Marry Me

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"Take her to the OT immediately" Matthew said and took her to the OT. He said that she has losted lots of blood and in a critical condition, the knife has injured her vital areas. I don't know what to do, what is happening and from where all this went wrong. "Ethan we have indentify all the men." Gab said placing his hand on my shoulder. Right now i don't know what to do amd mind is blank all i can think about her "Gab, what can i do- what can i do to save her, if-if something happens to her i will die, i can't live without her Gab, tell me what can i do?" I looked at Gab and tears falling from my eyes, Gab has never seen me crying even when we got the news of Sofia's death i didn't cry because their is a feeling that she is still alive but Diksha, is laying in front of me fully coated in her blood which I can't stop even when try, it didn't stop.

Gab hugged me and said "Nothing will happens to her she is a lioness and A Queen, she has fought alone with the 50 men, she is real Queen of battle, she will be fine." Gab's words console me but somewhere it initiate the anger in me. I will kill that bitch. "He is right Mr. Vinci, Diksha have a fighting spirit and she have some goals which she has not completed yet and she knows very well that she can't die without achieving it." We all are waiting outside the OT and first time in my life i begged to the God to save her in return i will give him anything he wants instead of my life because i wants to live with her, marry her, make her my Queen and the mother of my babies and we will become old and grey together. I pray to the every holy thing in this world to not to take her away from me otherwise i will burn this whole fucking world.

"How's Diksha?" Jason asked who has just arrived here. "She is still in OT and Matthew is operating on her." Stella said. "What, Matthew is operating on her, you know that he can't even she her in little pain and he is operating on her, i mean i know he is the best surgeon but i am afraid that he will become emotional." "Bro, cool down, he knows what he is doing and you know better than anyone that no one can handle Diksha's current condition better than him. And if anything happens to her we will got the news of two death because he will die if he can't save her." Stella snap back and Jason huffs in defeat. I don't know much about Matthew but i know that he is like a little brother to Diksha and she is very protective to him as he is protective to her.

"What happens to that bitch?" Stella asked grabbing everyone's attention and Jason said "I have caught her and put her into the dungeon." I grab him from his collar and said "You left her alive, she is breathing there finely and here Diksha is fighting for her every breath." He didn't fight back but said something in very low tone which made me back off from him and he said "Diksha trusted her more than anyone in this world, she was her bestfriend, her soulmate, her everytime supporter. Neha was their when Diksha was most vulnerable and supported her. I can't kill her it's her right and her decision what to do with Neha. Even i want to kill her mercilessly but I can't."

Suddenly the door of OT has opened and we all rushed towards the doctor who is coming out form the OT. "What happen Matthew? How's she?" Jason asked, i was standing in last and it feels like my heart is going to explode and my soul is leaving my body. "She is fine for now but i can't say anything confirmly. As a doctor I can say that she has already losted lots of blood when she come here, we have saved her for now but upcoming 24 hours is most crucial for her and if she didn't regain her consciousness within 24 hours then we can't say anything about her." I came forward and grab Matthew's hand "Thank you so much for saving her, thank you alot and don't worry i know that she will be back to me, to us and everything will be fine." Matthew gives me a assurance smile and get back to his work.

Diksha has transferred to the ICU and i am with her. "Jaan i love when you sleep peacefully but it's time to wake up, please wake up Jaan." It's been already 18 hours and she didn't show any moment. Matthew comes here and checked on her every hour. "Matthew do you like her?" Those word comes out from my mouth unconsciously and than i look at Matthew who is looking at me with a shocking expressions. "If you are asking me that i love her then i will say yes" The blood trun cold in my body and I don't know how to react. If he is someone else than i will surely kill him right now but Diksha care for him as her brother so I can't hurt him and he continued. "I love her but as a big sister, she saved my life when I have losted all my hopes, when I felt that nothing can save me and ready to accept my so called fate, then she came into my life as a miracle and saves me and my life. Gave me the life which I don't deserve. Whatever I am right now it's all because of her, she supported me unconditionally and my dream to became a doctor. She is not my sister by blood but she is my sister by every other means."

A wave a relief runs into my body and i took a beep breath and suddenly i notice the moment of her finger and i tell Matthew. He checked upon her and she slowly opens her eyes and i kissed on her forehead. "Everything is fine, сестра(sister) welcome back to the world of goodness in evil." She smiles at his comment and it overwhelmed my heart. " Please Marry me Jaan."


I have posted a new chapter after a long time but i was really busy and submitted my dissertation last day but it's true that happy days don't stay long and today i got my examination datesheet and it's starting form 7 of this month.

I hope you will support me and wish me luck for my exams.

Do you like this chapter. What do you think, what will happen with Neha?

What will you do if your bestfriend betrayed you?

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