand what she is trying to say and she moved out from room. I goes to washroom for shower then i notice my morning wood, it's hard as rock and i suddenly realise what she was trying to say. Uhh it's so embarrassing.

"I am going to your uncle's house today so i will not come home tonight. Jason Beta take care of everyone and especially Dikku she is so naughty." Uncle ji said and i saw Diksha glaring at Uncle ji. "Papa i am grown up now, i can take care of myself" She said and uncle ji said "Yes, yes Beta you are so big now that you have hurted your hand." She just stick her tongue out and make funny face. We all laugh and continue eating. "Luca and Jason get this things from the market." Neha said and give us a list, Diksha is planning to make something for uncle ji. "And don't forget to bring-" Jason cut Diksha and say "Oreo ice-cream" they laugh and she said "Good Jason" and we both left for market.

After 3 hours shopping, we came back home and listen loud sound of song. When we entered in home, I couldn't believe my eyes, Diksha and Neha were dancing, there dancing style is little crazy and fun. They are not only dancing they are enjoying. They didn't realise that we are back. I notice that Jason is going inside from which they can get aware by our presence. "Have you ever seen her dancing like that" i asked Jason and he stopped "No" he gives an straight answer "this is our once in a lifetime opportunity to see her dancing like that and enjoying herself, so enjoy and then we can pretend that we didn't see anything." I looked at Jason and he is analysing my idea "what if they got to know that we are here." He asked and i said "then we will see what can we do, but for now enjoy buddy." I put my hand on his shoulder.

(Imagine Diksha and Neha dancing on this song but they are at home and it's bestie time so they are enjoying themselves. So they are dancing crazy like we all dance when we are alone with our friends.)

She is looking so carefree and happy. And her round ass is swinging in the air, her curves, her hair, her movements, she is damm sexxy. I will never let her dance in front of anyone and this guy Jason I know he never have that kind of thoughts about her and if he have then he will be not alive anymore. "Fuck, we are dead." As Jason said that, i saw Diksha is looking in our way and staring at us. "Buddy we fucked up." I said and smiled nervously. We enter in hall and now we are standing in front of her. "How long?" She aked folding her hands under her breast. "Quite long" Jason said he has folded his hand on his back and standing straight, like he is totally prepare for what's going to happen. "Fine, me and Neha are going to club and you are not going to follow us and Mr. Bernardi i will deal with you later." She said and i am more nervous now because she called me in formally, is she angry? Jason is trying to rebel and i am observing what's happening between them. "No Miss. D you know this can't happen, i will never let you go alone." She is moving towards kitchen and Jason following her "I will do anything you say but not this, it's for your own safety, I can't put you in danger." Jason continues and wait what did he just say, safety-danger is she is in any kind of danger. She turns around and kicked on the Jason's leg. "Let me live my life, and i can protect myself, if i find out that you are following me then believe me no one can protect you from me."

*After an hour*

"Let's go Neha" Diksha said and she took the keys and go out. "Are we letting her go alone." I asked Jason "Never" he snap and called someone "where are you?" And then someone honk from outside "I am coming" Jason said and i am totally confused so i asked him "why we need to follow her, she is adult and can go outside alone." Jason looked at me and said "Did she tell you about someone's death last night" I nodded "He was killed by someone" After hearing him I immediately ran out and sat in the car. Who the fuck is trying to hurt her? She is mine and no one can hurt her.

We are in the club and sitting in the dark side where the lights are dim but from here we can see Diksha clearly. She is looking sexy in her black bodycon jumpsuit. It's properly showing her curves and i am going to kill everyone who have their eyes on her. "What is this bastard doing here?" Jason said and i notice a guy approaching Diksha "Who is he?" I asked and he said "Her Ex."


Hello guys, what do think about this chapter and so you like the dance portion and i want you to imagine that how bestfriends can dance. They are dancing nicely but still they are enjoying it.

What about her ex?

Who don't like milk?

Is Luca a caring partner?

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