Episode 2

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I emptied the glass of wine, while staring out my glass wall into the streets. It was snowing heavily.

I watched the snow fall, somehow it consoled me.

When I hear poor people say they would never be sad or unhappy once they have money, it makes me laugh.  I have money, way too much money but I have never been truly happy, I never had peace. It's always been like this , like I am cursed

" sir it's kind of cold out today , so your wardrobe assistant chose these " my secretary said as she moved the walking hanger into the room.

She bowed after she steadied it.

" the black would do" I said
She bowed then carefully brought out the outfit. She hanged it in my dressing room then moved the hanger out of my room.

The door opened again and it was breakfast, he walked in with his assistants, always dressed in multi colors like it's someone's birthday.  They all bowed

" well sir" the chef whispered
" get out" I replied. His female assistants rushed out.
" well sir you have not-
" Iren" I called out to my secretary.
" sir" she said walking in
" fire him " I said and she bowed as I walked into the shower

My dad had  a dream and he did it. Dervantes health world is the biggest health group in the world.
He has hospitals all over the world, pharmacies , free hospital, labs, production companies for drugs, supplements etc.
what ever has to do with health , dervante group is number one.

The first and biggest hospital is in New York City , r.d hospitals, it was named after me, his only child.

With r.d as an excuse. I have been able to successfully stay away from Korea , the hospital where I hardly even go to work.

I drank my wine.

I can't believe I am going back to Korea now. I am not even strong enough to do so. 

I can't believe I am going back to everything I ran away from, back to all the pains I ran away to hide

I finished all my work at the hospital on time because i wanted to spend time with my sleeping beauty before my closing time.

I happily snuck back into her room, I was being really cautious because in this hospital, instant death awaits anyone who goes up to the third floor.

Finally I got in, closed the door then I sat with my sleeping beauty. I gisted her how my day went and I gently massaged her legs while at it.

Suddenly the door handle turned and my heart fell into my stomach. Someone is coming. Jesus I am dead

I hastily hid under her bed , my both hands covering my mouth.

He walked in then closed the door, I could only see his shoes, expensive black shoes. I wonder who he is

" Anna" he breathed softly,

it seemed as if he was crying quietly . I heard gentle sniffs. You know when someone is trying so hard not to cry , but still sheds tears , and wipes them. It felt like he was doing that.

I was not seeing him, but I could sense that he was in so much pain and he was struggling so much, all alone

I wiped my tears then I brushed Anna's hair behind. Anna are you not tired of torturing me, please wake up . I wiped my tears completely then I kissed her forehead.


I looked down as I was about to leave and I saw female shoes under the bed. What the—Who dared come in here

" who is there , come out now" I snapped

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