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He asked me grabbing my neck that who i am, despite being angry i want to laugh at his flustered moment it's like cat got catch while stealing something

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He asked me grabbing my neck that who i am, despite being angry i want to laugh at his flustered moment it's like cat got catch while stealing something. I answered that i am his Jaan as he always call me his Jaan. He left my throat and hold my shoulder in a firm grip and asked "This is not a joke Diksha, tell me how do you know about all this, who told you, listen if you are taking it lightly then Jaan it's so serious matter. After knowing my true identity you will always in danger, i don't want to put you in any kind of risk." He is worried about me, he really cares about me, snap out of it Diksha he is from that family who killed your mother, they are all ruthless monsters.

"Well i don't think this is the right place to talk about all this Mr. Vinci" He looked at me like i said something wrong. "Diksha i will never let you go." I smiled on his confidence and said "We will see." And move out from my office. Jason is waiting for us and when he see us coming, he rush towards me and asked "Is everything is alright?" I nod in assurance and move towards parking lot. "We are going to my place to complete our conversation." Ethan said and i looked at him "Do you really think that you will order me and i will follow you like a puppy." He is getting angry by my words and i am enjoying it.

"Fine let's move first then we will decide where we will go." He said and when we are going to enter in our cars, a gun shot filled in the parking and we all try to hide ourselves. "Jason, take Diksha to a safe place, now." Ethan order Jason in a dominating voice. He pull out his gun and start firing. It's clear by their shots that they are trying to kill Ethan but who are they? Jason also starts firing and cover me by himself. Most of the goons are dead by bullet but around 20 goons are still alive. Jason and Ethan started fighting, i knew that Jason is good in fighting but Ethan he is looking like a tiger who is hunting his prey. When the both guys are doing everything then why should i make my hand dirty i thought that but then i notice a goon trying to hit Ethan from back, that bloody bastard, i run towards him and in a swift motion cut his throat by knife.

"I hate people who try to sneak attack." I said looking at the person who is dying but try to hold his dear life. Ethan is looking at me in a disbeliefment and i through the knife an inch away from his face and it hit the goon on his back "Focus Mr. Vinci, when you in battle ground stay focused." Without looking at him i charged towards other goons and killed them all. "Are you fine? You are not hurt anywhere." Jason analysing me and i laugh and say "chill down i am good and i also had some exercise after long time." Ethan come towards me and asked "Who are you? You can't be a normal person, what is your real identity?" I smirk at his questions and try to hide my laugh.

I notice a group of people in black suit is coming towards us and Ethan is ready to fight. But when he is going to charge his fist on those people who is close to us, they immediately kneel down in front of me and bow their heads and said "Your Highness, everything is clear." I saw Matthew running towards me and hugged me and said "Are you hurt anywhere? Your Highness" I looked at him and asked "What are you doing here?" I never wanted that Matthew see all this bloodshed. "Who the hell bring him here?" I shout on everyone. "No one, Your Highness, i listen them talking in the phone when Jason bro called them and i followed them quietly because i was worried about you." I looked at him in full of anger "You dare to follow them, when i have already told you that you will stay away from all this things." He kneel down and said "When i listen that you are attacked by someone, i can't think anything besides knowing that you are safe, i don't feel sorry about disobeying you."

Jason put his hand on my shoulder and gesture me to calm down. I took a deep breath and said everyone to get up. Ethan is standing in side and watching everything, when our eyes meet he is totally confused and shocked like he didn't get anything what is happening here. "Boss they are all here for a man and you happen to be with him." One of my guard said and Ethan come towards him and said "Do you know anything about them?" That guard looked at me for approval to speak and i allow him. "No we don't know anything. When we are coming inside, i hear someone talking that they want you dead."

"Take everyone with you who is alive to our place and those who are dead find there identity and send their bodies to their families." After my order my guards start doing things as i said. "Don't worry Mr. Vinci, only Me, Jason and Stella knows your identity and they will die before leaking any information." I tell Ethan and moved towards my car "Who are you?" He asked and i said "Queen, I am the Queen of Russian Mafia Emperor." I said looking at him but hia facial expressions changed but it's something else which I can't understand and then he said "I already have this instinct that we are powerful couple but today i got to know that we are most powerful couple in the world, My Queen."


Sorry readers i was busy in my cousin's marriage, that's why i was not able to upload new chapters in last days.

Do you like this chapter, and what do you think is going to happen next.

Thoughts on Ethan.

Thoughts on Diksha.

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