I love you Puppy

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I can hear the voice of many people, someone is saying something but I can't understand

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I can hear the voice of many people, someone is saying something but I can't understand. Accident whose accident what are they talking about. Diksha where is she why can't i hear her? Nothing can happen to her, it was all my dream, if I open my eyes then everything will be over, she will be sitting in front of me again, I know everything, this is just my bad dream and now I want to wake up from this nightmare. I opened my eyes slowly and I looked around me but Diksha is not there then I search for her in my whole room but I can't see her anywhere, only then I saw the worried faces of my family members and their faces are telling me what I never want to hear.

"Ethan are you fine?" My mom immediately hugged me and said while Dad put his hand on my shoulder and said "Everything will be fine son, all the preparations is done." And I look at them and ask "What preparations, What are you talking about?" Everyone looks at me as if they have seen a ghost, "Where is Diksha, why is she not here? Oh i forgot Diksha is in Russia for work, i want to talk to her my phone where is it?" Everyone just looks at me and my mom and birdy started crying and I ask my mother "why are you crying, you are also missing her, I will let you talk to her but before that i need to to talk to her ASAP."

I started searching for my phone but i can't find it. "Where is my phone? I need my phone, I want to talk to Diksha give it to me." Immediately my eyes went to Jason who is sitting in the corner of the room and then I said, "What are you doing here, you are in Russia with Diksha, but you are here, which means Diksha is back, where is she?" Jason looks at me and i can't recognise him. For the first time i saw him like this. He is looking like a walking corpse, his face is pale and eyes are red like blood and have dark circles. He walk towards me and handed me my phone and said "You can't talk to her."

My blood boiled from anger and I shouted on him, "who the hell are you to tell me what I can do and what I  can't." Jason didn't say anything, he just stood there and kept looking at me and then after a while he says "She is no more. Now not only you but none of us can talk to her. She is gone, leaving us all, leaving you behind for forever." No-no-no i repeated it in my mind, "this can't be true it must be my nightmare, it have to be my nightmare, nothing can happen to her, she is here..with me. I can feel her. If this is any kind of prank i swear this is not funny and birdy even if this sick idea is your's i will never forgive you, now stop this bullshit and tell me where is she?"

Jason left the room and i followed him. He sits in the car and i also take the passanger seat. He didn't said anything and i didn't dare to ask. The car stopped in front of hospital and Jason went inside the it, i followed him closely and he talk to a doctor who gives me a sympathetic look and we follows him. Suddenly I felt like I can't breathe properly because my chest is feeling so heavy and congested and we stopped in front of a room and Doctor said that i can go inside. I want to go but my legs are stuck to the ground I can't move them, this can't be happening i slowly open the door and move inside the room And I saw that there was someone lying covered in a white sheet.

My mind knew who is this, but my heart can never agree to believe it. I slowly walked towards it with heavy feet and removed the cloth. The face is totally disfigured and body is burnt but I recognize this hand. She is still wearing my ring, "this is not her, this is someone else. It can't be her, i know her she will never leave me alone i know." Jason comes beside me and put his hand on my shoulder i grab him by his collar and asked "Tell me the truth, Where is she and stop this fucking game. I don't gives a shit how much you are important to her i will kill you if you don't tell me truth." He didn't say anything and just stand their quietly. He didn't even try to protest. I started crying like a mad person, like a person who has losted the only motive of his life, like a person whose world is coming to end, like a person whose beautiful lovely dream turns into the worst nightmare of his life.

"Beta- beta tu muje chod ke kyu chli gyi. Teri ma k baad mera eklota sahara tu hi thi aisa kyu kia tune apne papa ko chod k chli gyi ab me kya krunga kiske lia jiunga, bol beta bol. (Oh my dear, why did you leave me? After your mother, you were my only support, why did you do this and you left your Dad all alone, now what will I do, for whom will I live, tell me dear, tell me.)" I saw Uncle ji crying as we perform the rituals according to Hindu traditions. After completing everything i am standing quietly at my spot. I didn't move or say anything during the whole thing. I am so blank i can't even know how to say or what to say. I just know that i am ruined totally, absolutely, fuckingly devastated.

Uncle ji comes to me and hold my hand in his hand and said "It's okay Son, You can grief, you can cry, you can let it fall because Diksha never wants you to be like that, she loved you i know that and you loves her more but it's time to accept everything." After saying that he hugs me and patted my shoulder with so much fatherly love. I want to say something to him but I can't i just said "I am sorry Papa." And he just smile and moves with Stella towards the car. Jason and Gab stand besides me and they both are silent but i can sense the tension so i asked them what is the matter. "Their is a problem Ethan you need to pull yourself together, you are a King and your responsibility don't allows you to grief anymore, there are some work which is left by Diksha and her dream you have to achieve it." Jason and Gab said and then i straighten my back run my hand through my hairs and look at the ring and realise that i need to move.


"Mr. Bernardi about this year's fashion week we have lined up all the designs and now you just have to select." Abhay is now not the assistant anymore he is one of the designer of the company and i like his enthusiasm. "Okay i will be there in 5 mins." I said and move towards my desk my first and last desk in this company Jason has insisted me to take her cabin but I don't want to take her place it's her cabin this is her company which she has established with her hardwork and lots of struggle and i am just watching it for her until she came. I know that it's not possible but still i am waiting for her.

"Hey Luca, what about this year?" Oliver came and give me a friendly pat on my shoulder and Madhvi and Noah are behind him "Hay dude move side i also want to say hii to him." Noah is as usual crack and crazy but that is his thing which make him, him. And madhvi is married now and you can't believe who is it. Her husband is no one else but Abhay her former assistant. They are married for one year. I am happy for them, this is the place where i feel that everything is okay and i can be myself. "Nothing just thinking about the fashion week." I said and then Noah said "It will be more easy if Miss. D was here and" Madhvi pinched him hard to stop whatever he is going to say and he stopped, when they know about her death they all don't know how to react but they didn't get the time to cry for her properly because their was the biggest deal was waiting for them.

When Diksha went back to Russia she was dealing with the worlds most popular fashion industry of the world and wants to work with them as a partner but when she died everything stopped in middle and i need to step up for completing her dream. Everyone has left me alone because they know that i need time and i like how they understand everything without wording it. I take out the ring from my pocket and start caress it, feeling everything about this ring. And then take out my phone and open the inbox where is the last message from Diksha but i regret it so much that i didn't read it on the right time. And now whenever i misses her which is everytime i look at her ring and her message "I have a good news for you hope you love it and will be happy as much as i love it and happy right now, i love you Puppy."

       I have good news
           I am happy
               Hope you will also be happy
           I love you Puppy...

Her message every word, every letter is engraved in my heart and soul and i am dying to know what was the good news she wanted to tell me that makes her so happy. I wanted to know but more than that i re-read the last 4 words of her message I love you Puppy all i want to listen her saying that again but i know this can't be possible and i say "I love you more My Jaan."


Sorry readers i am roo late to update this chapter but i have a good news for you all. I got a job in school as a teacher, being a teacher and teaching is my dream job and i am so happy. I was busy in interview and all in the past days but my hardwork has shown the result.

This is a little long chapter because there is so much going on.

What do you think about this chapter?

What is the good news Diksha wanted to tell him?

Do you feel that something is wrong?

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