Real Identity

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"Diksha is it you?" Someone called me from behind so i turn around

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"Diksha is it you?" Someone called me from behind so i turn around. "Yes, you are Diksha, right, long time no see." Saurabh exclaimed and move forward to hug me. He is my ex. "Make your next move wisely, otherwise before going back home you will be missing one of your limb." I snap and moved to the drinking counter. "Wow, Diksha you are changed completely, now you are so hot and your style, and i got to know that you are the owner of the famous company The Queen's." He shifted my side and i glare at him saying "And you are still a jerk." I roll my eyes at him and drink the vodka. He hesitate and says "Look i am sorry for whatever happened in tha past, we all were kid at that time and I don't know how to handle and take responsibility, i know i was jerk that time but i am also changed, can we became friends again." I am laughing at his tactics, he really doesn't change even a little bit. I stand up from my place, taking Neha with me i am going towards the exit but he held me by grabbing my hand. "Oh come on, Diksha it's been 6 years let's forget the past and create new future." As he said that i twist his hand and kicked on his balls. "You must know your fucking place. For touching me i can cut your hand but i am leaving you with a warning, that never ever show me your shitty face again." After saying that we left from there.

We both are drunk so we can't drive. "Call Jason, he will come." Neha suggest and i do as she said because at that time this is best option. In half an hour Jason and Luca both are here. Jason is driving the car, Neha is besides him and me and Luca sitting on the back seat. "Why did you drink that much?" Luca asked but i didn't say anything "Are you angry with me?" He asked again but i remain silent. "Jaan for God sake please say something, it's my fault that i watched you dancing, but trust me I can't control myself, you were looking so happy and free that time and i don't want to distrub you." He explained himself. Well i am not upset with him but i am embarrassed at myself.

We reached at home and everyone is going to their room, when i saw Luca going in his room i grab his t-shirt and said "sleep with me." He smiles and we goes to my room. I took a quick shower and chaged in sexy pajamas and move towards bed. I saw Luca gulping and gawking me. I sit besides him and put my head on his shoulder and hand on his thighs. I start circling with my fingers on his thighs and played a romantic song. "Jaan you are killing me." He exclaimed and took a long breath. I kissed on his neck and he cursed under his breath. Then i sit on his lap and we are facing each other. "Jaan what are you doing?" He asked and i smiled and say "Punishing you" I kissed on his forehead, both eyes, then cheeks, ears, i kissed everywhere on his face but not there where he wanted. I placed my hand on his chest and feels that his nipples are hard and aroused, so i started teasing it by twisting and biting, he groan in pain and pleasure and grab my butts.

He tried to kiss me but i stop him. I started rubbing myself on his shaft and his breathing has increased fast and heavy. Now unconsciously he started directing my body in a right motion to give himself more pleasure.
I am soaked and want him, so i captured his lips with mine and he grabbed my hair and kissing me like a hungry person. It's like he is not kissing me, but he is devouring every inch of my mouth. I started removing his t-shirt and then touches his bare chest. He shiver by my touch as i pinch on his nipple, a moan left from his mouth. "Fuck, Jaan you surely know how to torture me." I smiled and move to kiss on his chest but my eyes fell on the tattoo on his chest and i totally sobered up. "What's this tattoo?" I asked hiding the change in my mood. "This is our family tattoo, everyone in my family have this, males have on their chest and females have on their wrist. And soon you also have this tattoo on your wrist and you will become mine for, forever." He said nudging his head in the crook of my neck.

    (Imagine this tattoo on his chest)

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    (Imagine this tattoo on his chest)

"I am feeling tired, you can go back to your room." I said while shifting myself from him to my bed. "Jaan are you fine, do you need lemon water, you must be having headache because of drink." He said in a caring tone but right now i just want to be alone. "I am fine Luca, can you give me some space i need to rest." I sanp and try to avoid him. "Oh, ohkay i will leave, you take a rest and if you need anything just tell me." He kissed on my forehead and moved out from my room. *Sigh* Fuck what what i am doing with my enemy. He is the member of the Italian Mafia family, he is with me from two and half months and i didn't know that. "How fucking dumb you are Diksha." I said to myself, your enemy is with you all the time and you, you were falling for him.

"Madhvi is everything ready?" I asked Madhvi and she nod in agreement. We came back a week ago and from then i am avoiding Luca as much as i can. I don't know how to face him and before facing him again i want to know his true identity. Luca Bernardi is his fake identity because no one from the Italian royal mafia family will use their original name in outside world. "Jason come with me" then me and Jason entered in my office. "Miss.D for now i haven't found anything wrong about Luca, i mean even if he belongs from the Italian Mafia but he has not done anything wrong from when he come here. I don't think he is spy because no one knows your true identity even some of our gang members also think that new king is a man." I know what Jason trying to tell me but I can't take risk. "Observe him and tell me immediately if you found anything fishy. And any massege from Stella?" Jason looked at me and said "No, she said she is working on it."

I understand her difficulties because Ethan is not a normal person he is the heir of the Italian Mafia Family so his identity must be secret. "Okay but tell her to give information as soon as possible." Jason nod and left the office
"Where are you Ethan and who are you Luca?" I talk to myself and Jason brust into my office "What the hell are you doing?" I asked him and he said "Stella has send all information about Ethan" i took the phone from his hand and asked "what about his picture?" I asked and Jason said "She said that she will be sending his picture in 2 minutes." Me and Jason totally hooked on the phone and waiting for Stella's massage. Then a massage notification beamed and i immediately open the massage and the what i saw I can't believe it. "Got your real identity."


Climax is coming, are you enjoying the story? What about this chapter?

What about the tattoo?

Does Diksha know the real identity on Luca?

What will Luca so now?

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