A smile of Satisfaction

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*This chapter contains little violance*

From the last three days she has been avoiding me and now I am getting annoyed from her behaviour and who will not? she is the one who has taken the first step. But I will not give her any satisfaction by showing the effect of her behaviour on me. She is as usual in her official attire which is her shirt, pant, blazer, long coat and her messy bun but despite all this things she is the most wonderful woman on the earth. She is natural beauty, her brown skin, long hair, black eyes all are tempting me, but I have to calm the beast inside me.

She is just standing in front of me but not looking at me. Now it's started hurting it's her eyes where I found my peace. I don't know why but looking at her in her eyes I have found a place, a place where I can get peace. When I saw her and Jason laughing and when she pinched him I feel kind of jealous. I am not shy or embarrassed in admitting my feelings for her. All the feelings which i have never felt for anyone now i have started feeling all of it for her. I am not jealous because he is touching her but because i am not that one with whom she can laugh freely and be herself. Her words pulls me out from my thoughts and she told me to came in her cabin when i have done my work. I want to go to her right now but all i need to do is wait.

After helping Madhvi and Oliver i went to meet Miss. D my stupid heart is beating so fast, calm down Ethan, i said to myself then knock and enter in the cabin. Now i can see my reflection in her eyes we are looking at each other. It's been a long time since i have seen her looking at me like that. She started talking but first time i sense nervousness in her voice. I am wondering that what she is going to say is she going to fire me, no she is not a immature person. But what she said is totally unexpected, she said sorry for her behaviour and i feel she don't have to be sorry i really enjoyed every moment of it and it was the first time i got to know my true feelings. Then she continues and tell me to forget everything and have a fresh start. I like the last part of what she said is to have a fresh start but not agree with forgetting everything. I will remember it till the end and she also can't forget because i will make sure that she remembers everything.

I told her that i have already forgotten everything without showing any feelings so that she don't feel awkward anymore. She again asked me if i am okay, i can feel that she wants to know that i am fine so i said that i am good And then she told me to leave and i left form there. It's really hard to control my heart when she is front of me but i have to do as i planed. Firstly i will become her friend and then her lover. My phone rung and i am happy because the person who called me.

"Hello birdy, how are you" i said to my Little sister Belle.
"Brother, i-i-want you here" she said while sobbing. My heart skipped a beat when i listen her crying. I started running down to my car to meet her for now all i can think about is her safety.

"What happen Belle, tell me everything and don't hide anything" i said in worried tone and afraid that if anything happens to her i will destroy everyone.

"Brother, my teacher tried to touch me so i run away from there and i lock myself in my room, just come here brother i am so afraid." She said and still crying. We have done every possible thing to protect her from our underworld. I want her to live normal life so, she was always in bording school that's why she was not able to get any survival training. God, i must have taught her self defence how can i  so stupid and forget that no one can survive in this world without fighting skills.

"Just stay there don't open the door for anyone untill i come. Don't worry my Birdy, i am coming." I said and while starting the car i called Gabriel and told him everything, he knows what to do so i don't need to say anything and cut the call.

I reached her school and run towards her room. No one tried to stop me because everyone knows who i am and i knock the door of my sister's room. "Birdy i am here open the door"  it's like that she was just next to the door and she open the door after listening my voice. Her eyes are puffy and red and she hugs me tightly and start crying. I patted her back and hold her tightly in my arms. When she calm down herself she looks at me and said "brother i don't want to stay here take me with you." I just nod and we started to leave.

"Brother, what are you going to do with him." She said that after a long time. She was silent during the whole ride back to my place. I took her to my apartment, for now this is the safe place for her. "What do you want me to do with him" i want to kill him but i will do as the Belle want because he is her culprit and her decision will be final decision. "Don't kill him but make sure that he never touch any girl again" she said and walk in the kitchen and start eating fruits "I am sorry Birdy, i was not able to protect you from what happened, i am such a bad brother." I said and my face hanging low, she seats in front of me and said "Brother i know whatever you have done for me, you keeps me away from all those shit and let me live my life freely, it's not your mistake, it was his and he will pay for it. I know you don't let him go just like that but i also know that you respects my choice" she hugs and move to her room.

*At night*

"You have really got balls to touch my sister, Mr. Adams" i asked in a harsh tone, Gabriel has already taken his half life and again he punched on his face "oh! that was so cruel" i exclaimed, Gabriel is my childhood friend and we are like brothers, he loves my sisters more then me because he is a single child and always wanted to have a sister. I walk towards Mr. Adams, one of my boy placed my chair in front of him, i put my hand under his chin and lift his face and make him look at me "I have planned lots of things to torture you" i feel terror in his eyes as i continue with my words "I wanted to kill you but Belle told me to not to kill you but make sure that you never touch any girl again."

As soon as I removed the cloth from his mouth, he started begging me for his life But now it was too late, I picked up a very sharp knife and asked him, "Is this the same hand from which you touched my sister?" I could see that fear in his eyes and yes, i am going to do exactly what he is thinking. I asked him again "Is this the same hand from which you touched my sister?" he just nodded his head and I cut off his hand from his shoulder, a painful screaming sound spread throughout the room and drops of his blood spread on my shirt. I asked him again "Are these the same eyes which looked at my sister in the wrong way?" He started apologizing again and said that "I didn't know that Belle is your sister. If I had known then I would have never done that. I didn't even looked at her." I laughed and said "If it was my sister then you would not have seen her in that way but if it was any other girl then you would have done whatever you want to do with her like she is your property." I got so angry at his words than I found the a shiny small blade on the table and cut his eyes in a smooth motion. "Cover his mouth and throw him out in front of his house" I ordered my boys and start leaving.

"Oh! That was so cruel" Gab said with smile, a smile of satisfaction. "Yes I had to be cruel he dares to touch my sister" Gab added "our" and i chuckled "yes-yes our sister. She is staying with me for now." I said Gab and we hugged each other and leave for our places. Today was very long day and i miss her, i am missing her so much.


What do think about the Luca's plan to become friends first and then lovers.🧐

What do you think he did the right thing with Mr. Adams🤨

How about the dark side of Luca

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