A chance

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"What are you going to do now? Your Highness

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"What are you going to do now? Your Highness." Stella asked me and I don't know what to do. After a long time i had felt someone's warmth, and thaught that i have someone to rely on. But all of that was an illusion. I can't say i love him but yes i like him, like him more than i thought. "Diksha are you listening?" Jason put him hand on my shoulder and bring me out of my thoughts. "Yes- Yes i am listening." I said ignoring the eyes on me. "Are you okay, Your Highness." Stella asked and i just nod and said "I need to take a rest, you guys can go now." After saying that i goes to my room.

In the morning, i checked my phone and there is 100 missed calls and 50 massages from Ethan. Is this men is crazy? Who calls someone 100 times, if he is that much eager to talk then why don't he come at my place. I doesn't read his massages and goes for freshen up. Today is off for the work because Fashion fest is in 2 weeks, so i tell everyone to take a good rest. Oh yes Fashion week will Ethan continue working as model in the company. I was coming down from the stairs and so engrossed in myself that I didn't pay attention to anyone in the hall and went to the kitchen to have breakfast. "Have you had a good sleep, My Jaan."

I turn around and found him standing in front of the kitchen counter and smiling at me. "What the fuck are you doing here?" I shout at him and saw Jason standing in a side "How did you let him come inside?" I asked him when he is going to say something Ethan stopped him and said "Jaan please listen to me, i just want to talk to you. You were not receiving phone calls or replying any messages, i was worried that you will never talk to me. So i came here, it's not Jason's mistake because if i want to meet you no one in this world can stop me." I am in that situation where I can't neglect the effect of his dominating voice and his craziness for me. But i can't accept him properly or whole heartedly.

"Sit here." I suggest him to sit on the sofa and i sit in front of him. "Say whatever you want to say Mr. Vinci" He looked at me took a deep breathe said "Diksha i am really sorry about what happened last night and thank you for helping me. But as i told you yesterday that i don't care who you are, i just love you. I fell in love with you not with your identity. I want to stand by your side, i know you don't need anyone's help but still i want that i can be helpful to you in any way. And we still have Fashion Fest, i will work with you so please let me do it." Is he begging me no way. "Ethan i also think that we need to give each other a chance. I like you and i also don't care about your identity but if anyone from your side hurts my person i will dig there grave by myself." Jason and Gabriel is looking at me in disbelivement and then Ethan said "You have my words, no one can harm you or your people, My Queen."

After saying that we looked at each other and when we are going to hug Stella come inside shouting "Your Highness i have bring your favourite ice-cream, let's eat together." And then Gabriel said "Bad timing Miss. Stella." And we all looked at each other and start eating ice-cream. "I want to introduce myself officially, Myself Stella Ivanov, Jason's little sister. Your Highness and me are the same aged but i admire her and respect her a lot. I personally don't like you Mr. Vinci but if she allows you to be with her then i can't say anything. But if you dare to hurt her i will put a kind of medicine in your drink which will make you impotent and you will regret for your whole life." That's my girl. I like Stella's bluntness. "And you think that you can do it." Gabrial said and Stella gives him a glare and said "I also think how unlucky the girl who will become your girlfriend." It's like they both are in their own zone and we are outsiders. "No Miss. Stella you can't call yourself unlucky." Wooh that one is good i like his skills. "Nice one bro." Ethan said and we all laugh.

"Thank you so much for giving me, giving us a chance and i will prove that, we will be the most happy couples." Ethan said taking my hand in his hands. After eating ice-cream i took him to my room for some personal conversation. "Luca oh sorry Ethan-" i got confused in his names "it's alright Jaan you can call me anything you want." He said caressing my cheeks. "Ohk puppy" he raised his eyebrows hearing his new nickname "What i always wanted to call my person Puppy. And you already said that i can call you whatever i want, you can't get back to your words." He smiled and said "Your wish is my command my Jaan." For truly from his words I can feel lots of emotions is erupting in me. I can feel love and can't resist his charms. "From where did you learn this things?" I asked him in an amused tone and he replied "Neha has taught me lots of thing when we were in India. She told me how to coax you, how to treat you well and lots of other things." I am grinning like an idiot and said "That's my friend and for your information Neha don't know anything about Mafia and all, so don't tell her anything" and he said "As you wish my queen."

"Do you know what are you doing? How can you allow him to be with you." Jason asked in anger "I know very well what I am doing." I snap and takes the glass of juice. "So, do you really like him, did you forget the death of your mother and your... You can't forget all this things, you have faced lots of things that time. I have seen you having panic attacks, and your depression. You can't forget you are here for Revenge, you have faced lots of things throughout all this years just for your Revenge." I looked at him with a teary eyes and said "I didn't forget anything I remember every moment vividly, even if I wanted to forget all those things I can't forget. And whatever I am doing now is only for the revenge. Did you forget that Ethan is the heir of that family. And from his help i can enter in his family very easily. Someone from his family has killed my mother and-and my.. I am just using him for a revenge and nothing else. Even if I have feelings for him, my revenge is more important than those feelings." Stella hugged me and said "Jason is an idot, he can't understand your pain. And i just want to say one thing, even i don't like that men that much but, i have seen sincerity in his eyes for you. He truly loves you and Your Highness you also deserves the happiness. I am not telling you to tell him everything but i want you to loose yourself a little bit." I hugged back Stella and said "I will Ellu."


It was a long day for me. I have write this chapter in such a hurry. Please enjoy this chapter amd upcoming story.

What about Stella amd Gabriel?

Do you like Ethan and Diksha?

Who thinks that Jason is overthinker?

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