A lesson

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*This chapter is going to be Little spicy*

After giving my warning to him he again dare to open his mouth, now i want to punish him, tease him and make him obedient. It's been a while since i played with anyone but i never try to do anything with my employees. My first rule is let the official work to be official never mix pleasure with it. But he triggers a part in me which wants to torture him leave, that thought Dikku, he is your employee and you can't break your own rule for  him. We are in the elevator and he is standing besides me, i close the distance between us and move my lips to his ear and whisper "I have told you to watch where are you using your smart mouth but you like to disobeying me. I think you need a lesson Luca." After saying that i get off from the elevator and give him a smirk.

Jason pick the venue and it's really good, the interior and designs all was perfect, he booked it for us so we can enjoy without any disturbance. There are games section, bar, restaurant and pool. We all seated down on the round table Jason is besides me and Mr. Bernardi is seating in front of me. I like his expressions he is trying to act calm after what i said in elevator. Oliver is ordering the food and asked everyone for drink, they all agreed on wine so when he is going to order wine, Jason stopped him and said "Miss. D don't drink wine order Vodka for her." Everyone is watching me like they didn't expect me to don't like wine, well it's not that i don't like it but i like the Vodka more because it's helps me a lot in past.

When we are waiting for food Madhvi suggest us to play a game and every one agrees on truth and dare. "Why don't we pass the pillow to each other instead of the bottle and when the song stops, the question will be asked to the one who has the pillow." I suggest and everyone is shocked. "What we are here to enjoy na, then am i not allowed to play." I asked, Mr. Bernardi's eyes are fixed on me like he can't take his eyes off me. "Ofcourse Miss. D, it's just that we didn't expect you to volunteer for playing game, i was planning to how to persuade you to play with us." Noah said. We started playing  and Jason is playing the music so his face is turned around from us so, he can't cheat.

First turn is Oliver's he chooses truth and tells me that it's his dream to work with me and when he got selected it's the best day of his life and next Cherry's she also chooses truth and told us that she is going to marry when Sammy asked her about her boyfriend. It's fun to play with them i am getting to know more about them. Now it's Noah's turn he also choose truth and Madhvi asked him for his first love, he start hesitating and said "when i first saw Miss. D i fell for her, but i never had the courage to confess, so i kept it in me because i know there is no chance for me." He is looking at me with fear that i am going to kill him for his confession on the other habd Mr. Bernardi is glaring at him in anger. Why is he angry? I started laughing grabbing everyone's attention and said "Don't worry Noah, it's not your fault you can't stop yourself for falling for someone and love is a beautiful feeling i am thankful that you liked me, and here's a piece of advice for all of you if you love someone then confess it, don't keep it to yourself just go with the flow and how cares that you are going to hurt or get success, it's just that you can be true to yourself." Everyone nod in acknowledgement.

The game started again and now it's my turn and i choose dare and Oliver dare me to act cute. Act cute but how, i am looking at Jason with the face of, what to do now, but i'm not going to back down so I made fists of my hands and brought them near my cheeks and while shaking them i said meow with smile and blinking my eyes. Mr. Bernardi said "This cat is so cute" everyone laughs on his words and i started feeling shy. Finally food is here "Cheers to Oliver and Welcome to Mr. Bernardi in our company" i said while raising my glass and everyone joined me and said cheers, Everyone clank their glasses to each other while my eyes fixed on Mr. Bernardi who is now watching me i motion him cheers with a smile, he called me cat, i will show him who I am. Everyone is eating and enjoying their time.

I saw Mr. Bernardi leaving for washroom i followed him and tell Jason to not let anyone comes there. When i enter in the washroom Mr. Bernardi is shocked by my sudden appearance and i locked the door. "What are you doing here, this is men's room" he said "I have told you that your smart mouth can became the reason for your end someday" i said ignoring his question "And why should i listen to you" i smile wickedly and walk towards him "You are not allowed to ask questions" i said and grab him by his throat and start kissing his neck and said "don't forget to breathe Luca" in a soft voice. He is not stopping me as i move towards his throat placing the wet kisses and then a  bite on his jaw then i saw desires flowing in his eyes which is dark now. I thought about teasing him more so I took his lower lip between my teeth and bite on it. Blood starts oozing from his lip, i remove my hand from his throat and bring it to my lips, I wipe his blood from my lips with thumb and said "Open your mouth" in a stern voice but he didn't do it then i grabbed his hair and yanked him "I SAID OPEN YOUR FUCKING MOUTH"  i said with emphasising on each word. Now he did as i said and i put my tumb into his mouth from which i wipe his blood from my lips and said "lick it, now use your smart mouth and show me what you have got" he started licking my thumb as i feel sensation in my whole body my grip start loosing from his hair and my fingers start fluttering on his ear, as a result a pleasurable voice escaped from his mouth. When He is going to touch me i stopped him and move away from him. He groan in displeasurement.

"You can't get whatever you want Luca, and this was your lesson remember it whenever you try to disobeying me i will torture you and your torture is going to increase every time so you better know what to do now." I tapped his cheeks with ny hand "Luca you look good when you do as i say, Good boy." I ruffled his hair and leave the washroom.

Fuck, what did I just do? I have lost all control over myself. There is something that is drawing me towards him. Whenever I am near him, I lose my control. That voice of him, his eyes, i loved the desires for me in his eyes. I was just going to have a conversation with him but i got carried away and fucked it up. He is my employee and i have broked my own rule for him. But his smile, his voice, his eyes, i think everything of his talking to me whenever he see me, their is different feeling i started to feel. I don't get angry when he disobey me but i like when he acts bratty. Dikku, Are you falling for him?


I wanted show her relationship with her employees so the dining session is needed. And what do think about this chapter.

Did Diksha also feels something for him?

And what do think why Mr. Bernardi glaring at Noah when he confessed.

Share your thoughts.

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