Episode 37

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I ran my thumb on my lower lips for a while then I removed my hand gently catching my breath.

I can't  stop thinking about that  kiss. Why did I do that .

I brushed my hair behind. 

I just hope she never remembers last night, i am also going to try to erase everything.

I showered and I kept getting flashes of deep kisses and hugs. It's weird , I haven't even had my first kiss yet🤔

My whole body felt sweet.

I walked out , then I dressed up. 

I rushed out of my room , Ryan walked out , I watched him close his door.

I bowed and he walked down so I followed him. We entered his car and he drove off quietly, my eyes on the pretty rings he wore.

Soft music played in his car. He still used his phone.

" sir Ryan"  I said
He sent his pretty eyes to mine
" well, whatever I said. I didn't mean it. Please don't take it serious. I was just joking  " I said

He smiled a bit then he faced forward. I took a deep breath sitting well.


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