Serving my King

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"Will you let me do what I want?" He just nodded his head slowly and I understood what he wants to say

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"Will you let me do what I want?" He just nodded his head slowly and I understood what he wants to say. Then I said, "just do as I say, take off your clothes and show yourself to me." He started processing my words in his mind. And when he felt that I am not joking and he immediately started taking off his clothes. "When i said show me yourself that means i want to see you, whole you, not even in a single piece of cloth." He took off his underwear which he was wearing. And now he is standing completely naked in front of me. I am just looking at his body and my mouth is watering after seeing his length. I am not able to take my eyes off from him. After that, I pointed towards a chair and said "go and sit on it." He did the same. After that, I poured vodka in a glass for myself and put some ice in it. I went near him while slowly and seductively rotating the glass. After drinking the vodka, I slowly went from his chest to stomach by pressing a piece of ice in my mouth.

He shivered completely with the cold touch of an ice and just as his hands are about to touch me I told him that "if your hands touched me then this thing will stop right here My Puppy. I will not tie your hands because if I tie them then what will be the fun, without tying them you have to stop your hands from touching me." After that pressing another ice piece in my mouth I slowly started moving it round and round on his chest and then started moving the ice piece on his neck. I am enjoying a lot seeing the way he is stopping himself from touching me and the way he is struggling to control his hands.

My eyes fell on his penis which is as hard as a rock and is yearning for my touch. I slowly put my finger on it and a painful sound came out of his mouth. I looked at him and said, "What happen? Are you not enjoying it? Be patient and keep watching what happens next." After that, I spit on his penis to wet it and spread all over his penis. I started moving quickly and slowly in a torturous way. When his precum came, I spread it on his penis with the help of my thumb. "Jaan, please stop torturing me. I am not able to bear it." I laughed and said, "This is nothing Puppy, I have thought a lot for you today's night." After that, I immediately took his penis in my mouth and slowly started sucking and licking it. My tongue started making circular motion on its tip and my hand started playing with his balls.

"Fuck Jaan, are you going to suck my life out from it?" He said and I started sucking his penies more faster, even though tears clouded my eyes and i am gaging due to trying to fitting it in my mouth as much as i can, but he have a huge size and i can't fit it properly so, i am handling the remaining part from my hand. I didn't stop because today I am serving My King, slowly he started pushing himself in my mouth and after some time when I felt that his is near, I stopped sucking him. "What the hell is that?" he said in frustrated tone and I said "baby you are not going to come in my mouth" and after saying that I moved back a little and told him to sit on the bed and kneel down, first he glare at me but after that he did the same as I told him. A smile came in my face when i see him doing everything i says while sulking. When he sat on his knees on the bed then, I started removing my clothes one by one, his eyes are looking my hand movements and as I am removing my clothes, his breathing is getting faster.

I also climbed on the bed and sat myself on him and slowly I started moving while holding him. His penies has become wet again because of my wetness. My movements is deadly slow while i am kissing his neck, pinching his nipples and biting his shoulder, which is giving me a lot of pleasure but he is enjoying it more than me. Then he said in a low voice, "Jaan, please can I hold you, please." I slowly nod my head. He immediately held my waist and with the other hand he held my butts and started guiding me. Till now we hadn't kissed and when he is trying to kiss me I stopped him. On the first try, I moved my face. On the second try, I put my hand between our lips. On the third try, I pushed him away. On the fourth try, he grab my hair and yank my head and bit my neck. After that he said, "Don't tease me Jaan, I want to kiss you right now." Then I said, "if you want something from me, then you have to ask for it nicely." Then after that he said, "For the sake of the fucking Himeros(god of sex), will you let me kiss you?" I accepted his request and After that he started kissing me like a hungry person. It is not like I don't want to kiss him, but when you desire something and get it instantly without any yearning, it will be no fun.

He lie me down on the bed and starts kissing every part of my body, after that he rubbed his penies near my pussy and said, "Can I?" and then I put my hand on his cheek and start caressing it and nodded, he put his whole length inside me in one stroke, due to which I dig my nails hard, on his shoulder and blood starts oozing from their. He started thrusting hard and said "all of this is the result of your teasing and when i am inside you I can't stop myself" I said in a low voice, "you don't need to stop yourself anymore and don't you dare to stop either." He laughs dangerously and said, "How can I stop when you are with me like this?" And then the only sound echoing in the room is our heavy breathing and the skin slapping .

He starts thrusting more forcefully and we both are at our peak, I said to him "Puppy, I am close" then he said "Me too, wait for me a little more." He starts rubbing my clit with his thumb due to which pressure of pleasure inside me is increasing dangerously, I told him "baby please, I can't" he said "a little more Jaan" and then he rubbed my clit more forcefully and then after that taking my name loudly, he put all his sperm inside me and laid on me. I am also coming down from the wave of my pleasure and my pussy is still fluttering, both of us are panting heavily, and then after some time he said "one more round" with a grin on his face and I said "No" He made a puppy face and again said "Pleaseee", then I said "2 more times" And he jumped on me. That's how we spend our night.


As I said this chapter is going to be little streamy, bold and sexy. I hope you enjoyed it. This is all about their romance and intimacy. I always wanted to write about the female dom who have the power of command so, must tell me how's the chapter.

Did you like their moment and the Ethen being a cute and obedient puppy?

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