A Deal

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*The Queen's Company*

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*The Queen's Company*

(Miss. D in her cabin)

The day is just started and i have already lots of things in my plate. Right now my Indian soul only wanted a kadak adrak wali chai (strong ginger tea) and to think about it, it's been a long time since i have talked to papa(Dad) i will call him soon "Miss. D, Mr. Bernardi is here." Jason knock the door and come in. Today i have choosen the new face for our company since Rohan had leaved so someone have to fill his place and Mr. Bernardi is right choice. "Hello Mam, it's really a big opportunity to work here but I can't work with you." He dare to open his mouth in front of me without my permission well i choose him because of his, this confidence but if he dare to use it in front of me i will kill him. "Mr. Bernardi, everyone calls me here Miss. D no mam no sir and don't speak until i tell you. Am i clear." I told him in stren voice. "Yes, Miss. D" He replied i like how obedient he is but something is fishy he is not as simple as he looks.

"So Mr. Bernardi, why don't you want to work with us. This is the best company for anyone who wants to develop there career as model or designer. Don't you want to become a famous model or is it because of your 6 months contract." I can sense a flinch in his eyebrow that he is surprised by my words. Is this 6 months contract period supposed to be a secret, or is there a some kind of reson behind it? "Mr. Bernardi, you don't need to worry about that, we just need you for 4 months till the upcoming fashion fest and you will be free after that but ofcourse untill then you are working with us." He is analysing my words and trying to read my mind. It's first time someone looking in my eyes directly and there is no fear in his eyes. He have a blue eyes like ocean which is clam but hiding lots of things. He has a great V shape body, broad shoulders and brown hair and the shirt he is wearing hugs him properly and folded sleeves shows his veiny arms ohh Dikku bs kr ghurna band kr ose (oh Dikku stop staring him).

"If you are okay with everything than can we sign the contract Mr. Bernardi." Jason spoke breaking the silence in the room as me and Mr. Bernardi broke our eyes contact and look at Jason who is passing the pen and paper to the him. "I can sign it but there are some conditions. First one is i am not gonna do anything which I don't like and second thing, don't fall for with me." He said those word very confidently. Did he just think that i am gonna fall for him. I started laughing on his wild imagination and the cabin started echoing by my laugh. "Mr. Bernardi you are so funny and i must say you have a smart mouth but watch it where are you using it. Your smart talks can become the reason of your end. I accept your both conditions."

After signing the paper Mr. Bernardi bring his hand forward for a handshake with me but Jason took his hand and give him a handshake on my behalf for which Mr. Bernardi gives him a glare but reciprocate his handshake. "Thank you Miss. D, it's really an honour to work with you, see you tomorrow." As he started to leave i stoped him by saying "Wait Mr. Bernardi you have added the condition to not to fall for you but you didn't mention yourself, what if you fell for me. Now you need to control yourself. See you tomorrow Luca."

*After Mr. Bernardi has leaved*

"I can't understand why did you choose him. He is so arrogant and don't know how to talk. We can choose that Jackey he was good" Jason said in frustrated tone. "That's why i didn't choose him he was good but that smart mouth is best. He knows how to express himself, he doesn't fear from expressing himself. I had listened him talking to Mr. Ronaldo (ex chief of Luca) that clothes doesn't make him perfect but his confidence and personality and i like his courage. But you are right i need to teach him not to use his smart mouth till it needed." Jason was listening me silently he was always there whenever i need to talk to someone  and whenever i feel lonely. He was like a friend, a supporter which makes me stand in every situation. I can't tell how much Jason is important for me, he is like a brother. He was there when i was struggling and fighting from my own fear i have an emperor to run and i can't let down the бывший король (former king).

"Do you need anything" Jason asked in a worried tone. "Yes ek kadak adrak wali chai or papa se baat krni h (yes one strong ginger tea and i need to talk to dad) then everything will be fine." I said with smile and then Jason and me laugh in unison. "Okay okay leke aata hu tumhare lia chai tbtk tum uncle ji se baat krlo (okay okay i will bring tea for you, till then you can talk to uncle)" he leaves after giving me a reassuring smile and than Luca came in my mind.


What do you think about the first interaction of Luca and Diksha.

Did Jason also see Diksha as sister?

Why did Luca put the condition to not to fall?

Tell me your thoughts and ideas. I have resently started using Instagram and you can find  more information  of novel from there my insta I'd is bookishdeepu see you soon, please follow and support me😇

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