First Day

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I don't know how to react on his words he just confessed to me

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I don't know how to react on his words he just confessed to me. "You don't need to answer me right now, take your time" he added and i immediately said "okay" he asked in confusion "okay what?" I closed my eyes and took a deep breath "my answer is yes but there are many things that you don't know about me yet and maybe I can't even tell you" I don't know what to say but i want to be honest to him. I am dangerous person which he can't even think. If he understand me and i found that he is capable to sit beside me then i will tell him everything. "No problem, i also have many secrets and i think that you don't hate me after knowing that." I felt little hesitation in his voice so i said "that's good then we both have our secrets but still wants to be with each other, then this will be so fun." He smiled and said "Thank you My Jaan" and left. My stomach fluttered with the mixed feeling of childish happiness of getting proposed by that person whom you like but i want to see that is he really capable to be my man because dating me can cost a life, let's see what happens in future. I have my whole emperor to run and i can't let my feelings blind me.

I have really tried so hard to control myself but i can't stop myself from thinking about him. Yes, if he didn't confessed then we were not together because after whatever happened with me I can't think about being loved by someone but he, he is different he made me feel those feelings again which i have buried deep inside me long time ago. "Everything is done Miss. D and your tickets are booked" Jason informed me, i told him to move that women to my TS room (torture session) how dare she do that, well it's not her mistake if Mr. Bernardi is handsome and everyone will obviously wants him but that was such a cheap way to get a man and she will pay for it.

"Jason i want to tell you something" Jason is my best friend, my supporter, my backbone, I can't tell how much he is important to me so i just want to tell him everything. "Do you have any problem Miss. D" he asked me because it's been a long time since i talked to him in serious tone. "No it's not a problem, it's just that Mr. Bernardi confessed to me and i said yes to him." It is totally unexpected for him as he said "I knew that, that you have feelings for him from the first time you saw him but Diksha you know he is normal guy how can he able to stand with you." 5 years it's been 5 years since i last listen my name from him. He never call me by my name but today he did it and i can understand because at first i was also worried about that but i know what i am doing.

"Don't worry Jason I know everything and i made that decision after lots of thoughts" i try to assure him "Did you really do that or you just did what you wanted?" He said in a taunting tone. A sudden rush of anger erupted in me and i slamp my hand on my table and said "Don't you dare to talk to me like that Mr. Ivanov." I can see him regretting on his words which he just said. I can't keep my temper down if he behaves like that "Mr. Ivanov i think you are forgetting who i am and the way you talked to me right now is not tolerable at all" Jason immediately kneel down in front of me and said "I never forget my place but it's my work to advise you as your right hand" he again dare to justify his act, i put heel of my scandel on his thighs and start pressing on it "Mr. Ivanov do you really thik that i will make any decision just because I wanted to?" I raised my brows and asked him with a smirk "No Miss. D i didn't mean that i just wanted to" i stopped him by putting more pressure on his thighs and it's enough to make him bleed.

"Don't you dare to speak until i tell you" i said emphasising each and every word "Am i clear" i said in stern voice and he just nodded his head "Words Mr. Ivanov" i ordered him "Yes Your Highness" he said immediately "I am your Queen and don't forget that" The devil inside me was taking over me and i remove my scandel form his thighs and i said "Mr.Ivanov i understand your concern but i am your Queen for some reasons, I don't put my clan in danger just because of my feelings but i saw that potential in him, the potential to be Moy korol." Jason look at me and said "As you say Your Highness, I am always here to serve you" As soon as my anger subsided I placed my hands on Jason's shoulders and lifted him up and said "I am sorry Jason for hurting you" then Jason said "You are my Queen and it was my fault that I questioned my Queen's decision. So whatever you did was absolutely right." I handed ointment from my drawer to Jason and then again he bowed to me and left.

*After working hour*

"Where are we going Miss. D" Mr. Bernardi asked "We are going to celebrate our first day of dating Luca and when we are not in office you don't need to follow formalities." i said and smiled at him "You are killing me My Jaan, i am totally crazy about you and if you behave like that then what can i do more" he said grinning like a child and i said "I want you to kill someone" his smile droped and he took my hands in his hands and said "I can even burn the whole universe for you My Jaan, you just need to tell me the name of that person and i will remove his whole existence from this world" i felt sincerity in his eyes and his words made me feel protected. I never knew that i wanted to be loved by someone that much. I put my head on his shoulder and said "You don't need to, i can do that myself" and we both laughed.


Hello, everyone i have exams of my Master's that's why fir some time i will be not able to update regularly. I will update chapters from one day gap, i hope you understand.

What do you think about the Miss. D and Jadon's conversation?

Is Miss. D really like Luca?

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