She's here

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"Luca you need to know that you have the capacity to be the one of the top model in the country, and i will make sure it happen

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"Luca you need to know that you have the capacity to be the one of the top model in the country, and i will make sure it happen." Hardy is my kind of manager he tells me everything what to do and what not that's what make me think why i am listening his bullshit yes right, because of that bloody rule fuck off. "Yeah yeah.. i know i am much more capable of that thing but i just need to do this shit work only for 6 months more and than our contract will be over." I said to Hardy with a stern look to make him understand that whatever he said i am not gonna do it.

My real name is Ethan but for some reason i can't disclose my real identity and have to use the fake name well I can't say it's fake but it's the second name of mine. Everyone one in our family have 2 name one for the outer world and one for the our own world. Well let it be, i am hungry after heavy exercise. I have not eaten anything because of that dick Hardy. I am working in the company Likes & Looks i know this is not the best company for modelling but good for me because i am not planning my future in modelling but my future is something far apart form it.

"Hurry up, and make sure everything will be perfect. She is coming and it will be really helpful if she agrees to work with us. Now move your ass and get everyone's portfolio and resume ready." Chief is shouting and ordering everyone. From his tone i can assume that someone very important person is coming, but i am not interested, i am just controlling my anger and try to keep calm because of my father and our fucking traditional rule. If they were in my world they have been dead long ago for ordering and shouting on me.

*One hour later*

We all were ordered to dress up nicely and be on time but i am not understanding what is happening here. Everyone is worried and try to look perfect even the Chief is also in his best tailored suit which shows his physique perfectly who will say that he is 50 years old by his well maintained physique. "Luca what are you wearing don't you know that everyone have to dressed as their best and you are wearing normal shirt and pant are you kidding me." From his tone i want to cut his tongue and make him regret for raising his voice on me but control. "Sir i am in my best, i am not best because of clothes but because of my personality and confidence." I said him with a hard smile and then my mind focus on the voice of the heel hitting on the floor only from the footsteps i can assume that this person is not the simple one.

"Oh no she is here, get ready everyone." Chief said. "Hello Miss. D, we are so lucky to have you here." He took her right hand and gave it a kiss. "Come Miss. D, i will show you the best of our models." As saying that he took her to the cabin and I don't know what happens with me i am just stuck to my place and my heart beating so fast. I was just lost in admiring her she is wearing black jegging and black crop top and a long white coat it is simple but elegant. Her dressing style express her bold and strong nature her aura is so powerful that i also forgot to breathe for a second.

We were waiting outside the cabin and one of the model standing with me Jackey is so worried and finally i broke the silence and asked him "What happen why are you so worried?" He look at me and said "Miss

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We were waiting outside the cabin and one of the model standing with me Jackey is so worried and finally i broke the silence and asked him "What happen why are you so worried?" He look at me and said "Miss. D is here she is the owner of the best modelling company The Queen's which has won The World International Modelling Competition 3 times in a row, if she chooses anyone of us then it will be the life-changing moment for us." Well i have listen about Miss. D but as i am not interested in this field so i have not paid any attention to the news or anything related to it. Secretary of Chief come out from cabin and tell us to come in.

"Miss. D i have shown the portfolio and resume of everyone here and form my point i think Mr. Jackey is the good option." Chief said to Miss. D but i can sense something else in her eyes as she stand from the chair and walk towards us and look at us from head to toe as when she is coming me to me i can hear my own heartbeat what is happening with me uhh fuck. She come close to me and said "I choose him." The dominance and power in her voice i like it but wait what she choose is she talking about me?


What do you think about second chapter. Do you like it please tell me.

Why is Ethan so affected by Miss. D's presence🤔

Why Miss. D has choosen Ethan🤨

Tell your thoughts it will help me a lot. I will update daily one chapter so i will not leave you on the cliff hanging situation😁

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