Bloody Red Dress

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"Neha let's go for shopping

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"Neha let's go for shopping." I suggests her and she walks into the kitchen. She arrives here last day and we are enjoying our time at my home. "I am still mad at you, how can you do that to me." She said and i looks at her and said "Stop being so over dramatic."  "Dramatic, me being over dramatic you had a trip of Las Vegas and you didn't bother to in
form me." I huffed and said "Neha you were busy with your seminar as you said so i didn't disturbed you." She glares at me and i surrendered myself "Okay okay, your shopping is on me today so you can buy as much as you want." She immediately beams a smile and said "That's look like an apology."

"This, this and this and from here to there pack everything." She is really taking my words so seriously and buying everything. "Yeah, what a good day, i enjoyed shopping." Neha said and i smiled at her because she is not angry anymore. I can't stand her being angry on me, she is my bestfriend and she was with me at that time when my mumma left me and i losted one more life that day. I was totally broken and don't know what to do, she helped me in everything and make me believe in myself again. I can do anything for her. "Let's eat something" i said and we both stopped at a nearest cafe.

*In Office*

"Miss.D, Luca's contract is over so we need to find new model." Oliver said then i again remember that Ethan's contact was over 1 week ago and because of that we are searching for new face for our company. "Jason find the new model as soon as possible." He nodded and left from the meeting room. "Anything else?" I asked everyone and they started looking at each other. Then I said "say what's on your mind no need to hesitate". Then Noah said "Miss. D, actually it's your birthday tomorrow so we are planning to have a small party. We know that you don't like to celebrate your birthday but we want to express our gratitude towards you so, allow us to celebrate your birthday." I looked at them and they were looking at me with a losted puppy eyes which I can't ignore so I agree with them "But it must be small party, Okay" I said in last

"Hey what are you doing?" I saw Ethan's message on my phone which I kept on silent when i was in meeting so i immediately replied him that I was in the meeting and just now I saw his message.

*Massage conversation*

Ethan- What are you doing tomorrow?🤔

Diksha- I am busy, i am already booked for tomorrow.🤫

Ethan- Who want's to die?💔🔪

Diksha- It's my staff member and do you dare to do anything to them?🙄

Ethan- I can dare to do anything to have you only for me, My Jaan.
Meet me tomorrow at 4 p.m. i will be waiting for you and wear something red. I will text you address. Take care Jaan❤️

Diksha- You too puppy🐶

*Conversation End*

He is really a puppy if he didn't see me for a minute he will start searching for me, uff what can i do with him. Well first time i am exited for my birthday because i am going to celebrate my this birthday with him.

*Next day*

I have told everyone that i am busy from the evening so we can have patry before that. They have cutely decorated the office and my cabin and placed a big box in the middle "What's that?" I asked in amusement "It's your favourite thing Miss.D, open it." And then i open the box and found a big cake made with ice-cream in it. "An ice-cream cake." I said with a guge smile on my face and they all smiled and said "We all know that you don't like cakes but loves ice-cream so we prepare an ice-cream cake for you." I can't express my happiness, they all prepare everything according to my preference. "Thank you so much you all." I said being Little emotional but controlled myself.

It's nearly 4 p.m. and i am wearing a red colour organza dress which is little different from my usual dressing style but i wore it cause it's my special day and more of it i am going to celebrate it with my special one. *PHONE RINGS* "Finally you remember me, from last day you didn't even call.." my sentence get halted by a sobbing sound and i asked "Neha" she scream and said "Diksha, Diksha please save me, please.." My heart start beating so fast in fear, i have already losted two precious life in my life, i can't loose one more. "Calm down Neha, what happen, where are you?" I ask her calming myself from getting panic. "Miss. Diksha Sharma, it seems that we got your sore spot by kidnapping your bestfriend and if you want her alive come to this address." *ONE TEXT MASSAGE* "And don't try to act smart by calling cops or someone else, or else you will never find your friend alive." After that the call got disconnected and when i tried again it was not reachable.

"No, you're not going alone." Jason said and started putting gun and other weapons. "Jason i can't take a risk about Neha's life." "And i can't take risk about you." Jason snap in anger and i understand his concern but i am not backing off. "It's my order Jason, i am going alone and remember one thing you have trained me and not only you but former King has also trained me in fighting." Jason is processing my words and said "Okay but you will share your live location with me and if in 1 hour you didn't call me, then i must go against your oder Your Highness." I put my hand on his shoulder as agreement and said "Trace and find everything about Neha's phone and if you get any other information about kidnapper tell me immediately."

"I am here where are you?" I shouted in the old burned factory and they threw Neha on the floor and she whimper in the pain. Blood is oozing from her lips, they hit her and now everyone will die. I run towards her and embrace her in my arms. "Don't worry Neha i am here and no one can hurt you." I looked at the kidnappers and fist my hand and asked them "What do you want? why are you doing this?" They all laughed hysterically and said "We want you, your everything, transfer your all shares to us." They don't belong to any group of my enemies then who are they? "Who are you?" I asked them and they drag me away from Neha to other corner and start assaulting her in front of me. "Now I don't care anymore that who are you, because i am your death for sure." As i said that i twist the hand of the person who is grabbing me and snap his neck in one swift motion. And in a few seconds i kill almost everyone with my gun and asked Neha to hide in the corner.

A guys held me from behind and one from front and the third one is punching me hard on my face and stomach. A rush of Adrenaline in my body gives me power to fight against them without feeling any pain. When i saw that i killed everyone i run towards Neha and hugged her and said "You are safe now. I am sorry because of me you need to face all this things." I feel her body trembling under my embrace and she said "But you are not safe Diksha, I wish that this is your Happiest Birthday ever my dear Bestfriend" and she stab me in my stomach. I looked into her eyes and feels that i can't understand her anymore. Her smile is devilish which give chill in my whole body. "Why.."

"Diksha.." i listen someone shouting my name from behind and i fell on the ground. "Jaan, Jaan please be with me, please don't close your eyes, stay with me please." Ethan hold in his arms and sobbing like a kid. I caressing his cheeks and said "Look i am wearing the red dress as you said but i am sorry it's got ruin and now it's bloody red." And after saying that i closed my eyes and lost in deep darkness.


Sorry guys i am updating chapter after a ming time because i am busy in preparing the dissertation for my final year of Masters and i hope that you understand my problem.

Well did you had any idea that Neha will betray her one day?

Any thoughts on Neha?

Who are the two person whom Diksha has losted?

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