Best moment of life

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"That girl really getting into my skin

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"That girl really getting into my skin." Gab said frustratedly and takes the glass of whiskey. I laugh on his actions and see how easily he got worked up when it comes to Stella. She have some charms to get the Gab's attention. "Don't deny the fact, that you also like to bickering with her otherwise you don't pay any attention to her." Gab looked at me and smiled and said "Ofcourse i am interested in her because first time in my life i have meet someone who is as good as me in hacking." I passed him another drink and he continued "Well are you happy now that you have got another chance to win your women." The thoughts of the conversation we had in her room comes in my mind and i said taking a sip of my drink "Yes."

"But will your family accept her? She is not Italian and moreover she is your rival." I raised my left brow and said "Well if King chooses his Queen then who will dare to defy him. That's why i need to get crowned as soon as possible. After 2 weeks only 2 months will left for my coronation." Gab bowed to me and said "live long King" in a mocking way and we laughed.

*After 2 days*

"Hurry up and start moving we have to rehearse." Oliver said and Madhvi is following him. "Oliver, i think Miss.D is in a good mood today. We can ask for a company tour." I asked them what kind of company tour they are talking about. Then Madhvi explains me that every year, Miss. D organise a company tour to give relaxation and enjoyment but she tells that Miss. D has never joined them. But this time she will join, i will take her with me. "Everytime is ready Oliver?" Miss. D asked him and he nod and she said "Good, then let's see the rehearsal." I am feeling little nervous and happy because she will see me doing ramp walk. I know i am perfect but for her i want to be more than perfect.

"Okay, ready everyone, start." Miss. D said and Thobis start taking lead then other model and then other. I am wearing the show stopper dress that's why i am in the last. Now it's my turn and when i enter in stage i forget everything and remembered one thing, that i am the best and no one can beat me. I can sense her eyes on me and she is not only looking at me she is analysing me. And i can saw her biting her lower lips and the pencil on her lips. I want to be that pencil very badly. "Okay, everything is good but Mr. Bernardi, you need to put little smile on your face, you seems like a ruthless King who is going on war." I laugh at her comment and said that "I am a ruthless King." And everyone looking at me and then i laugh. "Don't forget the message behind your dress."

"Mam we want to discuss about something." Noah said hesitatingly and Madhvi pushed him to continue talking. "Yes, say." Now Diksha's whole focus on Noah and she fold her hands under her breast because of which they came more close together and looking mouth watering to me i want to be between them. "Mam, after 3 days the Fashion Fest will be over, so we all are thinking about the group tour." Miss. D walks into her cabin and everyone is in fear that she got angry and Oliver said "See, Miss. D became angry, first we need to complete the work then we can talk about the tour." And Madhvi comments "What can we do now?" Then Miss. D comes out with some envelope in her hand and gives it to everyone. "This is your bonus for working overtime and sincerely. And this is your tickets for Las Vegas, Jason has arranged everything for you guys, after the Fest you all can go, enjoy and relax their."

"Mam doesn't the bonus will be given after we win the competition." Noah asked and She looked at him and smiled, please don't smile like it, devil can also became crazy if he saw your smile. I thought in my mind and she said "Noah bonus is not for the winning competition but for your hardwork and passion towards your work. And i am sure that we are going to win and even if we don't win it's okay. Winning and failing is the part of life." And suddenly Madhvi shouts "We will surely win, Miss. D." And looking at her determination everyone joined her and said same thing and then She smiled and walks in her cabin.

I am waiting for working hour to end and spend my time with her. We decided to have an in house date, so, we are going at my place because I can't take risk by going at her place again. When the work is completed and everyone is going at home Miss. D comes out from cabin and said "Mr. Bernardi, you need to wait, i still have some works to do." Everyone's eyes are swapping between us. Everyone left and i am still waiting for her after an hour she comes out and said "Sorry, did i make you wait for long?" I cupped her face and said "I can wait for you for my lifetime." Her facial expression is telling that she thinks that it's so cheesy and before she can say anything else i took her hand and start leaving.

We reached at my apartment and gave her a glass of water "Can you give me some comfortable clothes." She asked and i gave her my t-shirt and lower this is the smallest size i have in my wardrobe. She comes out in my clothes and i am looking at her like i am looking at an angle. How can she still manage to looks so enchanting. "What are you making?" She asked and i said "Kheer and Aalu ki Kachodi." She is looking at me but i am not able to read her. "What happen." I asked her and takes her hand in my hand "Did you learn to make this for me." She asked "Ofcourse, my Jaan." I answered. She hugged me and said "Thank you for doing so much for me." I don't know what happen but she seems little emotional and i hugged her back.

We are making dinner together and enjoying our time. It's the first time i enjoyed cooking that much. And i feel that whenever i am with her that moment became the best moment of my life. "The food is ready. Let's have dinner." I said placing the plates on the table. We started eating and i put extra Ghee on her kachori and she literary enjoying it. "Ethan you are really a good cook, it's delicious." I feel happy when she likes my food and thought that all the learning section from YouTube is effective.

When we are eating her phone buzzed and she looked at it. "It's Neha's VC" she tells me and pick up the call. "Hey bitch, guess where i am?" Neha said right after taking the call "In your fucked up life." Diksha replied. "Oh come on I am in London." Diksha screem and said "Fuck, you bitch why didn't you tell me." She asked in excitement and Neha said "It's a surprise baby. I will be there with you in a week. I am here for the  Yoga Seminar." Diksha is grinning like a kid and looking so cute "Come soon, now i can't wait to see you." After saying that they ended their call.

"She is coming?" I asked an obvious question "Yes but, don't worry i will not tell your secret and you will not tell mine." She said and I like how she understand the meaning behind my words. "Done, My Queen."


This chapter is for telling everyone that Diksha also likes Ethan but can't except him because of past. I hope you like this chapter.

Thoughts about Ethan.

Did the office members know that something is going between their boos and Luca?

Thoughts on Gabriel.

The Queen and Her KingWhere stories live. Discover now