losted her for forever

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In the morning, we all are sitting at the table for breakfast

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In the morning, we all are sitting at the table for breakfast. Diksha persuaded me a lot and said that I should wear proper clothes so that the marks on my body are not visible to anyone. But still, I wanted to show everyone that now I am a man of only one woman, that is why i wear the t-shirt which cover all the places but my neck is visible. Birdy saw the hickey on my neck and says, "Mom finally, now brother is no longer a virgin." And on hearing this Diksha's face turns red with shame and I tell Birdy to be quiet by acting as if i am angry about what she just said and everyone laughs and Diksha is digging her nails into my hands due to anger and embarrassment and I hide the pain with my smile.

Then Birdy continues, "You know Sistaw, Me and Mom were always in tension that brother maybe a gay because we had never seen him with any girl or ever seen him talking to anyone, he always used to stay with a Gab, so we had that feeling that something might be going on between them." Then I say, "Really Mom?" And Mom says, "Forgive me son, you always used to stay with a Gab, so it was obvious that this question would come into my mind." Then I said "I am not sad that you thought that I am gay rather I felt bad that you thought that my partner is Gabriel, even if I am gay, even then he would never have been my partner." And Gabriel snap "Yes, as if I am dying to be your partner, I can't even think from that perspective, I am feeling to throw up from the mere thaught." And everyone starts laughing.

"Diksha, you have met everyone but you have not met my uncle. His name is Dex. He is my father's elder brother and I respect him a lot because he has loved me more than my father." Diksha touches his feet and I tell uncle that according to Indian culture, she is respecting you and asking for your blessings. Then my uncle signals her to get up, puts his hand on her head and says, "God bless you Dear but I never thought that our Ethan will ever bring our enemy as our daughter-in-law. But it's good to end the enmity between the two Kingdoms." After that we all moves to our works Diksha and Mom start talking and I leave for the work as a new King.

*After a week*

"I will have to go back to Russia because I have some urgent work which I need to finish as soon as possible." I give a completely shocking look and ask Diksha "When did this happen? You didn't tell me anything." And Diksha said "Jason has just given me the news that we have to leave immediately, sorry but work is work." I hug Diksha and said "You have not even left and I started missing you already. By the way, for how many days are you going?" Diksha looks at me and says "Not much, just for two weeks" I looked at her in unbelief and ask, "Two weeks.. You are kidding right. I don't know. You have to come back to me as soon as possible, otherwise if I go mad in your sepration, then I will come to you." Diksha laughs and says "Now you are not only a Ethan, but The King Ethan Leonardo Vinci and you know very well how important and responsible this position is. Now stop doing childish things and let me go." I said with a sigh. "What can i say my Dear Queen."  I called my secretary and told him to cancel all my meetings in the next 2 hours I am going out for some personal work after one and half hour Diksha's flight takes off and I don't know why my eyes become moist "God, I have already started missing her, how will I spend 2 weeks."

*After 2 weeks*

"Ethan I know what you are doing, after all I am the one who has taught you more than half the tricks of your life, you can't hide the truth from me, I can see everything in your eyes." I ask with a sharp smile, "What do you see in my eyes uncle?" Then my uncle become more comfortable on the sofa and says "I can see the thirst for power and authority in your eyes, now you can tell me everything truthfully, there is no one here except us." My uncle says with a smirk on his face and I say while laughing "You are right, I can't hide anything from you, after all you are my dear uncle." "It means my feeling is right that you don't love that girl." My uncle asked me to confirm his doubt and i replied with a emotionless face "Never."

A strange smile comes on in his face and he says "Then why did you pretend to love her, ask her to marry and make her your queen in front of everyone."  "Because I had to trap her completely in my plan, I had to make her feel that I love her so much that i am on her fingertips, only she is in my life, so that she fell in my love and when the time comes I will make her Kingdom and her powers mine. As far as the concern of her people, those who agreed good for them and those who don't agree I know how to handle them well." My uncle gets up from the sofa and come towards me and ask with a suspicious tone "Then why i saw the feelings for her in your eyes." I maintain my icy rigid face and said in a lethal tone "She is nothing to ke more than a good fuck and the feelings you are talking about are the pity for her that how naive she is to thought that i fell for her." Then he immediately hugs me and says "For once I was tensed that whether you really love that girl" I hugged him back and said "You know that there is only one purpose in my life, To rule and become a King."

As soon as I came out of the office with uncle, one of my guards came running to me and said, "Your Majesty the Queen has just left from here driving the car at a very high speed. We tried a lot to stop her but she didn't stop. I saw Mr. Jason's car following her." Diksha when did she came here and why didn't i know that and what the fuck happened that she left like that. I grab the guard by his collar and lift him in air and asked "When did Diksha come here?" He is totally shivering under my hold and start stammering "Her highness wanted to surprise you and order us not to tell you about her arrival. She came towards your office when I told her that you are in your office and a while I saw her running and leaving from here and took the car and went away."

Fuck, she was here that means no, no,no, not even in my fucking dreams I pushed him against the wall and said "Find her right now or else I will destroy you and your whole family." After this, I ran towards my car. My uncle was saying something but at this time I am not able to hear anything. I can only process that Diksha was here and I start driving my car in full speed in the direction told by the guard. My heart is beating very fast and I am praying in my mind that Diksha is safe and nothing has happen to her, Diksha might have heard my conversation with Uncle. Fuck if she had heard it then there is  a big misunderstanding, I have to tell her the truth but until then please Diksha, please stay well, I request you please. For the God sake's please.... After the 15 minute drive I saw two cars, one was burning after hitting a tree and the other was standing in the middle of the road and Jason was sitting on the middle of the road and crying.

I went to Jason and put my hand on his shoulder. As soon as he saw me he grab my feet and started apologizing to me. I sat on my knees and came in front of him and asked him, "Why are you crying? What are you apologizing for?" Jason said slowly in a broken voice, "Diksh.." I didn't hear the full name and I immediately ran towards the burning car an adrenaline rush into my veins and i can feel anxiousness and nervousness taking my steps towards the car but Jason catch me from behind. I tried very hard to free myself by hitting him with my hands and legs, but I can't. I punched Jason on his stomach due to which his grip loosened and then I ran towards the car but the car totally catch in fire and I can't understand what happened and what to do.

After a while I am on the ground . I am unable to do anything. I am neither able to breathe nor am I breathing. My body has become numb. I have losted my all senses and feelings. I am just watching the burning car. The flame of the car is increased so much that it is so close to me and i didn't feel anything until Jason drag me away from the car. "Ethan- Ethan... look at me... ETHAN." Jason voice bring me out from my thoughts, i saw that the fire brigade team arrived here and they are doing their work. I am not ready to accept the truth that i have losted the most precious thing of my life. My Jaan she.. she left me.. i am all alone now. I have losted her for forever.


Lots of things happen in this chapter and this is really a long chapter but it is important because from now on the story is going to be spicy and more intresting.

I am so sad that our Queen is dead but what happen now for knowing the further stay tuned.

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