Episode 10

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THEY Three of us bowed together and I think he felt shy, because of the way he gently moved his hair backwards

" well uhmmm Clara -
" well we where just leaving " I replied hastily
"Hey we just came " Cindy shouted. I used my hand to cover her mouth then I laughed in embarrassment. Am finished.
I gently took her hand , as well as that of Tyler then I bowed again after which we turned to leave .

Is Diana stupid , this guy is obviously not my class is she trying to embarrass me

" well Clara-it's me. Am the one you came to meet" he said , his voice is so soft and calm, he is obviously a nice person.


" I don't know why you want to go back now but since you are here why not just give me a chance. You see.. I really want to talk to you" he said

He waited for my reply for so long it got awkward, he gently scratched his hair.

" oh well" I started coughing

Tyler and Cindy carefully pushed me into him. What the hell- I glared at them.

Tony smiled

" let's go" he said I nodded and we walked into the restaurant.

I was so shocked when I saw that cute guy I insulted , he was talking with Ethan. My eye widened and we where almost at the table.

He sat partly by the table and Ethan stood facing, tho Ethans face was bowed most of the time.

Ethan showed him some stuffs in a file and explained whatever to him , being very careful not to touch him. while he nodded while asking questions.

he wore white all through. Then a face cap. is he a criminal in hiding or something. Always hiding his face.

Now that I notice it, this guy is really good looking, is it even normal to look this good. I have never seen anyone half as handsome as he is. Then the way he dresses, sexy.

if only his character was not so annoying. Hmmph.

But what do I do now... if he sees me I am dead

" that's where I am sitted" tony said , when he noticed I was looking at that table
" huh!!" Was what escaped my mouth
" is anything wrong " he said
" hey Clara" Ethan shouted
That annoying guy turned at the same time so I hastily turned to back them. I heard him chuckle softly

" is she shy" he said to tony, tony chuckled

Meanwhile I gave Tyler signals to come and save me so he came to me

" don't mind Clara. She is a shy type. She can't possibly sit with 3 guys" he said

" so I would make sure the money is sent tonight. I would be glad if you can get everything done by tomorrow" that annoying guy said to Ethan as he stood up

" sure thing sir" Ethan replied

He touched Tony's shoulders then he walked out Of the restaurant..Guards followed him.

I turned to tony and he smiled at me

" may we" he said and I nodded

We both sat down, Ethan left too.

" you look beautiful " he said
I blushed uncontrollably
" thanks" I replied

My tummy growled and he laughed softly, covering his face with his hands, I laughed too

ever since Anna, Clara is the only girl who got my attention. I thought it was only her picture but even now, just looking at her is making my day.

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