Warm Hug and Comfort

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Finally I am back in my country

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Finally I am back in my country. I am so happy and can't express my feelings. We are in Mumbai and i told Luca that i have some work so he can rest in hotel and we will be back in some time. I feel bad to leave him alone in totally new place but i really have some urget work otherwise i never left him like that and he understand that. Me and Jason reached Malhotra's Mansion and everyone greeted me with a bow, they also get influenced by the western culture it's funny. "Welcome back Princess" Varun said and try to hug me but i stopped him "Cut it off, are you not tired of doing this shit everytime" i said and seat on the chair of the head of the house. "Old habits don't die easily, Princess." Varun smiled and seat beside me, Jason also took his place. "Where is Mr. Malhotra?" I asked to Varun and he said "Here he is."

"Mr. Malhotra did you get any information." I asked to Varun's father. He is 50 years old and one of my trusted person. "Yes Princess and i did exactly as you said. They are totally ruined but still alive." I smile and looked at him "Good job, they are my prey and i will hunt them, thank you Mr. Malhotra" He looked at me and said "What are you thinking?" I laughed and said "It's the time for the show, I waited for this from 6 years (pause) fucking.6.years." Everyone looks at me "Are you ready?" Mr. Malhotra asked me worriedly and i can understand why he is like that. He has seen me from the starting and treated me as his daughter. "I am more then ready Mr. Malhotra" I said confidentiality and assured him.

"Tell me anytime whenever you need us and we will be there." Mr. Malhotra said and patted my head as blessing. Varun again try to hug me but i glare at him and Mr. Malhotra is going to bow to me as a respect but i stopped him. "Please don't do this Mr. Malhotra but yes, teach this moron some manners." Varun hissed and said "You are not fun, Princess" i smirk and said "Do you want to have some fun?" Varun nodded and i gasture him to come close, as he does that i grab his ears at twist it. He groan in pain and said "aahhh didi, chodo na dard ho rha h, abse majak nhi krunga pakka (ouch sis, please leave it, it's hurting, I won't joke anymore)" I laughed and left his ears and said "good boy" then looked at Mr. Malhotra and left from there.

"Why do you tolerate him?" Jason asked me "Because i understand him, he is a pitiful child like i was in back then, like me he has also lost someone who was dearly to him. he just need someone whom he can tease, joke around and also who can scold him and spoil him." I said and Jason looked at me and said "And you want to be that person?" Well i don't totally deny that but i am afraid if something happens to me then he will be totally loose himself like he get depressed after his brother's death. And from then he started treating me like his sister. That's why I can't allow him to get attach with me because i am dangerous women. I can't answer Jason what he asked and he also understand and remain silent.

*In Hotel room*

Luca said he is hungry and so we are. But i stopped him form ordering food because i have already planned what we are going to eat, if we are in Mumbai and didn't eat Vada Pav than what's the benefit of coming here. We were standing in front of Street stall (theli) and i said "bhaiya 5 vada pav 4 m tikha jada or ek m km (Mister, 5 Vada pav 4 are more spicy and one is less spicy). I can clearly see that Luca don't like the place at all but a place can't define the taste of the food. He asked that we are going to eat here then me and Jason nodded our head and when he try to protest i put Vada pav in his mouth. He try to spit it out but i glare at him and he started eating. I like when he became obedient by my single glance. His facial expressions changed and he started enjoying the food. I know he is going to like it. He ordered one more for him and we laughed.

I saw Neha outside the Delhi airport and she run towards me, Luca grabbed my hand but i shook it and run towards her and we hugged each other. We are crying, laughing and analysing each other. "Everything is perfect no one has missed any limb." Neha said "But you have lost all the screw" i said. Then Neha start talking to Jason and as usual they became team and i left alone, but no this time i also have someone with me. Neha asked about Luca and he introduced himself and Neha passed the vibes by introducing herself as Luca introduced himself. I am proud of my girl.

"Papa aapke baal safed ho gye (Father your hair has turned grey)" i said standing at the door of my house because papa is doing arti and put tilak on me. I touched his feet and we hugged each other. "Mera beta (my child)" my father said in heavy voice i know he is controlling his tears but he is bad in hiding his emotions. Then papa put tilak on Jason and he touches his feet and they hugged eachother and then Luca also put his hand on his head and lower him for tilak, Papa did his tilak and Luca touched his feet and greeted him in hindi. He is learning hindi i know about that but he is learning our rituals and traditions is shocking to me. This man is doing those things which i never expected.

When we entered in home i grab Luca's hand and tell him to wait for me because i need to talk to Papa, he smiled and i left. I told Neha to show Luca his room and take care of him she teases me and i moved towards Papa's room. "Come beta, sit here you have totally surprised me by your sudden appearance, i thought that this time you will not come because you are busy with your work." Papa said and i seat on the floor leaving the chair and put my head in his lap "Papa how can i not come, you know it doesn't matter how busy i am i will always come. This is the time when i remind myself everything." Papa started caressing my head and said "Beta forget everything, live a new life, the life you are living right now your mother will never wanted you to live it, this is very dangerous beta." I looked at Papa with teary eyes and said "Papa can you forget mumma and her tragic death?" My father wipe his tears and said "Fine, do whatever you want but Beta remember that never hurt any innocent." I wipe my tears and grab my father's hand and said "I promise Papa."

Papa told everyone that dinner is ready so i went to Luca's room and tell him to come down but he grabbed my hand and pull me inside his room. He is seating on the corner of the bed and hugged my waist and put his head on my stomach. I realised that he is feeling lonely when he said he missed me. I apologise to him for not giving him much attention and promised that it will never happen. I kissed on his forehead and we leave for dinner. When we are having dinner Luca called me Miss. D and i knew that Papa is again going to say his old thing and he did exactly what i thought. He told Luca to not to use formalities and he can call me by my name, well he is older than me. We enjoyed our dinner and everyone went to their rooms.

I saw Luca that he is different from usual so i asked him if there is any problem but he said that he wants to ask something then i understand what he wants to ask. It's not like that i don't want to tell him but i can't tell him everything, i must use my words carefully when i tell him. "She is no more" i said and started crying he wipe my tears and hugged me, his warm hug gives me comfort and he apologized and i continued "It was an accident 6 years ago when i lost my mother and it's her death anniversary after 2 days. That's why i always come back every year in this month." He said in low voice "Jaan i was not there when you were suffering it's my bad luck but now i am here with you and you are in my arms so trust me there is nothing in this world which can hurt you, i know you forget all those memories but i can give you lots of love so that whenever you are sad you remember my love for you and start smiling."


This chapter goes Little longer than i expected but detailing needs words and i hope you enjoy the whole story.

Luca is so green flag.

Do you like Varun?

What is Diksha going to do now?

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